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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Oh, it's possible they are not a authorized repair shop for Nissan....but either way, who said this part is covered under the extended emissions warranty....I wouldn't be surprise if it's not covered under warranty....HOWEVER, you have already established this problem before you purchased it and that should be enough for them to be responsible for the repair.....but you may have to fight for that to happen. Good Luck, Bob
  2. OK everyone, I guess 3" is now safe ice...
  3. OK then......
  4. If under warranty, depending on your mileage, a authorized dealership should take care of the problem without too much problem....but if they have other "better paying" customers they will push you to the side for now as warranty work is paid to them at a much lower rate then the average Joe that walks in from the street. I believe the fuel temp sensor on Nissan's are in the fuel tank....take a look under there and see if they dropped your tank in anyway....you could also ask for any parts replaced that you have to pay for. All dealerships are crooks....that's why many refer to them as "Stealerships"... Good Luck, Bob
  5. LOL....do you...
  6. See, that's the thing Mike....I do trust my experience, since I have over a decade more than you do....as a matter of fact I was ice fishing in high school before you were born.... BTW and please correct me if I'm wrong....aren't you the same Mike Brown that has a financial stake in one of the Kawarthan Lakes...maybe it was Rice Lake ? ? ? P.S. I'm not offended in anyway.....just trying to keep inexperience safe through another ice fishing season.... Bob
  7. Yep, read that part also....it can be interpreted by some (young and inexperienced ice anglers) as "be careful on unsafe ice". That is why I responded as I did on my very first post.... Are unsafe risk reports like this needed on a fishing forum....well, again "IMHO" as I believe that what this forum is about, "opinions"....then I again would say "NO".
  8. I think you need to go back and read your own post and your partner's post also....as nowhere did you mention 4 inches of solid black ice, but Chris Giles did post at NationalProStaff.com that there was "about 3 inches of ice with one open spot that we could see off in the distance"....this in dangerous ice fishing not only IMHO but by many other veterans as well.... When I read your OP my first thought was exactly as Roy posted....there are many young and experienced anglers here and I for one would feel horrible if something would happen to one because they ventured out on thin ice after reading a report like this.....and I'm sure you would too....but if your more interested in taking shots at me, go ahead....I'm a Redneck who has pretty good aim when I shoot back.... Bob
  9. I would, especially if you screwed in the chipboard as at least you can still use that board for some inside projects around the house....makes good shelving in the garage and basement....but once it starts to absorb moisture it swells and become scrap. Sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear. Bob
  10. I wouldn't even do it for a mere maid...
  11. Wow, less then 4" of ice....kind of foolish IMHO. Reports like this could entice others into dangerous situations.
  12. As a Redneck would say "It don't get no better then that"....
  13. That's more fishing equipment then a man should be allowed in one year....someone must of been extra good this year...
  14. I hate to say it but I have to agree with the Farmer here.....you may get a 2-3 years out of chipboard but it will find the moisture and swell on you. Here's what I would of recommended for the walls and roof and it would have been much lighter also. For the floor either a 1/2" exterior grade plywood or marine plywood would of been my choice. http://www.mccauseylumber.com/ppup.html
  15. Rodwrap, NICE.....and I agree....real men use real wood to smoke with... Pikeslayer8, how long did you smoke the twice backed potatoes ? ? ?...they look good enough to lick the screen.... Bob
  16. I with you Dave..... After 30 years of working outside in some of the worst weather you can image to work in I now prefer my ice in a glass.... I would trade all the days of winter for that first nice calm sunny day in early April when the crappies are drawn into the shallows just waiting for me to pluck them out... Each day I sit hear thinking about that fine day in April is one day closer to relishing in it when it does come. Bob
  17. Mission accomplished on Cliff's garlic soup.....not only did it taste great but the whole house smelled great for about 2 hours while my wife was making it... THANKS AGAIN CLIFF.....this is one recipe that will not be forgotten. HAPPY NEW YEAR Bob
  18. Foxhounders speak out The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFA) has been criticized for its hunting practices, but the association has uncovered animal cruelty -- or at a least shortage of shelter care -- at P3TA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) facilities. Dennis Foster, MFA executive director, provides Center for Consumer Freedom details on the Virginia Commonwealth's attempts to revoke P3TA licenses to operate animal shelters in that state. Based on P3TA's records, 84 percent of animals taken into its public shelters are euthanized within 24 hours. With a working budget of $35.8 million annually, P3TA shelters do not have "sufficient animal enclosures to routinely house the number of animals annually reported as taken into custody," Virginia officials noted. The HSUS budget, far exceeding P3TA's, includes just one percent granted to maintaining animal shelters. To date, Virginia's attempts to revoke P3TA's license have been dropped, despite a petition signed by more than 180,000 Americans so far. To learn more about a campaign to revoke the P3TA shelter license in Virginia and to accurately report on HSUS animal shelter operations, go to humanewatch.org and scroll to items on animal shelters and petition-signing. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article676911.ece
  19. SEE......this is WHY you can't ice fish....some C.C.'s are going around and breaking up all the ice....
  20. But where's this 5 foot surf they speak of...
  21. And they think us Redneck's are the crazy one's.....LOL.... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article684752.ece
  22. But can they catch fish.....that one looks like it's rigged more for water skiing.
  23. You know Cliff, if you drink it out of a coffee mug it looks better... Had a mother of a son who I coach LL baseball that always had a coffee mug in her hands.....later found out she didn't drink coffee...
  24. It because you're adding crappy booze....
  25. YES I can.....
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