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Everything posted by woodro

  1. what is mega city bass anglers?
  2. bad karma? what did i ever do to mr.Whitey? all i do is love them
  3. hahah i was considering that today actually, no joke i really said it!! everyone was cathing all the way around me could it be a scent in my tackle box that is turning them off?
  4. thanks for the responses, ive been using bad boys in green and black tipped with chartruese, williams, and minnows. I think its just a case of really bad luck because today the group i was with limited out, we must of had over 20 fish.
  5. that sucks you didnt catch fish, but thats why its called fishing and not catching. I heard its best to fish calandar bay early in the season.
  6. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to making whitefish hit when the action slows. What kind a tips do you use out there? Ive been out a couple times to simcoe marking all kinds of fish but i cant get them to hit my bait. Im using all the right things,assuming, but i still cant get them to hit even though im marking them on the flasher
  7. Awsome, looks like it was fun. I was out with my father and Snagmasteral yesterday with no luck at all. The weather started to turn, wind gusts up to 50kph, so it made it a little uncomfortable to sit out there without a hut. What depth were you fishing?
  8. there are variety of fish that are go through there at any given time. anything from whitefish, cisco, ling and lakers have all been caught there in one day. Sounds liek you had some great action just some bad luck missing the fish.
  9. heres my pops, who originally taught me how to fish when i was young and has now become my new oFISHal partner. Good times, lots of fish and good memories
  10. grilw is correct, there is no access onto this lake without trespassing, unless of course you do own some private property surrounding the entire lake. Your last name would be Lebovic and therefore we would be related.
  11. are those the new jigs in the box on the left?, i've never seen the ones with the bigger detailed eyes, they look good!!
  12. feb 15- feb 18, am i too late?
  13. thanks for the update, im heading out on the innisfil side in the morning, hopefully the bite will be on
  14. they are both nice boats, vinyl is deffinately the way to go as weel. Much easier to maintain, and keep keep. Quick spray with a pressure washer and your done. the only suggestion that i have is spend the extra money and put the max rated engine on it, you will not be disappointed.
  15. the crappie jigs will definately work, so will the spoons. it all depends on what the fish are bitting. and as for keeping the pin-heads alive while you head up there, as long as teh water is cold the minnows should last a couple days. If you can pick up an airator from Canadian tire or Bass pro keep the water circulating, they will last over a week. check your PM
  16. anyone know of any decnet places to stay in haliburton forest/minden area?, my dad and i want to stay the night tommorow sled and fish till saturday afternoon
  17. that pic of the water droplet is awsome!, what speed did you have it set at?
  18. speed of retrieve, new curado is 7:1, chronarch is 6:1, then asthetics
  19. isnt all that information that navinocs use available through the ministry of natural resources?
  20. HAHAHHA love it!!!
  21. both of these boats are heavy duty machines but the customweld has a better finish on it, in my opinion. After comparing the gauge of aluminum hauls that both these compaines use its tough to put anything else close to comparison(Lund, legend, crestliner etc.). THe only problem i dont think that the boat will ever be fully tested in the area we fish the waters arent rough enough. I guess its better to be safe tehn sorry. BUSTER- i agree with you, im not sure if you were at the show but they have a couple really nice boats on display. there was a black ViperII witha 90 on the back and there was also a RED 21ft (i forget the name) with an out board . Amazing boats, perfect for trolling lake ontario. they make a lot of jet drive boats, any experience with them?
  22. anyone know a CustomWeld or Harborcraft owner? these boats are heavy duty aluminum hauls and have a extremely tough look to them, thinking about it but i would like to hear a testimonial on them,.
  23. nice pics iceguy, it sounds like you had a blast, probably even more fun in the dressing room crackin the wobbly pops lol, deffinately a good excuse for missing the morning fish
  24. everyone was waiting for the pics, and they're nice ones, good job Fin
  25. nice steel man!! love the erie tribs
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