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Everything posted by Peps

  1. Looks like you walked into a watermelon factory!!! Very nice fish bud!!! Private lake or well off the beaten path?
  2. Watching that game last night, I couldn't help but think of the damage Mario and Wayne would do in today's game!! A whole lot of clutching and grabbing going on there
  3. I agree Lew, the best way to transport your rods. Great protection and no tangled mess!!
  4. Congrats on a beauty of a fish!! A true giant!
  5. [/img] not sure if the picture will work but that is over 11Lbs of Simcoe bronze that fell victim to "LIVE TARGET" Crayfish crankbait. Live Target lures have been my go to lures by far for the past 2 seasons..... Peps
  6. Turn the hooks on the frog up a bit away from the body, I did that to my frogs all. Rands and it seemed to improve my hook ups
  7. Up at Lew O'clock getting ready to leave for our first clubbie on Scugog!!

  8. couple years ago I was at Gloucester Pool, was waiting my turn to launch went to see what the hold up was and my amazement the GMC Safari launching an 18' Legend was up to the roof racks in the water, owner had a rope tied to the bumper and was pulling real hard while his buddy was on the dock scratching his head.
  9. Ok it's a Kenmore C84052 I will take the panel off tomorrow and have a look. Thanks again guys Peps
  10. checked the venting this morning, all clear. It was blowing pretty good. Mercman i will post the model# when I get home later tonight, I do know its a Kenmore. Thanks guys...... Sandro
  11. Thanks fellas will check it in the morning
  12. Mercman, Our dryer is putting out some serious heat. It normally doesn't get very hot in our laundry room when it runs but the last couple of times it has been very warm in there. So could it be over heating? I have checked the vent hose and it is still attached......... Peps
  13. I agree with Cliff, this is the earliest I've seen geese paired up. Saw my first pair almost 2 weeks ago. Peps
  14. welcome nlpaintballer, I use to play ball as well back in the day. Peps
  15. Fantastic report and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Peps
  16. Alex, I am really sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your mother. Your dad will live on forever through you. Peps (Sandro)
  17. AHHH Port Credit!!! the best ice in the province bar none. Till this day my favorite arena, still remember those 5:30 am practices growing up, lie it was yesterday. That is on awesome commercial Peps
  18. Antonio's Grill is the name of the place in South River, they have good breakfast as well. Wayne is absolutely right if we don't get off the highway South River and Sunridge are the next "Ghost Towns" of the north Peps
  19. Happy Birthday Lew!!! Have a great day!! Peps
  20. Awesome Jacques !!! looks like a great time Peps
  21. Good morning all, just want to wish all who participate in the up coming deer gun season good luck shoot straight and most of all be safe!!! I will be heading out Saturday morning to our camp in South River for the week!!! Peps
  22. your telling me!!! they won best for terminal tackle at icast this year with that simple design
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