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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Matt, your Suicks are store pretty. Ain't been bit. How about bringing us updated photos in about 10 months? Pike eat Suicks. Even in 48 F. water soon after the ice breaks up. Good luck with them.
  2. 2200 of the marines will arrive in March, bringing the U.S. military total to 30,000. Germany has 3200 troops there and will add 250 soon. 2500 Canadians are serving under the Canadian flag and many more Canadians are serving as members of the U.S. military. They are among our best. Thanks to every one of them and thanks to their families. Those brave men and women are providing our freedom.
  3. Are North American companies going offshore to seek lower taxation and lower wages? Or are North American companies being forced offshore by extremely high taxes and extremely high wages? We might try being friendlier to companies that provide jobs.
  4. I buy all my line mail order because I don't want to chance getting something off the shelf that's been exposed to aging and store lighting. Same deal with buying new rods. I don't take a chance on getting one that's been abused in a store. I've seen customers drop rods and many times they don't put them back on the rack properly. The damage shows up when you hook a fish or when you hook a stick.
  5. It's a fox. All people don't look alike and the same with foxes. That one's family could get a job pulling sleds.
  6. Nice going Brandon. Could you spot me $10 until my Social Security check arrives?
  7. Paul, I use coated softgels and they put out no fishy aftertaste. Had my six just minutes ago. Now for a workout to rejuvinate my body. Twenty years ago one of my friends had a heart attack and I took him a limit of rainbow trout. He never ate them. Omega 3 is what we need for a healthy heart and my walleyes don't provide much omega 3. I think omega 3 is underused and eating fish is overrated, but I do lots of both. May 17-31, I'm going to eat all the walleyes Donny Maw will allow.
  8. Tom, you're on the Cardiac Cocktail and it does wonders. 30 years ago you and I would have been sent home with morphine to control our pain and our lives would have been shortened. By a bunch. I spent 31 days on the water in NW Ontario in 2007 and most of our meals were heart healthy.
  9. By the way, Tom, we're members of the same fraternity. August 14, 2001 my "Widow Maker" artery was 100% blocked, but the rest were 100% clear. That was some sort of freak bit of plumbing. Fortunately an amount of blood learned to bypass the blockage and kept me going. Luckily I had very little heart damage. 6 weeks to the hour I was dismissed from the hospital, I was sitting in a boat on Little Vermilion Lake picking up a dinner of walleyes. My family doc and cardiologist put me on fish oil (omega-3) and told me to take plenty. My next blood profile was so good that they both started taking 6 soft gels a day and they prescribe it to their patients. I've had my six today. Also stretched, rode my recumbent bike and worked with weights. Zocor was keeping my blood profile in great shape, but was causing my joints and muscles to really hurt. I took myself off Zocor and Doc put me on a new cholesterol medicine, but my early January blood work showed bad numbers. We're doubling the dosage and I'm working hard (hopefully smart) to drop some weight, workout, and get my numbers back where they were. Zocor is a great medicine for most people, but it was taking me down. Was on it over 7 years. If I do what's right I may go back to Zocor, if necessary, and cut the dosage in half. Good luck to you Tom and I'd like to hear that you're back to fishing in a few weeks.
  10. Hey Tom, don't know if you read my post about taking fish oil soft gels containing omega-3, but check it out. Google knows. Don't take my word. Ask your Doc. You shouldn't take anything he/she doesn't approve. You cannot overdose and it gives you no side effects. Omege-3 does wonders, is inexpensive and does no harm.
  11. Eat 3 - 6 fish oil softgels daily. They contain omega 3. Can't understand how you'd expect a woman to stay with you.
  12. When I'm too hot in the summer I go to a government building where the temperature is around 66 F. When I'm too cold in the winter I go to a government building where the temperature is around 73 F.
  13. Good for you. Contacting the company has always worked for me. Works better than complaining to somebody who isn't in a position to remedy the problem.
  14. Hi Helene, it's good to have you back in Canada.
  15. Too bad basketball's an 84' game and not half court. Maybe you can pick up extra cash playing horse.
  16. Show up late for work and get the rest of the day off WITHOUT pay. It worked for me. She hasn't been late since. Two years of military service would help.
  17. Happy birthday Helene and Jeff. I say the odds of this happening are shorter than 1 in 365. It indicates that Roy's annual "get lucky" day was the same every year and he made ithe best of it during two of those years. Check with Marc Thorpe to determine how moon phases contributed to both events.
  18. Congratulations. Now grow to around 6'8", take the right courses and finish in the top 25% of your class.
  19. Jack, you're in the right place and they'll take good care of you. Best wishes for getting back to normal in a day or two.
  20. Hey Bunk, thanks for a fabulous report. We appreciate your taking the time and going toall the effort. I'll be passing this one on to others.
  21. I've always had excellent service at the two BPS I visit. Have never felt overcharged on an item from them. But, I haven't shopped the one in Canada.
  22. Gander Mountain has been great to me for a long time. The new super store in Hermantown, MN is worth a look. I hope GM can hold on. They went public in 2004 at about $25.50 a share and today they're down to just above $4. They're building a new store in Eau Claire, WI, so I suppose the company is making money, but the stock isn't selling.
  23. I suppose NAFTA doesn't apply to all items and you end up paying more in Canada. They'll figure it out, close the store or wither on the vine. Sometimes a big one eats up a couple of little ones and other times the big one dies and three little ones pop up. There may be gouging going on, but the retailer is possibly not the gouger. In my little town the independent grocers operate on a 17% markup. Markup, not profit. Where I buy a lot of groceries in Canada the markup is 25% and they pay much higher wholesale prices than in my town. How do I know? I asked them? It doesn't bother me. Both businessmen need to make a profit after lots of overhead and taxes. Have never considered myself gouged or screwed or a victim or needing someone to mother me and listen to me whine.
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