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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Ice limits the air/water interaction which "cuts off" oxygen to the lake. Feb/Mar and then May/June can makeup for a "bad" winter.
  2. No. Even they can't make sense of what you write.;-)
  3. Do you think they talking phishing on hacker forums?:0
  4. Ya, I feel the same way standing on the glass floor at the CN tower. Although in this case 10 feet or 100 feet makes very little difference.
  5. That is a real beauty. Six or eight inch hole?
  6. Thanks guys, and keep it coming. I added a question as well. Limeyangler mentioned the pound test he was using which is key. Thanks.
  7. Dedicated. That dad in the background is thinking "Who are those goofballs?"
  8. I know it hasn't been a "normal" ice fishing season, but I was hoping those of you who have used the nanofil on the ice this year would be willing to give your feedback. What pound test are you using? How do you find it compares to superlines? How do you find it compres to mono? What fish have you been using it for? What knots work? What is the memory like? Strength versus line diameter? Thanks for taking the time. Edited to add question.
  9. I don't know what your problem is. He said he has three, yes, that's right THREE, buyers for the Yotes. And there are no other franchises hemorrhaging money. All is well nothing to see here.
  10. THe FNC guys talked about before MM left the show, although it may have been on their radio program.
  11. No one is in "cahouts". The point is some guy loading his sled onto his truck looks the exact same as the thief loading a stolen sled onto his truck.
  12. Unfortunately all someone saw was some guy puling/loading a sled on a truck. Thieves look just like the rest of us. They don't look like the evil villains in the cartoons.
  13. Hense the reference to the song Roxanne by the Police.
  14. Red also helps protect night vision.
  15. Great that they stepped up. But did they offer any suggestions as to why they broke in the first place?
  16. Thanks guys. I guess my main concerns were are they breathable enough and recking them for the other 3 seasons. One of the guys working for the outfitter I used on the weekend was using a pair and I was looking for more input.
  17. The local and national tv news had images tonight.
  18. The snow pants I have are near the end of their usefulness. With this mild/short winter I'm reluctant to buy a new pair this season. Has anybody else used their high end rain pants/bibs for winter?
  19. I was once given one of those "fix it" tickets as well. It was because one, of two, rear licence plate lights was out on the '79 diesel rabbit. The part that made me sweat was that I was on my way home from the LCBO and I had foolishly put my purchase on the floor of the front seat, not opened but still stupid. It was the first time I had been pulled over and... I was 17.
  20. And if I hit my head I'm dead. Nobody said a wadding belt wasn't a good idea.
  21. We did this back in college at Sir Sandford Fleming. One night we had a "class" at the community centre pool. We jumped into the water with rubber boots, hip and chest wadders, pfds, lifejackets and floater coats. We practiced all sorts of different self and assisted rescue scenarios. BTW water in your boots and wadders will not sink you. IF your boots/wadders fill with water the water inside is not denser than the water outside. Getting out of the water into a boat is not easy, but you will not, can not sink because of water in your boots. No one is going to break the Olympic freestyle swimming record in wadders either, but as long as you don't panic self rescue is possible.
  22. http://m.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/items-from-maple-leaf-gardens-time-capsule-revealed/article2315756/?service=mobile
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