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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. that ice Scares the heck out of me. not sure why but i think thats my biggest fear , falling thru the ice.
  2. Thats sure does look like a great days fishing , thanks
  3. well i had it and the kids ate it the wife loved it, ill use it again for sure! i'd love to try it on onion rings and pork chops too... made 3fillets and the rest i chopped up into nuggets
  4. ha ha ha my thoughts exactly!
  5. well i have 4 fillets , i may try them all! anyone ever try crushing their favorite bag of chips say BBQ ruffles or sour crean and onion chips? i might try the fruitloops , kids will think iam nuts , but then again the 5 yr old just might eat the fish!
  6. i picked up the roasted garlic and butter flavor
  7. I bought some fish crisp for the 2 pickeral's i caught yesturday, I was wondering if any of you guys like it or hate it? and what flavor?
  8. I was out today and thats it , she's really un-safe out there i had the 12yr old with me on the ski-doo and i turned around and went home tooooo slushy, that was this afternoon and now its raining hard at 830pm id say by tommorow it'll have open water again not good not good i had planned another wks fishing before heading back down south
  9. no stores open in sudbury my parents say its the by-law....my wife is not happy!
  10. exit 401 and townline in cambridge head south on townline and turn left at lights onto lake rd, go down there and on the left is a camper trailer park with a marina/resturant at the lake , you can access lake at that point and seek more in depth fishing advice hope this helps..... let us know how you make out, i'd like to hit that spot when i return to southern ontario.
  11. ya i like that! thats a hand me down later in life.
  12. same to ya mike, ya i was down by the tracks (cpr bay) i have the ski-doo so bald rock sounds like a good shot havent being there for years..
  13. thanks gents . ya that dang dog keeps thinking the stick is twiching for his pleasure,lost a couple fish cause of that boy, he even ran off with the bag'o'minnows spilling it all over the ice! iam heading out again after gifts and brunch,,,cheers
  14. forgot to add this is ramsey lake middle of town(sudbury)
  15. well i plan on making my FIRST big post after this 2 wks vacation, I plan on fishing as mush as i can and i didnt waste any time today! DEPART guelph at 4am(pic attached) arrive sudbury at 935am , stopped at parents went to unload the truck and the dang kerosene heater spilled all over the back of the truck the dog and the gifts AHHHHHHHHHH , ill stop there. oh and the wife is still re-wraping gifts! after the car wash (do it yourself) and cleaning the stuff up, i went straight to the lake to rid my pain.....i was stupid happy to find 6in of ice at this spot and 35ft deep,drilled 2 holes and had a small perch by noon! got the skunk off me, great..started to rain after couple hours so i packed up and headed to my parents home to start the drinking...oh wait thats after we shovel the drivway! ill post a final in early january. cheers all, be well and dont do anything i wouldnt do!
  16. easy fising for pike , its the old jail up behind that pond, i was told not to eat anything from there. should be good for the kids, its weedy and fairly shallow if casting from shore, ive never went out in winter but maybe not that you mention it! lol
  17. i wish i could get the times right,,,gawd iam dumb tommorow at 8pm right?
  18. no doubt! he said that word smoker and i cant stop drooling! iam thinking moms x-mas cheese ball,crackers and that nice smoked trout! wow
  19. ahh you can do it, i did it cold turkey however i had to quit tim hortons at the same time at least for a mth or 2 , the first wk was hell,2nd was worse,3rd was better , i had major headaches went to the dr and she said was prob from coffee withdrawls more than the nicotine......ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD if you want to quit than you will quit...oh lots of hot showers worked for me maybe 3-4 a day! lol good luck
  20. 35 each? nothing wrong with that, i may even take that offer!
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