Hi all,
I've been following this forum for awhile and I must say it definitely keeps me sane when I'm not on the water, which is way too often. Great to see all these passionate anglers in one place to share info and stories... love the reports!
Anyway, I'm posting to ask some questions about some lakes I've been exploring in quebec around the Gatineau region. My friend has an amazing piece of property on a private lake just outside of Kazabazua, Lake McConnell, across the street from Danford Lake. We've been out for lakers a few times with no avail. Anybody have any info on these lakes? fish species, populations, etc? OR any other lakes in that area such as Lac Ste. Marie, Pemichagnan, Lac Heney? Gonna go up again for Pike and Walleye opener the 16th, I know Lac Ste. Marie holds walleye as it feeds off the Gatineau. Any OFC'ers fish these lakes?