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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. There was a really nice sunset last night and took a few pics of it.Actually 70,lol.Thought I would share a few.
  2. some nice fish,congrats
  3. nice shots,the last one is neat
  4. fatherof3

    Oct 25 pic

    love the colors,thanks for sharing
  5. very cool shots
  6. These two I took today and had questions about. It was windy out and the trees were swaying.You can see in the left corner the 2 trees just don't right.I used the ghost image tool but still didn't turn out right.Can this be corrected with more tweaking or was the movement just too much? In this one you can see the problem on the left side.What happened and how can I fix that?Still learning as I go so any tips/feedback are welcome.Here are a few more I took today.
  7. thats a good one and so true
  8. nice fish,congrats
  9. nice one,congrats
  10. nice carp,always a good fight
  11. wow,glad everyone is ok
  12. Thanks Dan,I liked the first one the best.Will keep at it
  13. great shots,too bad he got off
  14. those are some big fish
  15. wtg,that is one nice fish
  16. great report,congrats on a good trip
  17. Went and took a few more to practice on and here is what I came up with. Does the type of light affect the end result such as a sunny day as opposed to a cloudy day?Is one type of day better than the other.I am just learning so I value the feedback.If I get the hang of this I just might consider getting a better camera than my cheap Kodak 6MP.
  18. welcome aboard
  19. nice one,congrats
  20. fatherof3

    Sun rays

    great shot
  21. thanks Deano,that link will be helpful for next time
  22. congrats on the fish
  23. Tried a few more HDR pics tonight.Will keep trying
  24. On the way to get Ethan from school I took a few pics since it finally stopped raining.
  25. I was sitting in front of the computer and thought I would try it.I used Photomatix with pics taken from my cheap 6MP camera.I combined 3 shots and fiddled around with it.Don't know if I did it right but here is what I came up with. Before After I am not sure how to get rid of the water marks as it is a trial version.Anyway,am pretty interested in this and will try more.
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