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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Snowstorm suspends play at pro event in Arizona. LMAO http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2013/02/20/snow-storm-suspends-match-play-golf-in-arizona/
  2. The sports talk radio today was suggesting that the Leafs/Sabres game Thursday was a make or break game for Lindy. Sometimes a coach just has to be changed because you can't fire the whole team, or half. Lindy has been, and still will be, paid well so no need for a tag day for him either. He'll be working again very soon.
  3. And reading. All that reading. My jaw would get so sore.
  4. I don't know, it sounds like a lot of time in front of a computer typing.
  5. Just cause the sens will be mailing it in doesn't mean you have to.
  6. It's the "Special Fishing Issue" with the usual stuff: "X" number of hotspots. Catch big fish. Top secret spots. Fishing show host on cover. Et cetera.
  7. I suggested the same thing a few years ago when they started again with the foam. I got nothin' but corporate speak in return.
  8. So, anybody else get/read the newest issue?
  9. Maybe the two of you could team up and host a show.
  10. I love my cork, and full grips, but it is becoming more expensive due to demand out pacing the supply. It's easy for manufacturers to keep prices and wieght down by using less cork, ie split grip. Some manufacturers have lost me as a potential buyer because they do not offer any cork handles at the higher price points.
  11. Come on, someone must have one painted like an Atlantic, I mean brown trout.
  12. Holiday in the states (and here) and there are about as many people in my living room as there are butts in the seats in Florida.
  13. I haven't noticed a particular brand but more just rust in general on hooks and what not. I try to always open up my lure cases after each trip and if it was raining I'll even run a fan over the open trays to help with air circulation.
  14. But have you tried sticking your phone in the water at the same time?
  15. Ya, just like trying the highbeams when it is snowing. Thanks for taking the time to shoot and post these Terry.
  16. Gord Pyzer would be the fishing personality I would most want to spend a day in the boat with.
  17. While I was trying to figure out the photobucket problems he asked if we could go icefishing again.
  18. Well today was his first snowshoeing adventure. Two hours following animal tracks in the forest and fields on the edge of the city. Despite the numerous explanations as to why we might not see the animals who's tracks we were following he was still pretty disappointed with dearth of live bunnies, voles, squirrels and foxes. The day was saved though when he found some milkweed pods to play with. Not sure what is going on with photobucket but these thumbnails are all that will show???? Photobucket is working for me today.
  19. Who is this alphie you speak of? I didn't see him tonight. Is he the one spezza threw his back out carrying this year?
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