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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Do you have a budget? It would narrow it down a bit ...
  2. i was hoping you would tell us how the bbq duck tastes lol Still a nice day out though! Seems like it's finally going to warm up...
  3. Yup it sure is! I'll be there at around 6ish. For those who showed interest you will receive a PM from me sometime today. Bring on the warmer temps!
  4. AH MY EYES! I guess it's the time of the year I stop clicking into your reports lol Great report as usual! Just gotta love the color of the fish down south.
  5. Unreal! Great report once again Jamie! I gotta get myself down there one day!
  6. Welcome back and great report! Congrats on your catch!
  7. Thanks for sharing! You'll have better luck next time
  8. whoah! that is a bigmouth buffalo indeed... haven't heard it being caught here in ontario neither real nice fish! congrats!
  9. I haven't caught my first mirror ... definitely looking forward to that though. From what I heard from others, it seems that the lower Grand has alot of them.
  10. Thanks everyone! Thanks for the invite Rich. We gotta figure out a time and take you up on that offer!
  11. dang i'm jealous! those are some big fat smallies!
  12. Agreed!! Great catch despite the bad weather conditions! wow 5,382 bass lol
  13. Looks like you're having great success off your sweet ride! Never kept/ate rainbow before so i don't know about the taste, but they sure seem tasty though!
  14. On Friday night, MJL, Wolfville and I decided to head out east for some carp fishing. It's been a while since we have fished and chilled at the bankside together. MJL and I got to the swim at around 9pm, wolfville has already dropped his rig into the water and had a line bump while we were setting up ... seemed like a good sign. In the next 6 hours or so, it's pretty much Wolfville-the-old-man showing us how to catch a carp and the young boys taking the role of netboy and camera man. I'll let the pics do the talking ... First few of the night ... MJL figured that he doesn't want to be outfished and lands his first of the night Wolfville quickly responses and lands this one Just when MJL and I think wolfville has landed his fair share of fish ... he brings this in ... His new PB @ 29lbs and 35in, here's another look after he cleans her up After releasing that fish, wolfville has decided that he has landed enough and he should probably be a good husband and head home. Originally MJL and I had plans to head up to peterborough for more carp action, however I was too tired to drive and action stayed somewhat consistent so we opt to stay. Shortly after wolfville took off, MJL brought this one in... Up till this point, i haven't had much of a line bump or a hit while the other two guys has gotten bumps consistently. At exactly 4am, the sweet sound of my alarm finally came on. You would have no idea how excited I was ... after a decent fight my first carp of 2008 was netted. yeah i'm in pretty bad shape after waking up at 6am the earlier morning for work and having to soldier out the cold This fish was honoured to be my first of 08. He was so excited that he left some of its milt on MJL's net. It seemed that the fish has started to feed more all of a sudden and MJL landed this one not long after Everything died off after that, but the two of us got a chance for a quick nap. At 6:45am, we had a double header but MJL's fish took him into some snags and got loose. In a way it worked out better because my net was still in the car and his net was really far from me. Moments later a nice suprise came for MJL, an absolutely stunning mirror carp. This fish deserves a close up I don't think anyone would call this one ugly eh? As the sun came up rain started to come down and action completely stopped, we left at around 11 30am. All in all, wolfville landed 6-7, MJL landed 8 and I landed 2. They're all in the 12-20lb range with the except of wolfville's big girl. It was loads of fun and we gotta do it again sometime soon.
  15. Absolutely amazing! Always loved your reports and enjoyed reading them. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.
  16. The color on these brookies really amazes me. I have to get out there and try to get one one day.
  17. Those are some beautiful pics! What a tent lol! I want one...
  18. As "Musky or Specks" said, you might want to invest in some better equipment, not that your $10 combo won't catch fish but it's just much easier to start and easier to handle when you hook in a bigger fish. I'd say a combo in the $30-50 range wouldn't be too bad. Hamilton is a pretty good area for carp fishing, almost anywhere you can drop a line into Lake Ontario probably has them. I have also seen reports of others catching pike, bass, panfish, catfish and more. Do up a search here on OFC. Personally I wouldn't eat anything coming out of the Hammy. Good luck!
  19. it's gotta be brutal out there but at least it sounds that you got some nice fish!
  20. Great report as always! Glad everything worked out in the end for ya and some nice haul of fish
  21. Great pics as usual DSN! I hope your back gets better soon... it'll take some back muscles even to just bank the 30+lbers!
  22. Good on you splashhopper! More of us should be doing this and educating others at the same time.
  23. As others said try to go to the nearest community centre and find an adult swimming lesson. You don't necessary have to be able to swim well. Even if you can't move from A to B after the lesson, at least you won't fear the water as much and it gives you more time to react if an incident does happen. When non-swimmers drown, they usually swallow a whole lot of water because they get scared once they go underwater and try to "breathe" ... this actually makes it worse and maybe contribute to secondary drowning (water build up in the lungs). Good luck to you!
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