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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Yeah, Like FinS said, I picked up an old school deep freeze for like 25 bucks that had a dial that allowed me to keep the water cold enough that the minnows were barely active but at the same time wouldn't freeze the water. On top of this I bought a good Fluval Filter from the pet store, along with some water conditioner. My minnows lasted months at a time!!! This is a pretty instense set up for somebody without electricity in thier shed, but it works like a charm! Cheers, UF
  2. dude i'm still at work! gettin paid to surf OFC! muhaha cheers, UF
  3. BEAUTY FISH! They sure are in the area - I managed my PB walleye in the Lower Credit River this summer! Thanks for the report! UF
  4. wow -what more can I say?
  5. Took the words right out of my mouth! and I get out twice a week in the summer! haha Good Fishin' UF
  6. as per usual - great report. Smart move blurring out that last one though! Dont' want anybody to head out after that monster pike! UF
  7. coool - thanks man
  8. That's it, you've convinced me to go out and catch my first Steelie - hope the gf doesn't mind me buying a new rod! Thanks for the report! UF
  9. This summer I took my cousin out for his FIRST carp fishing adventure - but after a stop at canadian tire for his licence a stop at the store for colts, and another for beer the sun had practically set. So, we set up anywyas, i'm sittin back enjoying my colt and cold beer when he goes "DUDE YOUR ROD" (which was in the rod holder thats part of my chair) so I say grab it man you saw it. An he lands his first ever monster carp! SO, GOOD FOR YOU! if there's such a thing as good karma than you'll get it! Cheers, UF
  10. aaaahahahahahhahahaha d'as cool Rich - now you have to tell everybody ONE of your fav. holes!!!! haha jk dude! s'all good yo! UF
  11. Medium Silver/Black/Red X-RAP was my lure of the summer. Small Mouth Large Mouth Rock Bass Pike Walleye Drum All on one lure! UF
  12. I was two seconds away from trying the credit yesterday - got caught up with work, so i'm glad to hear it was chocolate milk! Beauty fish! thanks for the report! UF
  13. AWESOME! Congrats guys! Again, always nice to see OFC'ers getting together! Thanks for the post! UF
  14. nothing like a new puppy! congrats!
  15. Yeah, i've also moved over to plastics myself - it's nice not having to keep anything alive , BUT from time to time I like to use the real deal - especially if I've got some first timers with me. They're easy to find and catch at night with a flashlight, or you can just bait a minnow trap with a few dead minnows, in an area that's well known to hold a lot of crayfish and within a night or two you'll have more than what you need. Good Luck UF
  16. jeez all this steelie talk - i'm going to end up getting myself into trouble this weekend by sneaking out for some fishing!!! Good luck guys UF
  17. yepp - same here, it's my goal to fish BC sturgies some day!
  18. Well this thread give me the opportunity to say "THE NEW OFC ROCKS" good job guys! I think I speak on behalf of the whole gang when I say you did a great job! Cheers, UF
  19. ahhh i've seen this set-up before - good job once again Jedi-Angler...hope you don't mind if I use the plans! cheers, UF
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