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Everything posted by curlrap

  1. I broke the rod casting a jerkbait, i could feel something was wrong before it broke. It snaped about 2 feet above the butt. I did catch a 30 pound muskie in the spring wiht it. And yes they sell Compre`s at Walmart, paid 99$ plus tax.
  2. I recently broke my Shimano compre baitcaster rod while fishing. I purchased it at Walmart, but i don't have my receipt anymore. The rod has a lifetime warranty, can i ship it back to Shimano?
  3. Just curious, how much does a fly in trip like that cost?
  4. Pretty sure the article said he caught it while fishing bass and pike in 4 feet of water.
  5. That rash is defenitely a reaction to something. If the red area of the sting becomes larger or spreads that is due to infection. If you start having a fever then you know there's something wrong and you should be going to the ER. A Doctor will most likely give you benedryl and possibly an antibiotic for precautinary reasons.
  6. That smiley faced guy is my Dad and it was a chinook. I gave Randy that picture, but told him to hide his face because he was on duty when he caught the fish. He is now retired so i don't care about the smiley face anymore!!
  7. Do they offer french courses at Mcmaster, because i can't see them giving you a scholarship with that spelling!! A little white lie here and there is ok Patrick, but you are going way overboard with such a statement. At sisteen you are prabably in grade 11, so i don't think you would have received a university scholarship unless you skipped a grade or two.
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