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Everything posted by theRJ

  1. The best part is that they aren't even trying to eliminate them permanently. It is just an extreme measure to ensure no carp can get through while the electro-barrier is shut down for maintenance. So they are going to do it again next time maintenance is needed. RJ
  2. I wrapped my grips in Racquet grip tape. Provides a really comfortable surface and keeps my hands warmer than my plain cork grips.
  3. Swimming test is useless. I can swim 1k across and 1k back across a lake without any problems (With a PFD towed behind me for the record). But if I have been knocked out for some reason that ability is meaningless. If you trip on a tackle box/rod/whatever and crack your head on the way out of your boat you're outta luck no matter how skilled you are in the water. RJ
  4. Ultralite crappie tubes in natural colours have worked for me on the credit. Also topwater baits for the bigger ones.
  5. I definitely wasn't questioning the advice. That was just my understanding at the time. Cheers RJ
  6. Thanks for the replies. I was thinking that a shorter rod was better. My current 7' is an ML with no backbone so it doesn't handle these application too well. Cheers RJ
  7. I want to get a proper rod and reel setup for dropshotting/jigging and other finesse presentations. I can handle choosing a reel but I have absolutely no idea what i shoulds be looking for in the way of a rod. I have a budget of less than $150 for the rod and it has to be a 2 piece. What length, action etc. should I be looking for? Thanks RJ
  8. Triple Post????
  9. I use 50lb PP with a 4-6ft 15lb fluoro leader on a 7ft MH Fast rod for Bass. Learn how much hookset is actually needed for the combo you use and no-strecth = no-problem. I use a quick sweep to set and I will miss only 1 of 10 at worst. RJ
  10. Double Post...
  11. Catch the Lakeshore west Go-train at Exhibition Station Get off at Port Credit Go Station. Catch the NorthBound Hurontario Bus from the Go Station entrance and get off at the right stop. Train should be under 20minutes. Cheers RJ
  12. Right hand cast go with a left hand reel. Not having to switch hands is great. I would second the Energy PT, great reel. As for the calcutta I hate round reels but that is a personal thing. RJ
  13. HST as a Stimulus Plan = Terrible Idea No need to check my math...I'm an engineering student LOL. RJ
  14. 65,000ft huh. Ever heard of an AA missile. They shot down a U2 spyplane that was moving at 500 knots (or whatever) in 1960. How hard would it be to take down a blimp that doesn't move with todays technology? BAM 400mill up the chute. Military thinking at its finest. 400 mill could be used in much better ways to stimulate the economy. RJ
  15. Observation is always important. I pay attention in class and carefully watch the Prof teach our lessons. Shockingly I understand things! And I often find myself sitting in class listening to people ask annoying questions that they wouldn't have needed to ask if they had been paying attention. I'll have to remember something like this when I start TA'ing next year MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Don't worry though, the worst case is they suck my Asphalt. RJ
  16. Unfortunately our society rewards those who kissed the most behind. I think it is terrible that the people who have the creativity, knowledge and leadership ability to make businesses prosper can never get ahead because the ass kissers go out of their way to tear them down so they can get the big promotions. In these times creative thought is the easiest way to get fired since big business is apparently allergic to change. Those who have the ideas to save these companies are stuck working under those who are too busy ensuring their next exorbitant bonus to notice. The other problem is unions and worker groups. I am all for fair representation but when the economy is in the crapper, asking for more money from companies who can't pay you already is insane. It is like they don't even know what is going to happen. If the businesses that employ their members are bankrupted and can no longer pay, their employees they are screwed. Maybe instead of pay raises they should be considering negotiating pay cuts. A pay cut might go a long way to ensure their members still have jobs when this recession is over. I apologize if I offended anyone but this is my opinion. I myself would rather take a 25% pay cut then la 100% pay cut. RJ
  17. Your windchill value was less then -33 Celcius. Can you say yikes. RJ
  18. We gotta spread the love man. RJ PS Don't worry its still -10 up here for us.
  19. Check the label because some of the solvents used in those glues will dissolve lines. RJ
  20. Sorry to break it to ya but the grunting isn't going away. The grunt tenses the core muscles increasing power. LOL you can try that when your going for a long cast! RJ
  21. All cars will have horror stories. My Dad's Acura Civic was supposed to have been inspected yet during this inspection they "didn't notice" the frame repainting because the frame had been rebent after an accident. My Dad's local guy noticed it when changing the winter tires out. Went back to Acura and they gave him lip service for the inconvenience. Lovely considering there are 3 Acuras from that dealership in our driveway. Hows that for loyalty. Finally as to the bailouts. Quit whining. It is a necessary evil because if the NA auto industry bites it, this economic climate will seem like a cakewalk. If you count the number of jobs that auto industry and supporting industry members hold then consider the dollars they spend on everything just watch how fast that lack of spending power begins to effect everything else. Rant Over RJ
  22. Great Video. Should make everyone who fishes without a jacket think about how quick the ish can hit the fan. I hate wearing a life jacket while fishing so my first purchase after getting a boat will be a CO2 inflatable jacket. I won't wear a normal jacket otherwise and IMHO my life is worth the extra dough to make sure I'm safe. RJ
  23. Chuck Norris????
  24. I have Oakley's (2 regular and 1 polarized pair) and can't say enough good things about them. They definitely work well for me and the optics are phenomenal. They are so good that any slight speck of dirt on the lens will be annoying so beware of that. RJ
  25. I use it as a communication tool since thats the only way I can get in touch with some of my friends. (Yes it is sad) Reading this doesn't surprise me and its the reason keep it professional when I m on it. The worst that you can find of me is a picture of me consuming a be ver age.
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