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Everything posted by curlrap

  1. I think we can stop complaining about low water levels in lake nipissing. The lower Sturgeon river has probably risen two feet in the last few days and with three gates wide open it will continue to rise to above normal levels. I'm guessing it's above normal right now.
  2. What ever happened to GCD, he had thousands of post. Maybe he got deleted or banned!!!
  3. Like i said earlier it's not just the walleye population thats being affected, now some natives are targeting PIKE. This is causing an uproar in are region because what was once an awesome pike fishery in the cache bay area is already showing a major decline. When the walleye slot and decrease limit was introduced many anglers started ice fishing for pike in the cache bay area, and over the years you could notice the pike population was decreasing. Now it's really tough to catch pike there in the spring and summer. By adding netting to the matter, that will totally kill that area. The perch have taken off lately, will they be the next victims? They sell perch in grocery stores so i'm sure theres money to be made with them as well.
  4. The article says there having trouble netting walleye, so i agree the numbers are decreasing. That must be the reason why some natives are targeting pike now, i heard there in demand down south. They have their nets setup all over the cache bay area. I do agree the smelt population has increased, i could have filled the box of my pickup truck last spring but the whole lake is a sanctuary now, until fishing season opens and by that time they have moved on. I hope the figure something out with their meetings because i agree there is a problem with the fishery. Just my two cents.
  5. GBW, i wasn't taken a shot at you at all, but don't worry i'm still up and very alert. Go back to page 1 and read gb fisher's comments and let me know what you think.
  6. Some of you must feal like real jerks now, or at least you should. Making fun of the kid and just being bullies. If you don't like the questions peaple ask, then just don't answer them.
  7. Maybe those fish are below the thermocline and are simply not active. I recently fished a lake for a week on my holidays where i was marking plenty of fish in 30 fow but was unable to catch any. I started fishing to top of the reef in about 10-15 fow and started catching them.
  8. We have 2 co's in west nipissing. You really think they give a crap who caught the fish. I don't think so, as long as you don't exceed the total possesion limit and the fish are not in the slot. Like others have said, there's no way this rule can be enforced. The natives have to be within a certain weight limit at the end of their season. Do you really think they give a crap about a weignt limit, NO. Do you think a weight limit can be enforced for the natives, NO. I am just tring to say that some peaple are making too much of a big deal about this topic.
  9. Nice catch, have you ever thought about guiding. You would make millions i'm sure!! Not too many people can show off a catch like that on nipissing.
  10. There's no fish in Nipissing.
  11. I just bought the 597ci last week but did not get a chip yet. What's the best or cheapest card to get for ontario lakes? Does Walmart or BPS sell these cards?
  12. My motor is a 2006, i hope they fix this in the future because i think this is a real problem. I tore up a prop once, seconds after unloading from the trailer and i am always scared to hit bottom when putting it on the trailer. You better not have a sore back either when lifting out of the water because it't not light. I can't see myself carrying a 2x4 in my boat but thanks for the advice.
  13. I have a 40hp tiller e-tech (pull start). The engine does not have a shallow drive on it, i was inquiring about getting a hydraulic trim/tilt system. The dealer said he would check and call me back, but never did. I asked the mechanic who works at the dealership and he said that he never seen them before for that type of engine. My brother has a 40 hp mercury tiller and he has a hydraulic pistin which allows him to lift the motor with a finger. He can also lock it a different position. Any experts who can help me this?
  14. I just spoke to a friend, that finished second in the Parry Sound pike derby (Top 50). He caught a PB (39 inches) and he had one at the boat that he missed which he said was @ 50 inches. He was actually happy he didn't land it because he would not have been able to keep it (limit is four with 2 over 34 inches which he already had. ) He said it was the best day he ever had pike fishing and also caught many largemouth bass. Does anybody fish that area and are fish that size typical?
  15. Pretty sure nipissing is closed that weekend, i think it opens on the long weekend.
  16. Can you tell us what Nipissing is famous for?
  17. I just noticed there is a group on facebook called SAVE LAKE NIPISSING WALLEYE. There's 1300 fans and hours of reading if you wish to do so. Richard Row ( i think he works for the MNR?) had alot to say aswell as many natives adding their 2 cents. I don't buy the theory of the increase of smelts but i do believe the walleye population is declining and something should be done.
  18. I can't speak for myself, but by uncle has been fishing from Campbells bay to the mouth of the French river with no success. He said he caught two Walleye all year and last year was just as bad. He told me that many peaple fishing in the area have not been cacthing much either. Those spots include fisherman, blueberry island and target. He didn't even catch many perch this year either. I haven't been out ice fishing the last few years because i have two boys playing hockey, but i don't think i'm missing much, at least at are end of the lake. Those perch are very tasty though, good luck finding Walleye.
  19. Could be just me, but there seems to be many grumpy old men on this site??
  20. Its actually a large amount (500$), but i don't won't spent the whole thing on a unit. The Hummingbirds look to have a large range of models and price ranges. I will be buying from BPS because of the amount of the gift certificate.
  21. I received bassproshop gift certifcates from Santa this Cristmas and would like to purchase a sonar with a gps. My price range is @400$ but i don't have any experiance with these new machines. Any ideas or brand preference would be appreciated. How much are the mapping chip?
  22. Fishing sucked last winter on nippising, in are area anyway (from mouth of the french to goose island).
  23. I think that TJ should give Randy a few hats and T-shirts for that plug on youtube. He doesn't have a sponsor but he sure has balls showing that on the internet. Very funny stuff Randy!!
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