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Everything posted by Squid

  1. " I hope that come summer neither of us have our shoe laces tied to the side" Too funny Mike!! Anyone who is overweight totally gets this comment!! LOL Thanks for all the wll wishes and stories of weight loss. It is really encouraging to read so many stories of weight loss. I wish all who are on this path to continue with the battle of weight control. My biggest fear is Diabetes. This disease will creep into your life without a thought and strike you down with no warning. To all of you who do not watch your weight or do not have annual blood tests done, I strongly recommend that you get checked out. It could be your live saver. Joey I will update this thread as I progress through the weight loss journey. Best part about this diet is that you have to attend a class every week on nutrition and proper eating habits. So when you do start back on regular food you become accustomed to your new life style. Sinclair, I believe that this diet is kind of a ketosis diet. I will look further into it but I believe that I will be consuming less than 23 grams of carbs a day. This is what is required to go into ketosis. Forces the body to attack the fat for energy in lieu of the carbs kinda thing.
  2. First came the quitting of cigarettes 6 yrs ago already!! My how time has flown by!! My next phase is to lose the 70 or so extra pounds that I have put on over the last 20 yrs. I am fed up with asking my buddies to tie my skates LOL just kidding. I see this as an opportunity to improve my health and allow me to live longer LOL. So starting on the 15th of January I will be in the bariatric clinic in Hamilton General embarking on the biggest challenge of my life. My freinds tell that it will take will power, determination and courage to go through with this. I hope that I have what it takes to go through with this.The diet consists of 4 optifast shakes a day ( 900 calories) for 3 months. Nothing else but water and excercise. While on the shakes we will be overseen by a staff of nurses, nutritionists, doctors, nurse practitioners and psychiatrist. I know that folks will say that this is dangerous etc... but it is very carefully monitored by the staff to ensure that our health is of utmost importance. I am tired of being the fat guy in midlife and I want to improve my life. It is so easy to say 'hey just excercise' or stop eating etc.. What folks need to understand is that everyone is a unique indiviual with unique needs and wants. For me, I have never really tried to lose weight. Being a jock most of my life up to having kids gives me a perspective of what is needed to stay in shape and if I started working out now with the weight I would probably have a heart attack. I am thinking of taking a picture of myself at the front door of the house on a weekly basis to see how I look and progress over the next 12 weeks. Wish me Luck!!!
  3. Didn't really mean much to me Lew!! The last upgrade was 2006 and for us "old timers" it did not provide a clear picture as to how long you are a member. I guess that this is the 4th upgrade since 2001?
  4. Randy, thanks for posting the Joke!! Very funny stuff.
  5. You seem to talk out of your back side quite a bit Sinclair. From what I am reading it reads like you had the inside scoop in what was going on. There was so much more to this than we will ever really know. Resons why they did not settle right away will never fullybe understood so why try and speculate eh?? On thing is certain though, the top players at the hearings were holding out for a better deal for the 3rd and 4th line plugs. The guys that play for 500,000 to 750,000 a year and whose careers usually last only 2 to 5 yrs. If you state that so what, I could live on 550,000, well good for you but you are not an NHL calibre player so to speak to this is just plain ignorant.
  6. Could be the primer line for the sump pump?
  7. Driving home last night on Cumberlnad avenue near the bike path a Coyote crossed the road 25 feet in front of us. Bears, Coyotes, Foxes gees for Burlington?
  8. Does anyone know of a boat launch on Fortescue?
  9. Team Canada will get better as the team progresses deeper into the tournament. Billington will most probably start in net against the Slovaks.
  10. Merry Xmas everyone!! Hope Santa was good to you!!! Merry Xmas Lew, Di, Sheri and Marvin!!
  11. It is nice to watch the games live Mike!! The team looks good!! Subban was a bit shaky.
  12. Sounds like a fight to me Bernie. I would be all over them in a heartbeat!! Get on the horn and escalate the call to a manager. I have done this many times and have succeeded many many times. Last one being Onstar Want me to call for you?
  13. BillyBoB, you are fine and more than welcome in the Belle Provence!
  14. Oh Yeah when I lived in Montreal I always had snows!
  15. Good luck Big BUck!! Hope yours goes well also. Wayne all the best in the New Year, you guys deserve it!!
  16. Cripes the way the winter is going there will be no snow to speak of. I have a hard time justifying 1400 to 1600 dollars for snow ( winter) tires when I only drive 4 miles to work one way. Most days I am doing less than 20KM on the QEW between Appleby and third line.If the plan is to go to Montreal to visit thenI will wait for nice weather both ways If I am travelling to Montreal to see family. As mentioned, if you live in the snow belt or have to drive 25 miles for milk and bread up north then yes it is a justified expense. The four wheel drive will keep me going when needed in town.
  17. Lower Niagara for Bows, lakers browns muskies what ever hits the line!!
  18. Plan for it next year John, we will go out and slay them
  19. LOL Brian!! Mike as usual a day full of laughs and good times. It was an awesome day to be out and a great way to close out the season with a good friend. Till next year boys!!
  20. Tomorrow is looking so gooood!!!
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