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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Got your seat belt buckled, because you're going to need it....
  2. THANKS........then I should be good to go with this from Cabela's....12V 8ah... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Rechargeable-12-Volt-Battery/700551.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch%2F%3FN%3D1000002949%26Ne%3D1000002949%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dbatteries%26Ntx%3Dmode%252Bmatchallpartial%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%26WTz_st%3DSearchRefinements%26form_state%3DsearchForm%26search%3Dbatteries%26searchTypeByFilter%3DAllProducts%26x%3D18%26y%3D1&Ntt=batteries&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  3. I hardly ever go into a bank.....do 99% electronically....but every so often I get a check from the Fire Department for reimbursement to me for food or beer purchases...so I need to visit the sister in-law at the bank....
  4. http://www.cabelas.com/custserv/custserv.jsp?pageName=Shipping&WT.tsrc=EML&WT.mc_id=email-nl&eid=39774&cmp=I120203A&seg=FI2&cnt=7923&ctb=custserv
  5. BTW......# 17 and # 5 are my favorites....
  6. No phone call is needed...at least at my bank...transfers are done online by me all the time....and BTW I NEVER pay any fees.....of course having a sister in-law in charge of your bank branch does help....
  7. Watch em and ENJOY Boys.... http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/01/31/super-bowl-s-top-20-effective-ads-from-betty-white-to-budweiser-photos.all.html
  8. Since you have gone this far....just don't paint the inside....paint a murral on the inside walls....you could get very creative and it will be very unique to say the least....maybe someone fishing out of a boat or palm trees for a setting or ALL white and just say it's a blizzard scene...LOL
  9. They will stick FOREVER on metal....not sure how long on wood....get some roofing flashing, it's super thin and will hold the reflectors well.
  10. I use a umbrella net to dip Emerald Shiners out of the Niagara River....there are Billions of them most times.....or you can pay a bait dealer $7 for 4 dozen....
  11. Sounds good.......what does that use for a power source ? ? ?
  12. My dad loved his rabbit/pheasant/duck hunting......my mom bought him a 16 gauge Remington 11-48 for a anniversary present that he just loved...with that gun (which is now retired in my gun safe) he could jump and kill a bunny with a shot from the hip most times....not to mention the countless ducks and pheasants he brought home....but he never went deer hunting for some reason.
  13. Is it possible to have Spring without a Winter..... And BTW I got up extra early this morning and shot that rodent before he could see his shadow....you might want to say the last thing he saw was a 45 grain bullet delivered special delivery from me to him..... ...thus NO MORE WINTERS....and as you can see, it's working....
  14. You are NEVER suppose to mention that....It's like telling kids there is no Santa Claus....
  15. GREAT report....GREAT pics....nice to see the Canadian Ice Resort in service....
  16. Not to mention black flies and the Canadian Air Force (mosquitoes)
  17. Terry, do you mean hasenpfeffer......and don't forget about sauerbraten...
  18. My father was German and hunted rabbits....I ate more rabbits then chicken as a kid....
  19. Monday I got 2 MORE junk mailings.....this time it was another credit card application....one for me and one for my bride....grrrrr..... Nothing in print on how to get them to stop the mailings so this time I called the 800 # to apply and told them I wanted the mailings to stop....they asked for a 9 digit code # on our forms..blah blah blah and now they will no longer mail out that crap and I saved another tree....hopefully it's a white oak that produces tons of acorns for my deer friends....
  20. OH NO....I think I shot the wrong rodent..... http://www.buffalonews.com/topics/winter_2011-12/article720005.ece
  21. SORRY, but I totally disagree.....this is a guy he fishes often with....they know how much money it is to travel and fish....Mike has laid down a TON of money just to go fishing....a truck to tow with and a boat to fish in PLUS tons of equipment...why should this other guy always go for a free ride to fish....what if Mike called him to go golfing....should Mike pay for everything then....green fees and whatever....if they stop at the 19th hole should Mike pay for that too....I have friends that I take that insist on paying for everything when I call them to go fishing or hunting....but I always insist we split it....fair is fair in my eyes. Bob
  22. Yep, it's ground hog day again....but this time I got up nice and early and took out my trusty .22-250 Ruger named "Chuckmate" and I shot that rodent before he had a chance to see his shadow....and I just checked the long range forecast and I think it worked....
  23. I'm in....with you doing all that work it sounds like a easy portage for me....
  24. When my boat and truck leave the yard their gas tanks are FULL...ALWAYS FULL....at the end of the trip before I drop off my fishing partner I refill the truck and boat....split that charge with him plus $1 for boat oil and half the tolls I paid....now everyone's happy....
  25. FIRST if you truck/vehicle is under manufacture warranty this chip will void said warranty.....and it will leave a trail in the vehicles computer if you remove it so you can take it in for warranty work...not good. SECOND don't believe a thing they are telling you...save that money for expensive gasoline.
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