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smitty55 last won the day on February 15

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About smitty55

  • Birthday 11/01/1955

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    Lanark County
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, good food and friends

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  1. Lol, a buddy of mine just posted this on FB.
  2. I was going to say earlier if you knew any hunters they would have been happy to sit over the carcass, hides are in prime shape.
  3. I think Champagne would compliment that wood grain better
  4. Not much info here at all except for depth. https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/fishonline/Index.html?viewer=FishONLine.FishONLine&locale=en-CA&extent=-8715677.735296678%2C5575923.575620651%2C-8709706.092461742%2C5579133.930808714&layers=0vBHO%2F1aoGjj0OzgHB3B6Jhu3LBcJ230AslE&waterbody=17-7162-49553
  5. That's a bummer for sure, specially with poor fishing to boot. Don't be shy though, put the operator's name out there so others will know better.
  6. It's blues night for sure. It's not often I won't take the original version of most hits but this version of Dylan's Tangled up in Blue takes the tune to a new level and transforms it into a wonderful blues version.
  7. Here's a live concert from Tedeschi Trucks band with a 12 player ensemble doing a great cover of Clapton's Keep on Growing. 3 piece brass and 3 piece chorus. 1.5M views gives you an idea of their popularity and why they're considered one of the best blues bands in the world. Note the dual drummers just like the Allman Brothers always did.
  8. Speaking of blues guitarists I just spent the last 2 hours listening to more of them. This tune here has to rate as one of the top instrumentals of all times with two of the top blues guitarists. Dickie Betts, one of the founding members of the Allman Brothers and sole lead guitarist after the death of Duane Allman in'71. Since then Warren Haynes seen here joined the group to get back to two guitarists. Later on Derek Trucks, another top guitarist joined in 1999. In 2011 he was rated at no.16 of the top 100 of all time. He is the nephew of original drummer Butch Trucks and just about any big blues rock shows you'll see him playing along side all the best. If you are into guitar based blues check out the Tedeschi Trucks band, formed in 2010 with his wife Susan, she can really belt out the blues.
  9. For those not familiar with Ten Years After this is probably their most famous tune when it came to air play
  10. I'm always been a big fan of Alvin Lee, very underrated blues guitarist
  11. It pays to shop around for tires. In Sept 22 I bought a 95 Lumina with only 117k on it, never winter driven. Summers had plenty of tread left but the sidewalls were getting cracked. I found a set of snows in fantastic shape for $200 and for $500 total I had them mounted on winter steel rims and on my third winter now. Summers still have plenty of tread but cracking is getting real bad so I found an almost new set of all seasons on rims last fall for $300 that will end up being less than $500 to get them removed and mounted on the original rims that I have to use due to the real deep offset. For the miles I put on they'll last me for another ten years I figure. So deals can be had.
  12. Wow, that's incredible. I've caught plenty of Lakers through the ice but never with sizes like that. WTG.
  13. Don't forget about those .22LR mini shot shells, they were real handy for smaller varmints at close range. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2019/09/27/rimfire-report-22lr-shotshells/
  14. By this time of the season most everyone already has theirs and no one is looking. Last fall I found some perfect shape all weather almost brand new BF Goodrich tires on GM rims for $300. Tires themselves were close to $1100 installed.
  15. Right on Dougie, that's a dandy Grey. Those West Rivers are hard to find anymore. I bet that makes your winter.
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