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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Hey Cassandra, Boyfriend had better not let you get away. You seem to be a keeper and a replica wouldn't do in your case.
  2. Gerritt says: "I would increase non resident license fees," Gerritt, how much will you charge me for an annual license? I usually fish about 4 weeks a year, but sometimes more. Will catch about 1500 pounds of pike and around 800 pounds of walleyes each week.
  3. Hayden took me out on the lake back in 2007 when he was still a bit reluctant to handle pike. I guess having a seventh birthday allows a guy to man up. Nice fish Little Man. When cousin Mason was about the same age he insisted that he be allowed to shoot a merganser and Hayden's uncle insisted that Mason was going to eat what he killed. Mason's plate was filled with fried duck that night and Mason was struggling to get it down. Eventually he handed it to me under the table and I hid it. We did it a few more times until Uncle thought he'd had enough. Later I gave it to Jetson and he scarfed it down in a couple of gulps. No harm. No foul. RE: Seanna's trophy. Too much emphasis on artistic talent. Should let them hit.
  4. Shot from Government Dock on west side of Howey Bay, third Friday of May 2008 Three photos on Little Vermilion L-R, Norton, Whopper & DEG
  5. Good outing. Are you bleeding your fish?
  6. I'd check with the camp owner, Bob Zimmerman. He'll tell you what to expect. You may have a tough time finding an open date to fit your schedule. They stay booked at almost 100%. I haven't fished the lake, but am acquainted with a member of the owner's family. I wouldn't hesitate to fish the lake.
  7. Hayden took me out in August 2007 on Nungesser. He took care of all the boat operating, including: raising the motor to inspect prop, seeing that my gear was in the boat, being sure I had a life jacket (he wore his all day), untying the ropes and heading out. As we approached the cut he advised me that the lake level was falling and I needed to move to the front of the boat when he told me to so the prop wouldn't hit sand. Soon he asked if I wanted some snacks and then we began picking up walleyes.
  8. Wendy knew me, but didn't know who my bother was when he needed to be flown to Red Lake for stitches in his hand. She still didn't know he was my brother when she offered the use of her house overnight while he waited for an early morning flight. I fail to understand why some feel the need to take shots at you even though you and I are the only ones on the thread who have seen the layout of your neighborhood/neighbourhood. I can see that it's a private area where you live.
  9. I've visited grts's neighbor several times, so I'm familiar with the layout. The road is private. Space is limited on the road and in the neighborhood. The hill is a bit of a challenge even when there's no snow. The property owners are squeezed, even without providing parking space for visitors. The private road is not suitable for parking. All the neighbors are good people, friendly and easy to get along with. They've made my all my visits a real treat. Maybe the trespasser is from a place like Tennessee or Alabama and doesn't know how to act.
  10. Good that the inversion table is helping. I'll be checking your blog. Will be looking for my photo. Dano might agree that I'd rather have Hayden driving 4wheelers on the portage than a couple of other guys I know about. As a 4 year old Hayden spent all day, every day wearing both a helmet and a lifejacket. Always ready for a ride on the 4wheeler or taking a boat out for a spin.
  11. Thanks Roy. What a treat to jump to the board and find Roy and Phil on the same thread. You guys have a great day.
  12. Weather is becoming nastier and fish are becoming smaller. Holdfast, I've been picking up pike while fishing for walleyes with a 1/4 oz jig & 3" grub. Also got some on an Esox Cobra tipped with a small sucker. All my previous October fishing trips have been much better than this one weather wise. I scheduled poorly. The long range weather forecast was much better than I'm experiencing.
  13. Thursday morning I left home for the 1487 mile ride to Red Lake and caught a floatplane to Sportsman's around noon Saturday. We've had snow flurries, strong wind and cool weather. September was their summer and fishing was great. Weather changes beginning this month have made fishing difficult. I've been getting walleyes in 4-5 FOW. I haven't found them in most of my favorite October spots. Today I fished the only outlet on the lake, catching a few walleyes and boating 4 of 7 nice pike that I hooked. All the pike were about the same size. I got only one photo due to strong north wind, big waves and rocks coming at me. I am the only person on the water this week and am not too good using the timer with my camera on top of my tackle box. Anyway, here's the one picture I came up with. Would have boated 3 more pike if I'd been better with boat control. Maybe I need more practice. I've been eating plenty of walleyes and had duck to go with fish last night. Moose hunters using bows did well last week and rifle hunters will arrive this weekend. I'd like to stay another week, but don't like the weather being promised to us. Looks great for hunting, but not for fishing. There are plenty of moose hanging around.
  14. I'll do it Glenn. Better yet, PM me next time you're up there and I'll do my best to meet you there. Thursdays are good. Pork chops! Hmmm, Hmmmm, Hmmmm. Whoops, that's another song.
  15. I had a good offer on my business and we were supposed to close the deal tomorrow. The money was there. But.......................... I told my doctor/fishing partner the news and he said in a half scolding tone, "What are you going to do?" I took that to mean, other than quit, go home, do nothing and die. That put me to thinking. Next I drove, alone, to Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant for lunch a week ago last Thursday. Sorry Dawg, but this is true. The dining room was filled with geezers for pork chop day and they were all talking. Loud. Too loud. Nobody could hear and if they could they didn't want to listen. They were kicking around topics of great interest such as getting home for a nap, what day does the girl come to cut our grass, where will we eat tomorrow,.................? I drove home depressed from the experience. Next morning I was hurrying to be the first one at work. If I'm there first the others might think they're late and work harder. Anyway my neighbor, a young retiree, pinned me down in my driveway to tell me a ten minute story about how he won a game of computer solitaire in just one minute. Yesterday morning I backed out of the deal and will be out of my driveway early Thursday morning heading for one of my favorite fishing holes. I'll be the only one in camp. It would be nice to have another boat on the water in case my Honda tries to lay down on me at the wrong end of the lake in the wrong part of the day. My name is still on the sign and I dodged umemployment.
  16. Moved to Cookeville in 1965 and haven't been able to put enough money away to move out. Had lunch near Crossville last Thursday at Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant. Thursday is pork chop day. Yum. Saw some Canada geese at the lake. I'm pretty sure the lake is stocked with rainbows. New gun law allows carry in the park for those of us who don't fight with our hands. Chattanooga has become a pretty decent city in the past few years. It needed to upscale. Paul, not sure what you mean about Chattanooga not being progressive. Is progressive a buzz word for something I don't understand? Cookeville is not a bad little city. We're close to three lakes, it's a university town and we have an excellent hospital. Our cost of living and quality of life make it attractive. Being on the edge of the plateau we seem to sometimes hold onto some stagnant air. Or that might be my imagination. 14 miles to the East puts you up the mountain to Monterey and I really think the air quality is better there. They sometimes get a half dozen snows a year while Cookeville gets none. Although I've lived here since 1965 I'm still not fond of our hot July and August weather. The humid air just won't go away. We don't get much snow, but it's usually pretty slick. And the home growns have no idea how to drive in it.
  17. I plan to be above the 51st during the October 3 week. Will give pike a chance in shallow bays, moving water and anywhere I find fish that pike like to eat. I'll hit deeper water with an Esox Cobra tipped with a sucker. During fall I usually pick up nice pike while fishing for walleyes with jigs. Fishing jigs in flats (10' - 14') has produced well for me. My lake is relatively shallow, but full of huge pike and tons of small to medium walleyes. I may troll for an hour or so, but probably not at all. Nobody else is scheduled in camp for the week. Lots of water to myself.
  18. Did you do anything to cause the missing cover to become loose? Did you remove it for any reason? The burden of proof showing you at fault seems to be the responsibility of the marina. I'd shoot this idea to your credit card company. Maybe give the dock hand a chance to enter the discussion. If you did something to cause it to fly off, pay. If you didn't do anything to cause it to fly off, don't pay.
  19. Bumping this one to the front page so Marc Thorpe can find it. Marc knows moons and turns them into successful fishing outings, day after day after day.
  20. Nice fish Ping. Many of us killed the first big bass we caught, but that was a long time ago. You're ahead of the curve, early in your fishing career, by releasing her unharmed. It's human nature to want to show off your first big fish by taking it home with you.
  21. Thanks Mike. You guys had an outstanding trip. Super report. Your pike started out sort of slim and then you got into some really fat fish. How do you account for the change?
  22. Check, Moon Up, Moon Down, by John Alden Knight. Full moon doesn't need to be overhead to make for a strong fishing day. Full moon down will give you a good bite. October 4 from 11:57 a.m. - 2:39 p.m. will be a good time to test it. New moon up from noon until around 2 p.m. usually gives a strong period of activity. I won't be doing a shore lunch at that time. My lure will be wet. Weather trumps moon phases. All full moons are not the same. All new moons are not the same. Note how many trophy fish are caught the day of a new moon, the day of a full moon and two days before & after each. That gives us 10 good days a month, plus 2 strong bites on the two days of half moons (both waxing & waning). I've been buying Rick Taylor's Prime Times Calendar for several years. I give him a call every year to report my fishing experiences. Marc Thorpe makes a living fishing according to daily moon phases. He also stays current of barometric pressure. Girlfriends call him on his cell phone to report pressure changes. When Marc talks about being cut off that means he's not getting his barometric pressure reports. Fish when you can, but give it a chance.
  23. Congratulations and I wish you many more years together.
  24. Happy birthday Roy. I hope you can celebrate by taking two.
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