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Everything posted by JoshS

  1. I tried the 832 for the first time the morning... It definitely handles great out of the box and casts very well. Going to give it a good go the next couple days but so far so good.
  2. Looks like a good time... A friendly tourny among friends is always a fun way to spice things up and keep people fishing hard!
  3. Thanks Dutch, good tips and will do as suggested before I buy. I'm not in a HUGE rush as I've waiting this long however I'm going to keep looking hard and pounce on an opportunity when it arises. I just got word back from the Crestliner owner from my original post. He says the motor is a '94 but wasn't used until '02 apparently. Still, that is an old engine. As well, the trailer is Glastron bc it is the only trailer he could find with a foldable front end to store in his garage. '94 engine on that boat kind of makes it over priced in my opinion although I'm no expert... Thanks for all the tips and if anyone see's a good deal out there, let me know!! At a cottage and gotta get back out on the water... Fishing Pike as this lake is musky-less and only three follows this morning but two were pigs! Hopefully get some to bite tonight...
  4. Really appreciate all the input and tips and glad to hear of good experiences with the FishHawk. What minimum pound thrust trolling motor should I be looking at for a 17footer?
  5. I've heard mixed things so have to try it for myself. I've been a power pro guy for a long time, maybe too long lol.
  6. Thanks for the tip... Hopefully they have some 832 in stock! That Pflueger is a good little real for the price too.
  7. Hi everyone, It's been a long time coming and I'm finally ready to purchase my first boat. The thing is.. I don't really know what I'm doing!! So I'm here to seek some mentoring along the way... I fish everything so I'm looking for a versatile rig that I can take out on big water on manageable days (simcoe, quinte, gb etc) and also will be spending a lot of time on kawaratha type lakes. I think I'm looking into a used 16-18ft deep aluminum, single console rig that fits into my budget of around 12k max. I'll be towing with a 2011 Pathfinder v6 4L for now (dads). Looking at used rigs in the GTA as well as down south where they seem to average cheaper but unsure about how to go about it the smart way. Any help on what to avoid, where to look and advise on best practices would be much appreciated! Here's one that I found the other day: http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-1750-fishhawk-crestliner-W0QQAdIdZ286469964 Thanks, really excited to finally stand on that casting deck!!!!!!
  8. Awesome man! Nice little report and good inspiration to get out there. Like the action shots!
  9. Look into the Abu revo S too. I know from my friends experiences getting into fishing that cheaper baitcasting reels arent always a great investment. Look into spending a little more if you can and you won't regret much. Citica is a great option too.
  10. Another vote for Bills Bait and Tackle. I usually make a point to stop there when I'm in the area and order the majority of my rods/reels there. Good guys and always willing to help out.
  11. Improved clinch or not... as long as you check your knot well and it doesn't break or slip it should be fine. Sounds like maybe your rod is too stiff or like BillM said... it was just a bad luck day
  12. Discontinued? I didn't know.. and I just picked up a few at a local shop last weekend. Guess rapala just doesn't sell enough of them anymore. Check out the recent in fisherman mag, there is an article on countdown style baits that shows some varieties.
  13. Inspirational report. Love the spring brownies. Thanks!
  14. I had some good success with the smaller sized smelt for walleye using it like a jerkbait. Haven't tried any of the other baits
  15. I catch myself watching shows like the Next bite, Musky hunter, simply fishing, lost lake, linders fishing edge, extreme angler. If you can look past the endorsements, I like these kind of shows better than others because they seem to concentrate more on technique and patterns. I like the tourny shows too besides that guy that commentates and does those hardcore Berkley plugs, I don't think it gets worse then him.. "just tie-on your berkley flikr shad people, throw it out there and if there's fish in the lake, you will catch them folks, a lot of them, and have a GREAT day fishing. Make sure you get a bunch of colours to try and see whats working to maximize your time on the water, increase your chances to win BIG money and have a great day on the water". I know from first hand knowledge Bob Izumi is a great guy and I'm proud he's been in the spotlight for so many years. Can't stand Fish TV or Italo's show. Mercer throws one endorsed product all show and the show is seriously lacking the technical side but is a good guy to promote the industry to newcomers. The more technical shows get the nod for sure.
  16. I live in the "little italy" of toronto and have a lot of elder neighbours... I help a lot out with the shoveling but my neighbour directly next door to me must be 80+ and will not let me touch his walkway. He says it's his only excuse to get away from his wife and her mouth hahaha. All year his walkway is the cleanest on the block all the way to the alleyway in the back. Also nice to have someone to dish some steelhead fillets too time to time!
  17. Plans just changed. If anyone has a spot, I'd love to get out! I'm located in TO and a die hard fisherman for everything but carp. If not I will probably hit up some rivers and maybe some local pike or brown haunts.
  18. The guy has the drive to win. Lots of guys have talent, but few can take it to the next level when it matters. Roy is of these elite few and joins the likes of MJ, kobe, clemens, not vince carter, etc. The man is a machine and any team should be scared as hell to face him any day, especially in the post season.
  19. Good work! Congrats on the win!
  20. Nice fish! Stoney is a beautiful lake
  21. Definitely try Fish City Tours... Taro really knows his stuff, it's kind of like fishing university!! Plus now is a great time to get out for some local pike action.
  22. I bought one for my Dad in the spring. It broke in the fall haha. I lent it to my buddy to do some pier casting for salmon and he was getting into a few... after a few fish the reel locked up. Took it apart and something had broken inside so I removed the broken-off part and surprisingly he continued to fish with it without problems. Probably shouldn't of taken it out for big kings but I can tell you my stradic doesn't break like under the same circumstance. For the price its a good reel but if you do a lot of fishing I always recommend quality stuff that will last.
  23. Taro never disappoints, the guy knows Lake O pike better than anyone. Beauty fish and congrats on the 40!!
  24. Here ya go detective.. (fish a lot solo so not the best pics) That's a 7in bodied lure in its mouth (killer summer pike bait!) Thanks for the responses, makes me feel better knowing she still has a chance. I use a long 125# floro leader, and pretty much a musky setup, so just one of those unfortunate incidences I guess. I just hope she's still able to eat.
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