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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. A camera flash does not work as well as a good LED light.
  2. The guy caught a nice fish. The way it has been reported is an embarrassment. The CBC National News put it on their broadcast about 2 weeks ago. I watched the whole show because Peter Mansbridge keep baiting me with this big fish story. Last few minutes before the weather and this was the story. I just shook me head and went to bed.
  3. The Cold War didn't really start to heat-up until the 60's. Sorry for the pun.
  4. Not much of an argument ender when it is incorrect. You, or your parents, may not have had a colour TV then, but the cup was filmed in colour. Some regular season games were however still filmed in B & W in the early 1970's. Please, if you are going to engage in lame trash talk at least stick to the truth. Carry on.
  5. I don't know if they attract fish or not but I do feel they help mask my sent on lures. I'm more apt to use them on jigs and less on "reaction" baits. Definitely on lures through the ice though.
  6. Has the concept of honeymoon been explained to you?
  7. Next year at the sportsman show... Chicken baits.
  8. Thanks for that, Kevin. I completely forgot about this meeting. I would hope that this info will be posted on the net at some point (maybe it already is?). It has, and will, take a lot of work by a lot of people and many organizations, but the lake is heading in the right direction.
  9. A urinating contest about vehicles. Oh so original. Yawn. Thanks for the tip Irish. I'm sure that will help someone out someday.
  10. For all of our talk of overpaid athletes, it is fact that there are thousands of people ready to take a pro's job away. Every game, every practice and every off-season. If you are really lucky your career is 15 maybe 20 years long and then your cast aside. Most of us do not have to preformed with that type of pressure and scrutiny at our jobs. For the most part the elite pros are paid very well, but is not all lolli-pops and hugs.
  11. When I read the title and then saw the photo of the bass, I thought "Oh oh" this is not going to end well. Beautiful fish Ryan. When is the last time Dave caught a brown so nice?
  12. I may sound a bit like a colour under water camera salesmen here (which I am not) but I think you could still make an argument for the colour camera to see the contrast between colours as you go down.
  13. Keep in mind that if you are trying to match the hatch that any bait fish would also experience this "loss of colour" as well. If you are trying to go for something that "stands out" then the contrast in colour of your lure would be important. Black/ silver (also natural) plugs and purple/ silver spoons.
  14. It could be any or all of the above, and I'll add 2 more possibilities. 1. You might not have enough tension on the line when you first start to reel after your cast. That will cause a loop to form (one that you may not notice until you make your next cast, as you mentioned) Disclaimer: I have not noticed this personally, but I have read it in a few well respected fishing magazines. 2. Some mono and flouro (and not necessarily the cheap ones) lines "get better with age" for lack of a better term. After a period of use the line lays down better on the reel spool and doesn't act as "springy". Good luck.
  15. Check his pockets. Files and nail clippers are classic ball doctorin' tools. Good job Dave!
  16. Your own buddy's report on the other site puts quite a few holes in your claims. Question: Are you claiming that the fish that Tony is pictured with at the beginning of this post is a fish that was dead for 24-48 hours before it was photographed?
  17. Thanks Cliff. Have you had a chance to talk to Bly about her 53 inch Musky yet?
  18. Two photos and dead batteries???? Shameful. You maybe need me come take photo of you with Doré? Nice "mug" shot though. Thanks.
  19. Nice to see some Cats from the Red River. Thanks.
  20. I know what you mean, but at the time they were just boats. My family knew Billy fairly well. Small, small world eh Bernie? Most of the people in those photos only live on in my memories too. Great memories though. Thanks for the heads-up about the location.
  21. Limited help for fall pike here, but I'll start. In most central Ontario lakes the big pike will head for cooler water has summer gets warmer, and then move back shallow as things cool off in fall. I've found fall pike in spots similar to June, weeds (not the thick slop) and shoals near deeper water. I haven't trolled for them either. Like I said, limited help. I think you're fine for lures. Other factors: Does the lake have enough deep water? How did the summer weather impact the water temps? Does the lake have many big pike? It's always a numbers game. Good luck.
  22. I have started to go through some of my family's albums. Here are a few that I thought some of us here might like. My Dad's family was from Woodstock Ontario, but they rented a cottage on Nipissing most summers during the 50's and 60's, until they bought a place a few bays over, now my uncle's home. Both my uncle and my dad met and married girls from North Bay. My Grandfather, Hinchberger's Bay, Lake Nipissing Summer 1960. Looks like he's got two monsters. My Grandmother, Grandfather and my dad. Hinchberger's Bay, Lake Nipissing Summer 1960 My Uncle and my Dad. Hinchberger's Bay, Lake Nipissing Summer 1960 My Dad. Hinchberger's Bay, Lake Nipissing Summer 1960 The lure looks like what I would call a pikie. Hinchberger's Bay, Lake Nipissing Summer 1960 These my have been taken on the Magnetawan River early 60's. Anybody know about a Meadow Inn??? My Dad's 2 older brothers A friend of my uncles' My Uncle Bill. My Dad.
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