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Everything posted by woodro

  1. thats generous SS, good to hear some people still are. lets see the boat
  2. this wasnt meant to be a plug for my buddies guiding service, but $150 is very reasonable for a hunt like that.
  3. those spots are all good if you know what your doing, personally i think the further north you go the easier the fishing may become (most of the time) How did you like red cedar camp nesr temagami? i was thinking about going there with my father last year for smallies
  4. ya the camera was a bummer but the meal tha tcame out of it last night was great. I made some indian food with the duck breast. Im not even sure what its called but it was damn good...and i can feel it cleaning the pipes as we type. you know me spee, i at least dropped 5 ducks out of the bunch. We were hunting in a row so i mean a lot of the pellets might have been hitting the same ducks, but honestly i was so excited to see the size of the flocks that came in i forgot to load my gun twice!! It was a riot!
  5. sweet white bass man, ive never caught one of those before. can you find them in any fresh water lake?
  6. headed out with Tridanguiding service out of port perry this morning. Dan (the guide)is a good buddy of mine has been scouting some areas for waterfowl. He told me about a property he manages only 20mins from the GTA, he was ranting and raving that there's been a ton of mallards and geese buzzing the area. So we brought the video camera in hopes of filming a good shoot and MAN was it ever a great shoot. We had the birds flying steadily over us from about 7am till 9.30 approximately. And honestly estimating close to 1000 mallards flew over us, it was absolutley incredible to watch, i was giggling in my coffin blind the entire time because ive never seen that many birds. But heres the ironic part of the entire situation...the video camera wasnt working, it was recording sound but no picture for some reason. I was a little peeved about it, but we managed to get some vids with my digi cam which hopefully turn out alright. anyways here are the results....6guys 36birds... 2 pin-tail, 1 black, 20 drakes, 13 hens. it was awsome!!!
  7. you pretty much got it, i usually just lay them out on a flat surface, over papaer towels, then sprinkle salt on top, let sit then repeat until the minnows are completely dehydrated
  8. "Hooked" with Mark Krupa, its on OLN. its produced in High Definition and the narration is great. They dont really get into the tactics. Mark is a fly fisherman so many of his shows are based around that style but he has had shows in Northern Ontario fishing for MASSIVE pike using spinning gear. I think the show is different then all others right now becasue it takes a different, more nature based perspective on the outdoors.
  9. nice chrome man! im hoping to get out in the morning, ill make sure to bring some vasoline to keep the guides ice free
  10. wicked day! gotta love that fresh chrome
  11. fish!! the steelhead are coming
  12. HAHAHA nice tan lines in the third pic
  13. ya man it was insane how fast that little adjustment changed my day. Its always good to change it up if the regular is not producing.
  14. change of plans, my father didnt wake up and info from above posts put doubt in my mind. so went to a favourite trib and landed a bunch of fresh steelies instead.
  15. most of the time its not the roe bag, size, colour etc, its the way it is presented!! the other day i fished for over 1.5hrs with guys nailing fish, i couldnt ge one to bite until i changed my leader no more then 8", as soon as that little change was made i landed 5 fish in one hour. I think it may have slowed the bait down just enough for the steelies to take a good look at it. all on different roe (trout/salmon) in a variety of colours
  16. good stuff on that deer!! its funny because ive been hunting for 5years in th shotgun season and I still have not had the opportunity to shoot one yet. I'll stick to fishing!
  17. the winds are picking up tonight to 30k's, this could potentially be a bad situation for me in the morning
  18. squid im heading to the lower in hopes of bumping into a steelie. i dont think the rain effects the river that much due to the size, i could be totally wrong, i'll let you know how i made out tomorrow when i get back
  19. im heading down in the morning with my dad, anyone from the OFC community going to be there? say hi if you see me, black F-150 with a 16ft Crestliner ill post the results in the afternoon
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