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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Mike & I did scout out that area and came across the same garbage pile on our way out. It's a shame to see for sure. In terms of fishing I got a smolt there and Mike landed a shaker, that's about it. It was nice finally meeting you as well. That fish you got wasn't a fluke at all and you definitely worked for it (both you and Mike called it too haha "That's gotta be a fish in that log jam; Mike - probably"; shortly after, BAM!) oh and it's not the first time I got destroyed by a fish with the wood ... gotta go back for redemption!
  2. Great pics Justin! I have been hoping to come across a deer shed one day as well with all the bushwacking that I do for steelheading haha.
  3. I have been tempted to pick up a Canon body just for that lens quite a number of times Great shots Bill!
  4. Great work bud! I heard someone got schooled
  5. it surely was an unforgettable day. Can't wait to go back for more!!
  6. This report sure got my blood going for some hardwater action! Must have been a nice feeling hooking into so many fish after skunking 5 times last year, hopefully I can experience that on Simcoe soon =D. I felt that I have paid my dues haha.
  7. Still out on the canoe!? Nice work haha You gotta buy a pair of waders and come out with us!
  8. Damn haha why do you guys always have amazing days when I'm gone
  9. Seems like you have already have dialed in! Nice work!
  10. Nice fish. The 2nd is very clean and good looking
  11. Loved the videos Looks like he's already fighting fish like a pro! Must have been tough for him to use such a long rod in the boat too!
  12. Cool looking reel. It sure can be frustrating at first, but it's alot of fun once you get the hang of it (i guess not if you're icefisherman )
  13. Congrats icefisherman! Going 3/6 on your first day on the river is truly amazing. Heck, even now after trying for 2+ years I'd be happy with a 3/6 day.
  14. nah. You're not missing anything here I'd trade all the fish that I caught last weekend for catching 1 out your way in the REAL rivers and pools(okay maybe i didn't catch a whole lot but still haha)
  15. I'm not sure if I should be flattered for being labeled as a "great netman and cameraman" lol
  16. holy cow that is a beast!! I can only keep dreaming ...
  17. Must feel very rewarding hooking/landing fish on a rod that you built. I have no idea about guide placements etc but it certainly looks great. Alright enough with the rod talk, what's the GPS coordinates for your driveway? Seems to have nicer fish than the one i caught today
  18. Never thought about it that way, well said!!! Enjoyed the read/pics, thanks for sharing. Mike (solo) - don't tell me you have 2 of those reels!? Or you just changed the center-cap to black? I'm loving the black on black!!!
  19. Thanks for sharing Mike. I remember in the previous years your annual report is like a picture summary of all your reports throughout the year, and I would have already seen alot of them. Unfortunately I haven't been on OFC as much as of late but this is a nice way to catch up!
  20. Hearing that from you, is making it even harder and harder to hold myself back. haha maybe I will wait till Christmas rolls around and buy myself a xmas gift.
  21. i can't wait to go back and find the big ones that we lost =[
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