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Everything posted by woodro

  1. Amazing video too!! Was that filmed recently?
  2. What do they look like set up?
  3. Thanks for the response icedude, I can pay more for the lift out if someone is willing to do it. Rick is a great guy, I use to rent boats off him years ago. He has since shut down Simcoe Fishing Adventures though. He moved further north to Weslemkoon and started another operation.
  4. Do you if there's an operator off the Keswick side?
  5. Hey guys, I'm planning to take my girlfriend and her younger cousins fishing this family day Monday but I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to get them to decent fishing grounds for perch without a long exhausting walk. (they're 4 and 8 years old) Would anyone be willing to drive us (5 ppl) out on cooks bay and drive us back for $50?
  6. Walking was definitely tough Saturday and Sunday. A pair of snowshoes made it a bit easier for me. Unfortunately the juice wasnt worth the squeeze. Had a bunch of followers but no takers. Congrats on the successful day! What colour swammers were they hitting?
  7. Today!? You done already phil65? That's a quick morning:) I'm out here now testing the tip from wallico. So far I've marked a few and had one follow but takers yet.
  8. Thanks wallico!! I'll try it out and let you know how I did.
  9. Hey ckrb2007, What did you do to get them to bite?
  10. Fished kemp today near BBP. 103FOW. Marked about 15-20 fish throughout the morning and 4 large clouds of baitfish....SKUNKED! Tried everything in the box from, bad boys, white tubes, swim baits, Williams whitefish, jiggin raps in a variety of sizes and nothing. fish were interested but but couldn't get them to bite. What should I do when I see fish on the graph? The ice was solid about 8-10". Snow was deep so a pair of snowshoes helped for the walk out. There were also a Bunch of machines on the ice.
  11. Fished kemp today near BBP. 103FOW. Marked about 15-20 fish throughout the morning and 4 large clouds of baitfish....SKUNKED! Tried everything in the box from, bad boys, white tubes, swim baits, Williams whitefish, jiggin raps in a variety of sizes and nothing. fish were interested but but couldn't get them to bite. What should I do when I see fish on the graph? The ice was solid about 8-10". Snow was deep so a pair of snowshoes helped for the walk out. There were also a Bunch of machines on the ice.
  12. Looked like a great trip. Definitely worth the trek in if you're catching those fish. That male fish looks like a brookie for sure. The coulouration and also the shape of the tail. Square tail vs fork tail is usually a dead give away thst its a brookie. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Nice fish and Cool pic!
  14. Very cool! Never heard off that type of fish before. Wonder how much a trip like that would cost.
  15. Awesome, its always nice to get the skunk out of the boat. Seems like the quinte fish are starting to really respond as the weather gets cooler.
  16. Never heard of gulp minnows under a float, how would you rig it?
  17. Nice fish chrisK! Haven't float fished for years and these pictures are giving me an itch
  18. Saw the same classified ad for $250. The one I'm looking at definitely includes the ice pack and the head unit. Made my decision To grab it. Thanks for all the feedback!
  19. Completely agree, I can't justify spending over $400 on a new vexilar or marcum flasher. Just need to be able to mark fish, depth and my jig.
  20. Comes with the machine as well. Good to know about the transducer, guess the guy must be mistaken about the dual beam
  21. both of those days looked like a blast! love that zoom feature. found a used one online and the guy said the ice has a dual beam. Haven't seen this option before though. Have you seen this option before?
  22. Looking for a flasher/fish finder for ice fishing this season. Usually fish simcoe for whities and lakers, and Quinte for eyes. Anyone have bad experiences with this unit? Will it function well in both deep (50ft+) and shallow (20ft and under) water? anything I should look out for?
  23. We have been doing an annual trip to Quinte for the past 4 years right around family day long weekend. As many have already said, ice can be really sketchy depending on the area you're fishing. We've had success, but not a lot of it, fishing the telegraph narrows, and big bay. This year We are trying to hit first ice fishing hay bay area, which I've also heard was really good. Hopefully there's ice jan 18 weekend. I'll post results after the trip (all depends on ice conditions) it Might help your decision in Feb.
  24. I've been looking for a flasher/fish finder for ice fishing as well. The Elite 4x looks very similar to the x67, anyone know the differences between the two?
  25. The boat was in good order this weekend. Always nice when there are no issues to worry about. She was definitely a big girl. 33Lx19.75G. Probably going to get a replica done. Anyone know any good taxidermists for a reasonable price?
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