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Everything posted by lew

  1. Thanks Bruce, but Kevin was a good friend to many on this board over the years.
  2. I took a couple pictures at Burliegh Falls this morning to show how low the water is compared to the same place last spring. Last year... Same place this morning...
  3. Absolutely
  4. I received news this morning that Kevin passed away last night after his long battle with cancer. He was a great friend to this board and many of our members and a favorite fishing partner of mine. There won't be a funeral but a memorial may be planned for later this year on the water up around Muskrat Bay. Sad news indeed.
  5. This is kind of interesting https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t43.1792-2/10845398_10152610705242581_99307271_n.mp4?rl=2137&vabr=1425&oh=db0959a0acaa42ba6bc4b5225557de4a&oe=55208792
  6. Well, it's over. My old ship, HMCS Annapolis was sunk off the coast of BC this afternoon and it looks as if everything went as planned and she'll now be home to fish and a recreational dive sight. If anyones interested, here's a 15 minute video but the actual sinking doesn't take place until the 10:40 mark Sad to see it happen but now many more folks will enjoy her. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC8QtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEctEZpRh_AU&ei=3lcgVeCPNs6XyATF0YGACQ&usg=AFQjCNE1G1KCgpE6JCfVgiPi1frKMGO58A
  7. You made a good choice, I use the same rod.
  8. Yeah, there used to be some rule that you needed 25 posts or something, don't know if it's still in effect or not.
  9. You forgot "S" also stands for the Snow that covered everything around here last night. And also for Stupid winter that won't go away ++EDIT++ Forgot to add Nick, good to hear you had a fun day despite breaking through and nice pics to boot.
  10. My thinking was just that if the bow hunter was wearing orange, the shooter may have realized he wasn't a deer, but who knows ??
  11. Thanks Dave, as I said I'm not a hunter but thought deer season was the 1st 2 weeks of November and this shooting happened Nov 11. Just seems odd to me that when your hunting deer with a gun you need to wear orange so other hunters can see you and you don't get shot, yet when your hunting deer with a bow you wear camouflage to become less visible when there's hunters that shoot at every noise they hear. I think I'll stick to chasing muskies, it's much safer.
  12. Been a long time since I did any hunting, but aren't you required by law to wear orange clothing while deer hunting ?? If so, shouldn't the bow hunter have also been wearing orange during deer season rather than camouflage no matter what he's hunting or am I missing something here. Not defending the shooter, just curious about the clothing.
  13. Seems like it's quite common down around the clear warm waters of Florida Shaun. I saw a show a couple years back where they sunk an old American aircraft carrier. My brother served on HMCS Columbia which was similar to my ship and it was also sunk off Canada's west coast a number of years ago.
  14. It'd be tough enough lifting just one link.
  15. Thanks for that Brian, some great pictures there. Lots of shipbuilding history around Ontario.
  16. Me too Phil
  17. Can't think of a better way to spend a morning Rob
  18. Thanks Dave, after a breakfast of Tylenol it's time to get back to my reno
  19. Thanks for the morning laugh Bruce hahaha
  20. Thanks Cliff, I've been pretty lucky over the years too, just a couple minor glitches.
  21. Good video of a good trip, thanks for bringing us along.
  22. A musky got me for 8 stitches Steve, the saw only got me for 5. Maybe saws are safer LOL
  23. He might, but I doubt he'll mind LOL
  24. There's only 1 stitch in the knuckle and the rest are just to the side of it. Getting rid of the tub was kind of a spur of the moment thing Gerritt and I just used the recip saw to cut it up to make it easier to get out of the house. Had I known you were looking for one you could have had it for free. It worked great, we just didn't use it. Funny story about the dogs cleaning up after your accident Steve LOL Norm, sorry I missed you, I was just one floor below you.
  25. Actually I wrapped my finger and continued removing the tubing, but then it took me longer to clean up the blood than finish the job LOL
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