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Badger Shark

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Everything posted by Badger Shark

  1. Hey Steve if the truck isnt fixed in time let me know, maybe we can work something out and you can use my truck. I aint kiddin either. I go for surgery next Friday so wont be driving for about a week. My Ram is more than enough to tow your boat and aint to bad on gas. Send me a PM if you want. Don
  2. Had a lot of trouble for two days. Seems fine now.
  3. Thanks for the reply Jaques. Man these reports get buried fast on here.
  4. Eric and I got out for a couple of hours on Sat. Usually when we head out its for the entire day but we only had a few hours this time. Got out to our usual starting point on the Bay and decided to use minnows first off. I went with large minnow set down about 5 feet with a bobber, nice and lazy fishing. Eric set up a lindy rig with a large minnow. Well Erics Lindy seemed to work right off the bat with what turned out to be the largest pike of the day at a respectable 30". We caught 7 pike in total and a large oos smallie. And the capper of the day was a real nice eye caught while trolling in 5 ft of water. It measured just over 20". Not to bad for a couple of hours. One thing that is starting to get on my nerves is the wind! :evil: Man it seems like everday is windy. I really hope it isnt like this all summer. I HATE WHEN IT IS WINDY! :twisted: Anyway not a spectacular report but better than nothing.
  5. Now that is really what its all about Cliff, really hope someday I have a kid to go out and spend the day fishing with me and really want to be there. Great read as usual.
  6. Nice report, I think part of the attraction for me catching walleye is they can be really hard to find or get to bite. And once I got into fishing Quinte and caught my first huge eye that was it I was hooked.
  7. It is a tough lake to fish and takes a while to learn it but is just such a beautiful place and made better by the lack of boat traffic and cottages. It is all Crown Land. And yes you have to be careful and learn where the obsticles are on this lake. The water levels drop very drastically due to Hydro. In fact a difference of 16 ft between spring and fall, and then back up to full again in a few weeks. CRAZY We also keep going back due to the hospitality we recieve every time by the owner of Tumblhome lodge, Ward, he is a great guy and very accomadating. I definitely recommend the stay there. But dont go expecting to catch loads of eyes each outing, like I said it is a tough lake to fish and takes several years of going to learn.
  8. Now that is scary! Great pics! Wish I could find my old fishing pics.
  9. Ya I dont fish in the winter so not much to post but been without the computer for a while and had problems logging back on here so hadnt been back for a while either but I finally got it to work again. Hopefully I will have more posts every week until winter.
  10. Been a while since I have had a report or a computer( broke the other one) so here is my first report of the year. Friday finally arrived, we loaded up and headed out. Had to pick up my sister-in-law and her boyfriend first then groceries and finally to Tumblhome and the start of the long weekend. We arrived at Tumblhome just after 1pm, Bill and his wife had arrived about 15 min. before us. We got everything unloaded and I headed down to do some work on the boat. I switched out the transducer and mounted the one Andy loaned me. Got Ward to launch me and the damn thing still isnt working properly. Well its a good thing I know the lake well. Bill and I headed out for a couple of hours, we headed up to Fawn Lake first. Started trolling and got a few pike, I didnt take pics except one because of the bulge in its belly, you could see the fish it had in there. It was getting near time to head in so I said I wanted to try a spot that worked well for Eric and I last year. I switched up baits to black and silver origional rap, blue and white never works well near dusk. First pass through and my rod goes " fish on!" I am thinking to myself this feels like a good eye but dont say anything because I dont want to jinx it. It gets close to the boat and Bill says its a big eye, in the net it goes and it is one of the nicest eyes I have caught in this lake. After a couple of pics I decided to put it in the livewell (didnt measure until back at the dock and wanted a few more pics 23.6" just in the slot.) headed bact to where we started the pass and in the exact same spot the rod goes again! And it is the exact same feeling, Bill gets the net and has a few choice words, and in comes the first ones twin, though a tad heavier. We tried a couple more passes then headed in. I was thinking this was either a good sign or that would be it for the weekend. Looks like the later. Unfortunately the weather turned crappy with an approaching cold front. The next day we awake to thunder and rain, lots of rain. We end up waiting till around noon to head out. John was to arrive with his girlfriend around 2pm. I had Andys vhf in the cabin so they could call us when he arrived. John called right on time and I headed back into get them and we headed back out. We started fishing and caught a bunch of pike the biggest being the one John got. The cold front got closer and brought more rain and wind. We did alot of running around the lake and checking areas, though it was tough with the sonar being erratic. We didnt spend the whole time fishing, in fact maybe half the time. Before we headed in for the night we decided to check out the area around Colonel Island and the sonar was working for a bit and we found fish leading from shallow water around 11 ft to hanging in deep water 40-30ft. Unfortunately we couldnt get any to bite except a pike off the boards that Johns girlfriend got. Headed in for the night. Here are a couple more pics of the eyes, unfortunately the setting was off on one but I think Johns girlfriend has the same shot on their camera. Releasing the fish. Went up and started dinner, huge steaks. While making dinner I was out at the barbecue, I hear heavy footsteps and grunting, I look out and see two big black shapes out in the back yard. I am thinking bears so I run inside and get the camera and tell everyone. I take the pic and I am stunned, they werent bears, turns out they were Yaks! They stayed there the entire night and were not afraid of people at all. In the morning there were some nice landmines all over. Next morning John and I head out for a while, crappy cold day, the cold front really made things difficult. It definitely affected the fishing. Only some small pike, perch and a few oos bass were had while we were out. Around 1pm another friend of mine came up with his family, they called us on the vhf and I went in to pick him up. It was cold so I changed into warmer clothes. Out we went and stayed out for along time didnt get alot and just toured around. Went in and ate decided to break out the alcohol while playing cards, fun night. Next morning got up at 10am ate breakfast, Bill was already gone out so I checked to see if John was there but he and his girlfriend had left to go home. So I took out the wife and sister-in-law and her boyfriend. Of course our last day of the weekend it was beautiful out. sunny and warm. I did some fishing and did catch one nice pike but unfortunately the net man didnt know how to net and while I had the pike at the side of the boat waiting he dipped and hit it and it went away. Oh well saves me the trouble of taking it off. But I would have liked a pic because it was the nicest pike of the weekend, around the same size as the one I got last year which was 7 lbs. Despite the lack of fishing and catches of eyes and the usual crappy weather it was a great time and nice to just be away. Our cabins were really nice and situated high on a hill overlooking the lake. I hope everyone else enjoyed it and I am lookikng forward to getting back there soon. Here are a few more pics of the weekend. Back of our cabin Type of structure all over Crotch you want to watch for when shallow Gull creek Lots of areas like this Cant wait till the next weekend away . Oh ya and forgot about the OPP chasing Bill into the harbour!
  11. Finally Its about damn time I think I have weeds Snagged! Probably a perch, we use that for everything because we have caught perch on lures twice the size of them while trolling.
  12. Nice job Jaques, wish I could stand the cold but I am a wuss. I do want to get out and fish but not unless it is in a warm comfy shack where I can catch a variety of fish BUT NOT PAN FISH! Steve have you put your shack out? I do have the gps contour depth charts for Constance bay along with several waypoints. One of them is a go to spot not far from the creek the enters the bay. Good job again guys.
  13. Good to see you guys back out there, at least now there will be constasnt reports until Spring to keep me busy. I hate winter! I am not surprised you got yourself a largie, afterall you caught a tonne during the year. Keep it up and looking forward to the next 3amigos report.
  14. Ya well it did make ya laugh though and that was the point.
  15. Enter your name when asked. http://www.adoniscabaret.co.uk/saucy-santa...istmas-card.htm
  16. Now that was funny and very creative, thanks for the read!
  17. Simply called " THINNING THE HERD ".
  18. Hopefully not over yet, if we get a bit of a warm spell we will keep going. Possibility of an outing this week.
  19. Actually my buddy Eric has gloves with a small scraper built in. I used a planer board, it worked great!
  20. We decided to head to Quinte one more time even though it was -11 when we launched and -19 wind chill! . Well we covered a tonne of water and came up empty everywhere and we were not alone, only one eye was seen caught and most of the other guys out there were not catching or even seeing much on their screens. Not sure where they were holding but it wasnt in the usual areas we have found them the past few years. Oh well we had a good season and maybe with some luck there will be a couple more trips. here are a couple of shots of the ice buildup on my windshield. Can be done with the right gear.
  21. Now we are definitely heading down Wednesday and again on Sat. I really hope they are biting half as much as they were this past Sat.
  22. We saw you guys out there on Sat. up near the lighthouse in Adolphus. We had our best day on Quinte this year with 16 of 19 boated. Did notice several resident eyes caught and it looks like you got a few of those too. Nice catches guys, I am heading down on Wednesday and again Sat. Looks like we will have to break ice!
  23. Going to give it a shot once or twice this week, looks like we will be breaking ice! I hate winter !
  24. Sat. was definitely the best day this year. And the arch setting is a much better way to use your electronics.
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