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Everything posted by caper

  1. caper


    I'm going on almost 3 months now. Hopefully to never look back this time. Keep it up.
  2. Looks great. Very fast as well
  3. Well done...Congrats
  4. Hammercarp, dara you have a PM
  5. I believe you missed my point. I didn't say there was any effectiveness to the long gun registry, in fact i agree it's a complete waste of money. As i said it makes criminal out of law abiding people. All of those checks are done on the hangun registry not the long gun registry. Project safe city in Toronto is about visiting people who have hanguns registered to them where they no longer have a possession licence. The misinformation was that these people are getting charged because of licencing issues which is false. There are no warrantless searches and the gun owners are given an opportunity to get their licenceing up to date and they can have the guns back. Not sure where those numbers came from but i can tell you from what I know there are a lot of unlicenced handgun owners out that that need to update their records.
  6. Ah....Wrong.... Please get your facts straight. What they are doing in Toronto is going through the handgun registry trying to clean up that mess. And it is a mess...Yes there will be some long guns involved as well but no "old guys life" or anyone else's has been ruined. They can either get the licence to be able to keep the guns or have them sold or destroyed or deactivated..Their choice. They are only holding them for safe keeping until the law is complied with. And again this is the handgun registry where the possession licences have expired. The biggest problem and opposition with the long gun registry as I see it is the fact that non registration of individual fireamrs now makes a criminal out of law abiding gun owners. People like to compare it registering vehicles and such but if you don't register your car and you get caught driving it on the road you aren't risking a criminal record and seizure of all your other cars.
  7. Nice place Lew, congrats. You'll have to get used to all that space after leaving the old homestead. Glad to see you found your dream home..East York will miss you guys I'm sure.. Craig
  8. That's awesome, well done and congrats..
  9. I realize that some have reservations about the inflatable PFD's but if you go in the water unconscious a regular PFD has nothing to possibly keep your head out of the water. The inflatables have a large blown up portion at the back of your head which is supposed to roll you over and keep your head out of the water. They don't guarentee this of course... That being said any type of PFD you wear, your far and away safer than those who don't, I'm a little too lax on this myself... If your are considering any type of inflatable, the automatic ones should be considered for sure because if you go in with a manual one unconscious then you have nothing where a regular PFD will at least give you a fighting chance. The auto inflate ones also have a manual back-up.
  10. This happened on my street where one neighbor didn't like the fact that the neighbor across the street had a boat in his driveway. Small 16 footer at that. He was hounded by the by-law guy here till he moved it...Nobody else on the street including myself were bothered...Just because that particular neighbor didn't like the one across the street he got hounded..Not right in my opinion....She's moved now so the other neighbors boat is back in the driveway....Good riddence to her...
  11. That's a sweet ride, congrats and enjoy...
  12. Occurrence Type: Search Warrant – Possession of an unregistered restricted hand gun. Occurrence #: BA09014963 Date: 21 April 2009 http://www.police.barrie.on.ca/node/2097
  13. I won't fill out anything at those shows anymore. The barrage of phone calls after is unbearable..
  14. That would be the case for sure, I would love to see the stats on someone using their registered rifle going and shooting up a place were there wasn't other means to identify the shooter...
  15. These are the facts that get distorted by the media. They are not getting rid of firearm licences for individuals. Anybody who owns or has in their possession a firearm still will have to have a firearm licence. It's just the registering of each gun that they are trying to get rid of. The police will still know that the occupant of a house has a firearm licence and possible has access to firearms. Also people who have mental health issues should be picked off in the renewal process for their firearm licence.
  16. Wether a gun is registered or not and is stolen really doesn't make much difference. The person in possession of the stolen gun will not have a firearms licence and the gun will be seized and the person charged regardless..Any street rat in possession of a firearm will be dealt with accordingly. The thing that never gets mentioned is that even though the long gun registry will be gone everybody in possession of long guns will still have to have a firearms licence. The gun owners are registered still which is a good thing in my opinion. The media make out the elimination of the gun registry seem like there will be no checks and balances as to who can have possession of firearms. Those will still be there regardless of the registry. As far as the police use of the registry, it tells them who has registered firearms. It really doesn't matter how many just that they have access to firearms. Craig Oh, 13,362
  17. LOL, Have to try that someday....
  18. Non fishing section?? Hmmmmm!!
  19. There are new regulations from Transport Canada coming in or are in already, if you operate a boat for work purposes your going to need a licence from Transport Canada, a pleasure craft operator card won't do..can't remember which licence off hand..
  20. Looks like fun...Definately do that one of these days..Thanks for sharing.. Craig
  21. I know what you mean...I gave it a good go before I cheated but I just needed to know... Here you go.. http://gamesuy.blogspot.com/2008/06/switch-walkthrough.html
  22. I couldn't figure that out for the life of me...I had to go and find the walkthrough...
  23. Great report, thanks for taking the time to put that together...It was a really enjoyable read.
  24. Always tough when you lose a parent no matter what the circumstances...Sorry for your loss. All the best to you and your family..
  25. That's a great report, thanks for taking the time to put that together. Looks like you guys had a great time. Craig
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