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Everything posted by rickster

  1. I think we should all agree we disagree on this subject before it goes from bad to worse I see Lews point I just don't agree with him casting near the "moron" without saying anything I would have told the guy off and than if he didn't move zing a few by him
  2. HH You beat me to it 2nd post and he is taking shots at people CLASSY
  3. Happy Birthday and many more. Rick
  4. $1.12 here in the great northwest
  5. probably get a lot more work done
  6. I've heard of people using stinkbait to catch fish but aren't you going a little above and beyond?
  7. That was the best read I had all day
  8. I am sure we can all agree that the A@#$holes that were caught with 31 walleye over there limit are getting off easy 3-5 years come on.......... they shouldn't be allowed to fish in Ontario again Guys like that should be drug out back and beaten
  9. Well sir your blood alchohol level is .09 but awwwww I guess thats only over by .01 the limit so I tell you what Just this once I am going to let you go But you be sure to drive straight home now ok
  10. Well said Deg
  11. I do a lot of long line trolling for walleyes in late summer and fall and I always start out with an orange( or I guess its called flourescent red) rapala. If nothing is hitting that I will switch to a perch pattern. Lately i have been doing well with the deep taildancers forget the color name but it has a red/orange belly. Biggest walleye so far this year was a 26 1/2" Bigger ones usually start showing up in september
  12. Here is a copy of the mnr regs re size limits. A variety of size restrictions apply to some species and waterbodies (see Map, A, B, C, D or E ). Unless otherwise stated, size limits refer to total length , which is a measure from the tip of the mouth with the jaws closed to the tip of the tail, with the tail fin lobes compressed to give the maximum possible length. For some waterbodies, the regulation may specify a size limit that is a fork length . Fork length is a measure from the tip of the mouth with the jaws closed to the central part of the tail fin (see below). If you catch a fish in a restricted size range, you must release it immediately. (See Tips on Live Release of Fish ). Provincial regulations are established using the metric system. The conversion to inches has been rounded to one decimal place for the convenience of anglers. You friend was in the wrong and I commend him for not complaining about it. Personally if I catch a walleye that is close to the slot limit I don't even hesitate to release it. Just not worth the risk if you ask me. I have had nothing but good experiences with the COs in this area thankfully and I commend them for the job they do.
  13. Just read a report from Winnipeg news that Cabelas has bought out SIR and will be making its store in Winnipeg the headquaters for Canada as well as its first Canadian store. heres the link http://www.cjob.com/news/index.aspx?src=lo...l&rem=72481
  14. wonder how big a bathtub plug home Depot sells?
  15. I am sure that like myself there are others here that need a little humor to settle down after reading some of the comments on the last couple of pages of the insane boaters thread So here it is A guy rings his boss. I can't come to work today. The boss asks why? The Guy says it's my eyes. What's wrong with your eyes the boss asks? I just can't see myself coming to work, so I'm going fishing instead...
  16. Great report. I've said it before but it bears repeating There is nothing better than enjoying a day fishing with your kids.
  17. If anybody wants to buy some lightning insurance I can set you up cheap... just pm me...lol
  18. CABELAS of course I guess I am prejudiced beacause the place I work at is a Cabelas canadian dealer/distributor and I am the lucky guy that takes and places the orders for our customers
  19. some great smallies there guys ...congrats
  20. We have the 5" leeches here at our store come in a bag same as regular gulp stuff come in black and a black with yellow flake
  21. 5" LEECHES are available but not in the tubs. You can put other gulp products in the tub but they say if you put in any other plastics that the concotion will eat away anything but gulp products
  22. Just a few more pics
  23. Took the family out fishing last night and had a great time catching some smallies and northerns The river is low right now and the kids have agreat time exploring the shoreline My son landed two nice smallies and I managed a couple as well while my wife got some great pics
  24. The stuff is great have been using the leeches and shiners on both walleye and smallies. 24 dollars a tub but well worth it
  25. a real beauty for sure someday I hope that will be me
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