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Everything posted by FUSION

  1. I wasen't aware they could check you mental stability over the phone...
  2. I don't know were you saw it twice? But I will gladly say it again. NO WERE NEAR 20LBS...
  3. Short answer, no. Long answer, HELL NO.
  4. realistically its his loss bud. I don't understand sometimes how people can run bussisness the way they do and stay afloat. It looks as though the gentleman you fished with the first day was a great contact to have made.
  5. I agree with Bill on both points, if your buying new you can't go wrong with the new 13ft St.Croix Avid for the money and there are tons of decent used pins that pop up for sale that you can save some money on.
  6. Awsome looking trip bud! Sorry to here you got screwed around by the guide though.
  7. Nice solid fish, no were near 20lbs though...
  8. Have you considered looking at a Ford Fusion?
  9. Looks like a great trip had by all! Have a good one down in MI this weekend bud and lets try and get out on the water next week if possible.
  10. Louis, the number they are looking for is $26,400 for the Truck. Anything over that is gravy and anything under is cutting into sales commision and dealer profit. You have to remember sales commision and dealer profit are two different things. If you really want the truck go in with a certified check made out to the dealership for said ammount and you will be driving home in it the same day. The margin for "negotiation" these days is not what it used to be, especially on used at a major dealership.
  11. Much the aproach they took and are still takeing with there tailgate/rear end problems. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx53MjiykiE
  12. Awsome report! I am looking forward to that in a few weeks myself.
  13. Quick google search found these...
  14. Cheers Dave. Shoot me a pm or email next time you are heading out on ice through the week and well get together.
  15. Nice work boys! I am hitting the ice myself in the am.
  16. ... So few confused ones and all the time in the world.
  17. You mean downgrading right...
  18. Great looking truck! Your DEFINETLY driveing the best made pick-up on the road today.
  19. Hit the St. Lawrence Market this afternoon and picked up a nice Prime Rib for the BBQ rotiserie and some killer Alaskan King Crab Legs for the steamer. Also doing some double stuffed baked potatoes with Ceaser salad and home made Chedder Bacon biscuits and shrimp coctails and it goes without saying there will definetly be a few bottles popped aswell...
  20. [quote name='fishinfool' date='Dec 27 2009, 10:22 PM' post='415885 He doesn't know what to do, he owns a plowing and landscaping business and just had the truck outfitted with a $10,000 Western plough which has yet to be used. If he put a plow on the front of his truck he is screwed. It voids all powertrain warrenty coverage. All Ford has to say in court is there was excess stress put on the engine due to him plowing and that is what caused the failure and thats as far as its going to go for your buddy. He will not be able to prove he hasen't plowed with it yet and thats what they will get him on when push comes to shove. I had a buddy with a similar situation with a 07 2500 Ram whem his tranny let go while plowing and Dodge would not honour there LIFETIME powertrain warrenty due to the fact he had a plow on the front of the truck. Its a sad situation for your buddy but as soon as a dealer finds out its a "work" vehicle they want nothing to due with it and its not just Ford its everybody.
  21. Took the words right out of my mouth Mike...
  22. With a million I would be headed back here permanently... To do alot of this... And drink alot of these... But hey even without the million I still enjoy it for 2 weeks every February. 2 months to go!
  23. I agree 100%. I see on a weekly baisis people trailering loads that are way beyond there vehicles capability. If your trailer weight regardless what your towing requires that your vehicle should be a heavy duty vehicle such as a Super Duty or 2500 class truck and your endargering everyone on the road by pulling it with an uncapeble vehicle than good on the MTO for pulling you off the road. Its not about what can get the trailer moveing but what can safely maintain the load at speed and what is capable of safely stoping the load at hi-way speeds. Just cause your trailer has brakes means nothing if it is overpowering your vehicles brakeing under stoping. The truck/suv should always manage/maintain the trailer not vice-versa.
  24. We own a 07 Explorer and have had ZERO issues with it so far. We have the V8 model and it is a great overall SUV. Tones of power under the hood and I really like the ride and handleing, it is an awsome vehicle in the snow in the winter months and I like it much better than the GMC Envoy it replaced. I still stick with my F150 most of the time but its a great second vehicle to have around.
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