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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. Nice fish...enjoyed your report.
  2. Yes I realized that..but I was referring to a different post...anyhow, it's old stuff now. Ol' Yeller need not headbutt any concrete blocks...I don't want ya.
  3. Nice day out for sure...and a yummy dinner.
  4. Not I...but have kissed guys that are as boring as fish..open and close, open and close...
  5. I must come back to this thread another time...seems to me that there's a person waving franctically on a bridge...anytime I encounter an individual with as much passion about a subject as Lundboy...I tend to give it a bit more of my time and consideration...that in no way means that I will comprehend it all, but for me it's worth a bit of my time. I just don't want to get a headache from it all especially when past experiences have taught me that some waters will never be fully explored and discernment does not come easily. Is not a one world government Biblical? If so....there is not a thing we can do to change it.
  6. hhhmmmmm...cuz I'm living....and I bring my nice soft shaved pits here. and I get edumecated ... like I now know what to do with used bullets...need your address GDC
  7. Poker by candlelight with my Mommy and Step-Daddy
  8. Great day out for you...nice fish. And don't rush little C...he will have his hand out soon enough. lol
  9. you cheeky devil
  10. Sorry to hear this...59 is far too young. My condolences. The rebel son...is great...both have great smiles Thinking of you and your family. Nancy
  11. What a pretty bird. Was in Florida years ago...went inside an area I believe it was at Bucsh Gardens...anyway it was an area just for birds. There was a beautiful big blue bird. And I was drawn to it. So of course I am the typical "tourist" and started to say..."hello", "hello" Well to my great surpise he answered ME!!! and said hello back...I had to gather my two boys and tried again, and the pretty blue one did not disappoint me.... Memories are great lol Great job you are doing
  12. Shaved armpits would be nice...really...and try tampons Super you wussss....
  13. D'uh...so you have never mearsured the guy...is that what you are saying Mr. Irish. lol
  14. I guess I am in one of my moods....but....every now and then I read a comment about Roy's height. Can someone tell me just how tall is he already???? I guess it's a guy thing...you have to raz each other relentlessly. I am also asking because I want to know if I should wear heels when I am with him.... God I love wine.
  15. I agree...it was a darn good thing that you were not knocked out cold...and because you were not is mainly the reason I find humour in it...I bet you are still tender...hopefully not black and blue. 30KM west of Perth...got it. thanks
  16. Great news, happy for all of you.
  17. Welcome and congrats on the little one
  18. Enjoyed your report....but this part had me in stitches...I've had this problem for years, where I just find humour in stuff that happens to people . ..anyway wanted to thank you also for pointing out the exact location of Silver Lake Provincial Park.
  19. I'll go first.... MMMMMMMMMMM......Hugs for the Mods Thanks guys...especially Roy for playing "ping pong" with my special threads from the past...and my requests to have them deleted. You all do a fantastic job.
  20. I personally got many chuckles reading responses...but this one...had me roaring!! Danbouck...thanks...but what were you thinking asking that!!! hahaha And Carol...we haven't met yet...but I do look forward to it one day..hopefully soon. Sometimes, one just does not realize what an impact they have on another...and what better time to tell you that I honestly respect and appreciate all your posts. I am learning so much...maybe it does have something to do with us being of the same sex...but I look forward to a post from you...daily!! Thank you so much for sharing all that you have and I so hope that you will continue to do so. Nancy
  21. Happy Belated Birthday Beans!
  22. Congratulations Cliff on your PB...I enjoyed reading about your day...the surprise meeting up with Bly Bly, you are giving me confidence as I will be out there by myself in the coming months. Thanks for sharing. But right now I feel so agitated and aaagggrrresssive... Maybe I too need to get laid...HAHAHAHA...SORRY that was not nice...I do apologize Uncle.
  23. hehehe...future little fisherman.
  24. Torpedo Divers - quick like a man, satisfied in minutes Torpedo Divers - made for women, used by men Do It Right - Torpedo Divers hahaha...I win, I win...hahaha
  25. You heard from a few here who have had this done or have known of others who have had it done...hang onto that. But a prayer or the crossing of fingers, toes whatever...doesn't hurt. Wishing your brother the very best and for you to have less stress.
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