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Everything posted by motion

  1. Any chance that H2O may be looking for a new home?
  2. I wish they did Dan. Apparently the H2O AND the H2OC are both now discontinued. I am sure I will find one somewhere.
  3. I was out fishing with some buddies on Saturday on Simcoe in search of lakers and whities. I have, and use, a Garmin Magellan basic handheld GPS which has some of my "hot-spots" marked on it. Since none of the spots were showing fish, we decided to venture out to find some other spots. My GPS does not have the capability of showing the actual nautical maps rendering it useless in trying to find any new spots. As it turns out, one of my buddies had a Lowrance H2O that did have the nautical maps. Using that unit got us to areas on the lake that we wanted to fish. I also realized that I have a Navionic Gold chip in my 522C fish finder that will work in the H2O. The H2O from Lowrance is now discontinued. Anybody know where I may be able to purchase one? New or used would work. I contacted Lowrance and they suggested I try some Canadian Tire stores for old stock. The stores around my area do not have any but I'll keep trying. What do you guys use for a GPS (ice fishing)? Anybody else use the H2O? Anybody know where I may find one? Thanks for reading. Cheers.
  4. Nice vid bud! 1365.....................
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you must be going through at this time. As you said though, Tyler is in a better place and is not suffering. We build close bonds with our furry friends and parting is so difficult. I just got my new little guy (Toby) and have an 11 year old dog as well. As much as we know that they don't live forever, we can never be prepared for the inevitable. My heart felt sympathies go out to you and your family.
  6. We were at the end of 89 around 7:30 this morning. Its a bright yellow insulated lunch bag. Thanks guys.
  7. Thanks. It was a tough decision for us as well. The Lab is what we ended up choosing for our family. Cheers!
  8. What are you getting?
  9. I see where you're coming from, however (for the record) he is named after a Disney character Toby Tyler. I was a kid when the movie came out and it was a favorite of mine. It was either that or the wife's suggestion.........Hershey!!!
  10. Hey Wayne, that’s the kids idea with the big bone dog tag. Darn thing weighs almost as much as the pup! I will keep that idea in mind once he gets his full vaccination tag.
  11. Thanks guys. Ya, they dont stay "cute" for long.
  12. Hi everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who posted their comments, helping me in the decision of getting a new dog. After much research and visiting various breeders, I have decided to go with a chocolate lab. Below is a picture of my new little guy Toby. He is a purebred, CKC registered energetic pup. We got him from a breeder (kind of an early Christmas gift from my kids). If he grows to look anything like his dad, he's going to be one handsome looking lab! I'm looking forward to taking him up north with me to enjoy the water and to keep me company on my week-end fishing trips. I'll try to send some pictures of Toby when I get him out (an in) the water. Cheers.
  13. Hey no worries. As I mentioned in a previous post, I realize that there are a great deal of dog owners on this board. I have read many a post explaining how they love fishing with their dogs. I also have a friend that takes his everywhere with hime including fishing. I know that dogs require tons of care. They also give you tons of unconditional love. If they were perfect, everyone would own one (or two!) I guess you have to weigh the pros and cons in owning dogs. As you said, I own one and would like a larger breed as a companion to take up north with me and for fishing. Thanks.
  14. I guess you ask ten people, you'll get ten different answers on this subject. Buster sounds a lot like my wife and his dog sounds a lot like my little guy, peeing and crapping around the house because he is upset we left him at home Afetr all that, I still love him (and my wife). I am looking to semi-retire in the next 5-10 years so I may have the time to clean up after him
  15. Here is my little guy Ozzie. He's in great shape for an 11 year old dog. Still very active but surprizingly not a yapper. He really thinks he's a big dog but only 10 lbs soaking wet. Hates water and the outdoors but still a big part of our family.
  16. WOW! Thanks for all your responses. I knew there were a lot of dog owners on the board but I forgot how passionate most of you are about them.
  17. Hey mercman, any problems with her going into heat etc.? I know the females are also generally a little bit smaller in size as well (which I wouldn't mind). Dont let my wife know she's that smart though...........
  18. Ahhhhh, he's a real cutie! I was worried about the shedding as well. I think that's why I'm now leaning towards the Lab.
  19. Rich, is yours an indoor dog or does she stay outside most of the day? Thanks for your input.
  20. Thanks Stubbex. PM sent!
  21. He looks awesome Mike. Fishing would be my main selfish reason for getting one. My 16 year old is a great companion but recently enjoys going off on his own boat with his buddies. Guess I feel a little left out.
  22. Hey guys. I have been contemplating adding another dog to our family. We already own a little Shih Tzu who is almost 11 years old now. He is strictly an indoor pet for the kids and I now have a place up north that I intend on spending my weekends fishing both soft and hard water. I have narrowed my choices down to a Lab (chocolate would be nice) or a Siberian Husky. I realize they are completely different types of dogs and have never owned either. I am leaning towards the Lab as I could use a new fishing buddy as well. I know there are a lot of dog owners on the board and would appreciate your experiences with either breed. Male or female preference? How are they as family pets? I have a large fenced in backyard and already walk daily (so exercising him/her shouldn't be an issue. I work and my wife is in and out all day running errands for me. I thank you all in advance for your help.
  23. Hey Wayne, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep positive, I am sure she will beat this.
  24. I use a surgeons knot. Its quick, easy and has not let me down. http://www.netknots.com/html/surgeons_knot.html Hope this helps.
  25. Hey Jacques, there nothing that tastes better than a freshly filleted fish cooked in butter and garlic. I can smell the garlic from here! Great work. Cheers.
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