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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. EXACTLY.......the more the governments get ($$$$$) the more they WASTE......I go out of my way not to pay taxes, either by buying on the Res or using the internet catalogs for merchandise.
  2. Can you guys fill up at a local Indian Reservation where there are no restrictions on propane......we can for $8 per 20lbs which is less then HALF off the Res... And I agree......VOTE out the LEFT LIBERALS, they are tearing your country apart.......we will be kicking the out of them come Tuesday......Obama and his gang of thief's are running SCARED and should be...
  3. I can't answer how many, but I do KNOW they stood behind their product and either purchased that vehicle or COMPLETELY replaced the frame while giving a customer a loaner for how long it took. I once went 2 weeks with a Chevy Blazer waiting for a bent connecting rod to be repaired WITHOUT a loaner vehicle and was during the warranty period. All this time I had to beg for rides back and forth to work.
  4. Think again when the $$$$$ starts to roll in..... Dodge = Worst Truck...this company didn't go bankrupt TWICE because of it's good vehicles Ford = Second Worst Truck...dog engines that either have spark plugs blow out or can't be removed Chevy = Third Worst Truck...in my experience they don't stand behind their product...had to fight in order to get warranty issues corrected And finally Toyota's new full size Tundra came out in Feb '07 Good Luck with your new future ride, Bob
  5. NFL.....BUT.....TOO many commercials PERIOD....college football looks better everyday. Now if I might ask....do you think the Buffalo Bills will be successful if and when they move to Toronto....filling the stadium because it's all about the money.
  6. I don't know about other states but in NYS you have to be a license contractor to purchase a whole house heating/AC system.......sorry to break that news to you...and I agree......NOT FAIR.
  7. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN EVEN CONSIDERING CHANGING SPARK PLUGS ON SOME FORD V-8 ENGINES.......DO A GOOGLE SEARCH FIRST....SOME BREAK OFF AND LEAVE YOU WITH HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN REPAIR BILLS TO REMOVE THE BROKEN PLUGS. Might be better off just living with the plugs you have. Sorry for all the caps but I really want to get the OP's attention on this matter. Bob
  8. I can agree with everything EXCEPT #5....Step five... sell it in 2-3 years.... buy a Chevy ! Make that a Toyota TUNDRA and you will have one sweet ride my friend...
  9. Get some WeatherTech "Floor Liners" from here or Cabela's...Worth every penny if you hunt or fish and want to protect the carpet in your truck.. http://www.weathertech.com/ Running Boards.....http://www.runningboardwarehouse.com/ I have this Tonneau Cover on my Tundra for the last 3.5 years and it just like new......and it only takes 30 seconds or LESS to roll up or roll down by MYSELF.... http://www.truckchamp.com/tonneau-covers/subcategory/roll-up-tonneau-cover/brand/truxedo/series/truxport I realize you're in Canada so I don't know if you can order from these recommended places or not.....you'll have to do the research. And don't waste your money on cold air intakes hoping to save on gas mileage...that is only a fairy tale. Make that truck SAFE and reliable and you will be happy. Bob
  10. A mile and a gallon is what a pound and a inch is in fishing....
  11. They are Southern Ontario Sewer Trout..... Go to McDee's to see how they taste...
  12. I did this back in 1979 but the property was only 80 miles away....built from the ground up within sight of Chautauqua Lake but also had great deer and grouse hunting. It took me 4 years to finish it. LOTS of hard work and money.....EVERY weekend and holiday was spent building the "cottage". Don't know how old you are now but the older you get the hard it gets to do this and then the drive to do it is not there. So keep that in mind. My advice would be to go for the closer piece of property if this is something you are REALLY committed to do...if you quit half way through the process you will take a beating if you sell. Driving even 4 hours is way too much time spent on the road IMHO. You would be MUCH better off purchasing a cottage/cabin that needs some work, but of course that's up to you. One thing you MUST consider is what will you do when gas prices SPIKE once again and they WILL......even the 4 hour drive has to be over 200 miles away. Do the math with gas costing you $5 - $7 per gallon. OUCH ! ! ! Good Luck in your decision, Bob
  13. You don't need tags for small game hunting And the Canadian Government could charge you a loonie for your tags....here in NYS my son get a FREE hunting/fishing/bow hunting, etc....because he's in the Air Force.
  14. Congratulation on your healthy 65 years and enjoy your free fishing seasons ahead of you....you could transfer over to NYS at 70 and get a hunting/fishing license here for free or it may be $5 now....my father always talked about getting his free license at 65 and then the year of they raised the age limit to 70...
  15. It really depends on what time of the year......if a species is protecting it's spawning bed then it will go right back.
  16. My 1985 trailer came with the three identification lights mounted in the center of the trailer but I kept breaking them because they hung so far down......I removed them about 20 years ago even though my trailer is more then 80" wide.....never been stopped over that...as a matter of fact I stopped having the trailer inspected over 20 years ago....waste of money as I can inspect it myself.... Both (left/right) your directionals run can be checked real quick by putting on the 4 way hazards or just lock/unlock the tow vehicle with the remote as you stand back at the end of the trailer. If the lights blink on the tow vehicle they should also at the trailer. For those who have trouble with their lights, they need to get a test light, something similar to this but they should cost under $5 US... http://www.ipdusa.com/Volvo-140/Tools/12-Volt-Test-Light/p-78-725-2408/ This way you can figure out where power is good, up to that point and then keep working back towards the trailer lights.....doesn't do any good to put on new lights and wiring if the problem is at the tow vehicle. This quick check only takes minutes to diagnose where the short is. Happy Wiring...... Bob
  17. If you're in no hurry, check Ebay for this kind of stuff. Bob
  18. Next time you go, you can get your bait right near the Catt.....Try Googling 12711 Alleghany Road, Silver Creek, NY......or maybe this link will work.... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=12711+Alleghany+Rd,+Silver+Creek,++NY&sll=42.558907,-79.131249&sspn=0.001047,0.001725&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=12711+Alleghany+Rd,+Irving,+Chautauqua,+New+York+14081&t=h&z=16 Bob
  19. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article222742.ece I bet I know exactly where they hit a submerged wreck that lies along the Bird Island Pier, a area called the fish market by fishermen. On calm days you can see it SOMETIMES just sticking above the water line. Bob
  20. Good Morning, Ricky is the owner and operator of the bait shop when you turn off Rt 20 at the red light to head down to one of the three launches on the Catt... his bait shop is right there on the left only a few hundred feet from Rt 20...he took over the business from his dad Rhome Miller YEARS ago. So I am guessing you used salted minnows ? ? ? if so were they emeralds. Thanks, Bob
  21. United, we stand a chance of renewing the fishery. Divided, the fishery falls....nuff said.....
  22. We well NEVER come together as people until we ALL live under the same rules without discrimination to any group and that includes those of us who were born in Canada.
  23. Did you get the good stuff (Emerald Shiners) or bait from Ricky ? ? ?
  24. If what you say is true, where is the all Outdoor Card and Fishing License monies going ? ? ? ? ?
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