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Everything posted by Peps

  1. I'm down for a couple atleast
  2. great report and beauty spec!!! i'm no wolf expert, but that doesn't look like a wolf to me......the snout looks to short and the ears are to rounded. looks more like a sled dog to me (husky) Peps
  3. what do you all do to prepare your boats for the upcoming season? Peps
  4. Mckellar, Ont spent my summers there as a kid, not much of a town general store and gas station...great fishing on Manitouwabing lake and some others surrounding the area. Peps
  5. Thanks guys, i've looked through kajiji and there is nothing there. Thanks Lew i will look at Radio World and i was leaning towards Lowrance units. Thanks for all the reply's keep them coming please.... Peps
  6. Hi All, need some input and recommendations. wanna buy a new gps/sonar combo, but i don't want to break the bank. can any of you reccommend a decent unit? thanks, peps
  7. I gave up river fishing some time ago, after a not so pleasant encounter with a couple of treble hooking snaggers . It's to bad cause I really enjoyed it, and after that day I promised myself I would not go river fishing again. So back to where I'm going might hit Sparrow Lake. Peps
  8. What a monster gorgeuos fish congrats to you.. Terry thats classic Peps
  9. I guess sucog is out....thanks Cliff. Flex if there is room i will let you know. supposed to be 3 of us and that pretty much max out my boat, sorry dude maybe next time peps
  10. thanks guys, i was thinking Cooks Bay, but i also had Scugog on my mind but I don't know where to launch in Scugog....any thoughts? Peps
  11. Hello all, i need some suggestions from who ever is willing, no hot spots. i have half day saturday to fish. live in aurora, and was wanting to go somewhere not to far, to put the boat in the water and fish till dark???? any help would be much appreciated thanks, Peps
  12. awesome Justin as always thanks so much for the report and all the info you provide is bar none. peps
  13. the fishing there is pretty good, i've been once from a canoe and only for 2 hours and i can tell you this there are some monster large mouth in there caught 4 over 4 pounds and 1pike around the 30" mark. but please lets keep this a catch and release lake as there is alot of WHITE BUCKETS there give it a shot and let us know..... peps
  14. holy cow that is one awesome weekend and of course some beauty ski's peps
  15. WOW!!!!!!!!!! congrats on a fish of a lifetime Peps
  16. HOLY COW!!!! that's a pig, great catch peps
  17. all the best for Diane and her speedt recovery enjoy the rest of your summer. peps
  18. happy b-lated Roy may the year ahead be filled love, health, happiness and big fish. peps
  19. played competitavely for 16 years played pro for 4 out of the 16 played all the big tournaments in the U.S., N.P.P.L., P.S.P. won the world cup back in 2001. Man those were some of the best days of my life lots of travelling all over the world and all payed for, retired 4 years ago. Peps
  20. Hey Cliff it would work....... this past sunday i was on Sparrow and there was a pontoon ice cream boat out there and it seemed to be pretty busy. peps
  21. thanks for the replies guys, your right misfish the buckets in the pads are a ton of fun wish i could get them bigger in size though peps
  22. Quick report Sparrow Lake Sunday flippin pads in a bay on the south east side of the lake. we were hammering largies nothing big but fun for my nephew (by the way he out fished us all). we continued for a while till my nephew hooked into a large bowfin (the largest i've seen) and after bringing that in we took a break for lunch and to get out of the sun for a bit. After lunch we headed to Deep Bay wich is supposed to hold smallies (i'm sure it does but i just can't seem to find them on this lake never caught a smallie on Sparrow) so no smallies to be found but we continue catching little largies, and my nephew lost a pike at the boat. all in all a great day, and best of all my nephew had a blast (this was his first time in a boat and not fishing a stocked trout pond) and can't wait till next time here are a couple of pics my bro and nephew again my nephew again hope you enjoyed Peps
  23. thanks douG, i'll give it a shot
  24. hy guys/gals i need help posting pics please peps
  25. congrats Tony, welcome back!!!!!!
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