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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. The numbers are correct. Picked up dinner there tonight. Two guys soaking dead suckers caught 5 over 40" in the same spot today. No dead bait for me. Got my pike on Suicks today. More fun. Showed my partner how to get pike by letting the Suick sit still. We witnessed a couple of great explosions. Gotta fry some walleyes now. Does anybody know how to open this blue can?
  2. Thanks everybody. Life is good up here. Just got in and we're about to get into some walleyes, navy beans, corn bread, sweet potatoes, turnip greens and boiled walleye strips with cocktail sauce. We also have a few blue cans of drinks. The thermometer didn't dip too low today, but strong swirling wind and rain made for a nasty day on the water. No big pike today and fishing was tough, but we came across plenty of walleyes. We earned every one of them. BrianV, you'd make a great detective. Or a bombadire. We're at Sportsman's and will leave Friday when moose hunters arrive. Howey Bay Camps have two outpost cabins at the other end of the lake. The mouth of Rathouse River was kind to me yesterday and gave up several walleyes in the past couple of hours. Some maps might show it as Chukuni River. I've missed only one October up here in about 15 years, many times alone. This time I have two "friends" with me. Neither brought a fish cleaning knife.
  3. Short on time. It's been a long day. Fishing fair, not great. Walleye dinner was super.
  4. Nice job with the photos Bryon. You guys had a good week. Wolf Island was good to us also, and some other fishermen wrote me that they hit them hard on Fishgut Rock, Three Sisters and Gull Rock. So much for my weak moons. Thanks for the report. It got me fired up. I'm heading for the 51st latitude tomorrow morning. Out of the driveway way before the sun comes up.
  5. Bryon, I'm taking this to the front page because you should be just about ready to post by now. Let's see some of your photos. I heard they were hungry at Fishgut Island, Gull Rock and Three Sisters. I'm glad you had a good week. Bring 'em.
  6. Whopper, that means Bartender ended up with a pocket full of dimes.
  7. Right JohnF, she's big. Didn't know she had three.
  8. This began as a great thread until some posters started winging it by adding misinformation. Don't think I'll stick around for the silly stuff.
  9. I just compared the ReelFishingDeals price on my most recent purchase. ReelFishingDeals wants $145 for a Shimano Stradic ST 2500F1 BPS sent me the Shimano Stradic reel and included a BPS Extreme rod for $149.98 plus shipping. No tax. Unless on sale the rod usually goes for $100. They have some great deals on combos. Extreme rods are great fishing tools. By the way, a week from today + about 3 hours I'll be bending the rod on your home waters. Fried walleyes will be the dish of the day/week.
  10. I'm pleased that my Canadian neighbors are enjoying a good economy. I'd be less than pleased if they were involved in a weakening financial situation. Don't be mislead by doom and gloomers in the states who play down our present economy. Other than health reasons there's no way a U.S. citizen should be having financial problem. The stock market is doing great and unemployment has been super low for a long run. I've never made a big salary, but my pile of stuff and savings is continuing a growth spurt that began in 1994. Our citizens have brought us through a major disaster on 9/11/01 and we're coming out of Katrina in good shape. Our workers have been productive and their efforts are carrying our country. Canada and the United States will be okay. Global economy is doing great also. Take a look at the growth of global market funds, emerging market funds and energy funds. Countries such as South Korea, China and Russia have been good to me.
  11. There'll be one less practicing trial lawyer in the U.S. if Breck Girl, John Edwards becomes our president.
  12. At this rate you'll soon be requiring fishermen from Alabama and Tennessee to take a bath before entering Ontario.
  13. My friend and his wife honeymooned there in 1959. Don't think he caught anything. New wife's health card was current.
  14. Vladimir joins our stable of topless fishers. Nips in the sun.
  15. Donny is blessed with enablers who allow him to go on and on and on.................................. year after year after year.............................. He flirts with entrapment and with fabrication of evidence. Actually steady dates and sometimes becomes engaged..........
  16. Thanks walleyed. "Our" Donny is one wreckless, out of control boy.
  17. Only 18,018 Red's fans watched "our" Reds put the broom to the Cardinals today. I came close to being there last night and today.
  18. Welcome back. How about posting a few of your stories from the fishing season up north?
  19. Enjoy your birthday and many more.
  20. Congratulations for having such a successful outing. Those are really nice fish. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Nice. Do you think I should run up there and check it out for myself? It's been three years away for me.
  22. I'm taking in the full moon week if I can get my guys to agree. Might have to be up there the September 29 week. It's pretty good also. Chef, you're due for nice weather after your first day or two. Be sure to have Kevin mark a map for you the first night. See if he'll let you follow him to the far end so you know where the rocks and fish are. You're going to have a good time.
  23. Have a good trip, but watch out for those weak moons. Hope I'm wrong.
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