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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I may be heading back down to Lake St.Clair on Thursday for the new moon.
  2. Don't really understand your comment EC? Can you paraphrase it?
  3. Champix worked for me and I have never looked back. If you fail with the cold turkey go see your doctor and get on Champix. It blcoks the nicotene from getting to the required receptors in your brain.
  4. Now open your boxes and look outside. Ever consider what happens when a reckless driver finds new confindence in his abilities to drive in the winter because he has snows on??? I'd rather be behind and excellent driver driving to conditions with all seasons than a reckless jerk with snows on.
  5. Sarcasm? On the period? Wow you are a class act all the wasy EC.
  6. You guys need to understand that folks on the bottom of the pay scale cannot afford snow tires for any price regardless if it 'could' save them in an accident. The lower income folks are more concerned about what to EAT than putting on snow tires.
  7. EC your rocking the boat here?? "also people in quebec can't drive" So you consider yourself an 'expert" I have driven in Quebec and in Ontario and I'd say its an even split. There are idiots here too and you just may be one of them, we don't know
  8. If it wasn't for the top and the nose cover we would have been swamped a few times as waves actually crashed over the bow!!
  9. Thursday is a NEW moon which is a great time to be out fishing!! Looks like Thursday for me with Saturday sprinkled in for good measure
  10. One more kick at the can for me next weekend on the upper. OFC used to do a G2G on the closer so if anyone wants to come out you are more than welcome.
  11. Oh yeah had a ton of fun at others folks expense at least the fishing wasn't as slow as poke.
  12. It was an awesome day to be out Mike! Brian your lol secret is safe with me lol. Roy I was 0 for 0 yesterday lol like Mike stated I said I would take the 5th fish but Mike decided to long release a couple so he could keep his count under 5 hahahaha
  13. I remember clearly back in the day folks advising that we need 130 lb flurocarbon leaders and 80lb braid with a minimum of a shimano compre or st croix rod and a calcutta reel etc... Really, I have one and its nice and all but its not the end all of fishing. I bought it as a gift to myself for my 25 years of marriage. Would I but another one? No way, not worth the money. Guys on St.Clair have been fishing with 65 dollar rods, 50 lb mono and a small selection of baits for years and they still catch monster muskies without all of the expensive gadgets.
  14. Yes Lew I was lead to believe that that is what I needed. I would not buy that unit today for those dollars.
  15. Pretty sick people if they are PM'ng you about this thread. I was almost brainwashed into believing that you do need very expensive gear to be a "good" fisherman. That is complete horsepoop!! You do not need top end of anything. Its FISHING not CATCHING. If you want to catch fish then buy a big net or use TNT!! I was fishing with a guy, that is no longer a friend, using a walmart set up that I paid 60 bucks for. He had a Stradic and a Fenwick combo that cost 500 bucks. I clearly remember him saying to me that he could not believe that I was catching fish with that combo!! I out fished him that weekend I guess for some it is more of a status symbol than anything else.
  16. Looking forward to seeing some old and new faces tonight!!
  17. My condolences to you and your family.
  18. Sweet more like spending too much time with the whiskey !
  19. lots of good ideas, buy what your budget can afford is good advice. Don't fall for the trap of having to buy the best right away. This fishing pastime can bankrupt you in a hurry.
  20. Yeah my buddy has a boat so out of Maitland,thanks What about Simcoe?
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