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Everything posted by curlrap

  1. Just trying to make a point on how screwed up are law system is.
  2. His name get's plastered in the newspaper and social media...pedophiles are more protected from social media than a guy who gets caught with six dink walleye.
  3. The law system is a little funny. You could get away with a much less drinking and driving or even trafficking drugs but don't get caught with six fish!! I think he also lost his fishing licence for two years. You only lose your drivers licence for 90 days for drinking and driving.
  4. I disagree, the recreational angler can only keep two walleye greater 18 inches which is only 3 percent of the population. Therefore you have to release 97 percent of the walleye you catch. The commercial fisherman targets @ 70 percent of the population. I would say that's a big difference. Although I would be in favour of a complete shutdown of fishing in the winter. That's when it sees the most fishing pressure and the kill rate must be elevated when you have to release 97 percent of your fish.
  5. Thanks for the replies, this post was for my 15 yearly old son who is really starting to love fishing, especially casting for pike and bass. I have tons of takle but I never fished with a top water frog. He decided to buy the live target frog.
  6. Looking to buy topwater frogs which ones do you recommend?
  7. The problem has now been CONFIRMED. Shut the whole lake down for a few years. Recreational fisherman can't keep any Walleye anyways.
  8. For starters i have not kept a Walleye in almost 2 years out of that lake and i'm not a poacher. I buy my licence every year to help funding the resources.
  9. Again, does NFN have a restocking program and do they help financially with the LNSA? If they don't have a restocking program can anyone explain why not?
  10. I also have a couple questions for LNSA. Does NFN have their own restocking program and do they help you guys financially with your efforts. In my opinion you guys are supplying them the fish and that is just as bad as the people buying it from them. I'm sure this is the reason the MNR are given you a hard time, they just don't have the balls to say so.
  11. The article states that the fish were too ripe to keep. So this net wasn't attended to quick enough therefore the person who owns it should be held accountable which isn't happening.
  12. And that's one of the reasons I can't sign the petition.
  13. Hey Randy, is Jean Luc your brother?
  14. Spearing is totally legal for NFN and theres nothing we can do about it. May 15 is date when the real slaughter takes place when the big nets come out. Personally i am done fishing nipissing for Walleye as 3% of the population are >18 inches and thats just too frustrating releasing 97% of them.
  15. Walleye are going to be in demand now, i can picture all the walleye for sale signs. The natives are going to have to fish extremely hard to supply all the walleye cravings people are going to have. This is great news for them and theres no limit when it comes to purchasing these fish.
  16. I was out fishing nip today for only the second time this year. Went to visit my uncle at his shack and he was saying they only caught 2 walleye all season over 46 cm . So basically walleye fishing will be a waste of time and money with this new rule. He also told me they got hundreds of walleye this season and probably released close to a hundred as well. So there's more than enough walleye to increase the limit to 4 or keep it the same. Reducing the limit to one over 46 cm is just making a mockery to all walleye anglers.
  17. It's easy to just make up new regulations but you have to have someone to enforce them. Theres probably two game wardens that look over the entire lake. I don't ice fish like i used to but when i did, you could fish a whole season without seeing a game warden. I know a lot of fisherman that won't even flinch a taken four or five walleye home because the odds of getting caught is very slim. I know a lot of natives, and i know for a fact that they are laughing at us right now.
  18. The guy with the stash looks very familiar. Is he's last name Desjardins?
  19. Looks fake to me, you never see the guy actually get a bite. The fish are all hooked the same and theres way too much editing. Sorry not buying that lure.
  20. What pitch do you have on your prop. I have a 15 pitch on my Tracker Super Guide and average 28 mph with my 40 e-tech.
  21. Did Tookie show you how to follow the rules of the outdoors. If so your in big trouble!!
  22. I'm not a big hunter but i'm pretty sure there's a season for small game. Not sure when it closes but i'm think the season starts @Sept 15.
  23. So you had partridge and bass for supper, isn't that poaching TJ???
  24. How did you hide or attach your transducer wire to your trolling motor.
  25. Those are some nice pictures, we haven't seen four gates wide open in a while. The lake going to rise quick with that amount of water spilling.
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