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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Happy Birthday Roy! Enjoy your day. Treat yourself to something special.
  2. A shame Mr. Oland couldn't have a loaded Glock in a pocket holster to even the odds.
  3. Joey, you got it. Corn is tall enough to hide me from neighbors when used beer needs to be drained. Helps keep deer away. Actually I'm more talk than action these days when it comes to beer drinking. Took a case on my last 15 day fishing trip and used only a dozen. mercman/tohatsuman?, I've tried it both ways, but haven't become man enough to try -40 C. Ain't been cold since winter of 1955/56 and won't be going back there. Check these. I'm hooked on ice out and October trips to NW Ontario.
  4. Spent the a.m. working in my garden. Wind chill is 104 degrees F. and probably climbing. I'm finished.
  5. Best if carpet color matches drapes.
  6. Proof that life is what we make it. Nice job.
  7. Good trip. Nice report. Too bad you couldn't squeeze in a few more meals.
  8. I had the pleasure of firing an AR15 on the range last week. It's impressive. There was a run on AR15s after our November 2008 election. Prices climbed as demand increased. The M1 Garand has become a popular item recently. Good ones are hard to come by. The U.S. attempted to buy back quite a few from South Korea, but the deal was halted by "our" side. Those suckers will reach out, with accuracy. I was assigned an M1 Garand in 1954 and told I'd have to cough up $70 if I lost it.
  9. When seconds count, police are only minutes away.
  10. If some of those rules applied to me I'd be in double trouble just sitting at my computer. I'm prepared. Being otherwise would be less than responsible.
  11. Nice going. Way to spend a day on the water. You've joined the Wallendas. They never use a net.
  12. Great trip Mike. Beauty of a report. The third Saturday in May has attracted me to Northern Ontario for 28 consecutive years. It's the place to be during an incredible time of change.
  13. First day excitement has passed and we'll have cleaner boat seats today. East wind gave us only a fair walleye bite yesterday, but pike cooperated with us. Pike were trying to steal our walleyes as we brought them in. Much more than usual. It was an active day for pike on one of our favorite points.
  14. We all know how male walleyes express their excitement during spawning. Well, two of my guys skipped our May trip in 2010 and are showing the same level of excitement on this trip. The two fishermen have changed underwear twice already on this walleye opener. Have they been saving up or what?
  15. Thanks for the good wishes. Yesterday was a great fishing day with warm temps and calm water, but catching sucked. Rapids that produced a dozen good pike the first two days gave up only 3 or 4 yesterday. We gave several shallow bays a good chance to produce, but all we saw were little pike. Water in the bays was warming and would make great recovery areas for mother pike that had recently spent days in labor. It should happen soon. In case we miss the good bite we should find pike feeding on walleyes, but we won't be able to locate walleyes until the Saturday opener. I know where they are and they'll soon be moving from spawning areas and will be bank to bank in certain parts of creeks and rivers. We'll get together. Good thing I didn't beat on Dan's door like last year or some stranger who was serious about sleeping may have become upset.
  16. Two of us left my house at 4:15 a.m. Thursday and made it to the airways in Red Lake at 2:30 p.m. Friday. The ride was exactly 1500 miles. Only 9 people are in camp this week for a little pike fishing. Weather turned good the day we arrived. We'll have plenty of sunshine & warm temps for the rest of the week. We'll be joined by the rest of our party Friday afternoon and will start eating walleyes Saturday. If sleep is healing, I'm going to be cured. We're hitting the water around 10 a.m. and getting off around 7 p.m. Why fish pike when they're not active. Others are fishing with dead bait and with a lot of success. Most of our pike are eating Suicks and Johnson Silver Minnows. We've caught none under 35", but only a few over 40". They are out there and they're aggressive. We're boating our share of nice pike. Friday night - slept 11 hours Saturday night - slept 10 hours Sunday night - slept 9 hours Less sleep next week due to the evening walleye bite and 11 p.m. dinner hour. We've been wanting a pike dinner, but can't run across a couple o 26 inchers for the fish cooker. A Beaver just took 5 guys to town, which leaves us with only 4 guests in camp. We'll be full for the walleye opener and roads on the lake will be a little crowded, especially in the mouth of Rat House River. Ease through there and you'll have it made.
  17. Joey, happy birthday from Superior, Wisconsin. Flying in at 3:00 p.m.
  18. December 2006 I was in the ER at our local hospital when a visiting Canadian came for treatment after falling on ice and bumping his head. I could hear the conversation from my cubicle. Nurse: "The xrays don't show any problem, but we're going to order an MRI." Canadian: "I'm in Cookeville (Tennessee) for only two weeks. I can't wait for an MRI." Nurse: "You'll get the MRI in 20 minutes." Canadian: "How will I pay for it?" Nurse: "The hospital will bill the Canadian government." Story #2. My brother injured his hand at a fly in lake and hitched a flight to town to see a doctor. Camp cook, who did not know my brother, offered keys to her house so he could spend the night and return on a flight the next morning. Bro saw the doc, got 16 stitches, paid cash for the service, slept on the nice cook's couch, watched TV on their new 32" RCA and went fishing the next morning. Story #3. Elton Rambin, my Native American friend from Arkansas, was helping load a floatplane on our last day in camp when he cut his hand badly on a sharp edge of the airplane door while helping load gear. He wrapped it tightly with a towel to slow the bleeding, rode the plane to Red Lake, got stitches and antibiotics, paid cash and drove home happily with a moose in the back of his truck. Actually his wife shot the moose. Elton spent most of his time fishing. Life can be pretty simple. Nobody had thoughts about placing blame on someone else. It's our choice. I have at least one more story, but it's about me, and I'd be too embarrassed to let everyone know what a dumb thing I did. It would really be a stretch for me to place blame on someone else, unless I made a career of it.
  19. We have several OFC Community members who have been dealt a really bad hand, but they are handling it like champions. They are my heroes. One of them is lit up right now on this thread. He and his entire family are in my life every day. Why spend time on such a minor issue that should have been prevented by the person watching where he was walking?
  20. This thread indicates to me that I must be very careful who I invite into my home, to ride in my automobile or to fish in my boat. Some people will accept personal responsibility for their actions and others will look to place the blame elsewhere. I've had a couple of falls or so over my years, but I'm always too embarrassed to bring it to the attention of others by not accepting blame. I can't imagine my falling on a step that is out in the open during daylight and blaming someone else because I wasn't looking where I walked. It would be a different story if everybody fell on the same step.
  21. Hey Ryan, your dues are current, so keep bringin' 'em. However................your boss kissing a frog is a bit kinky. Kissing the frog that assumed the top position of a sex act is a lot kinky. Might be a good idea to work on that one.
  22. Do you mean to include my friends and me?
  23. Sandy, you and Adam will be missed at our walleye dinners. #4 is open.
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