headed out with Tridanguiding service out of port perry this morning. Dan (the guide)is a good buddy of mine has been scouting some areas for waterfowl. He told me about a property he manages only 20mins from the GTA, he was ranting and raving that there's been a ton of mallards and geese buzzing the area. So we brought the video camera in hopes of filming a good shoot and MAN was it ever a great shoot. We had the birds flying steadily over us from about 7am till 9.30 approximately. And honestly estimating close to 1000 mallards flew over us, it was absolutley incredible to watch, i was giggling in my coffin blind the entire time because ive never seen that many birds. But heres the ironic part of the entire situation...the video camera wasnt working, it was recording sound but no picture for some reason. I was a little peeved about it, but we managed to get some vids with my digi cam which hopefully turn out alright. anyways here are the results....6guys 36birds... 2 pin-tail, 1 black, 20 drakes, 13 hens. it was awsome!!!