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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Yepp, I agree with Photoz - I grew up in Sudbury and I still never walked out until Late January early February sometime, once there's a community of huts and vehicles out there! UF
  2. Photoz!!!!! I was wondering where you've been!!! welcome to the new board! great post! uf
  3. Well I can't compare to most of you guys but I have a fun little story. I moved to the GTA with the northerner mentality that there's no point in trying to fish "the big city". Most of the people I met at work said "fishing? in toronto? yeah, if you want to catch a fish with three eyes". Anyways, I met a SOLID DUDE at work, (fishnsled) who told me about OFC. I checked it out, read some posts, got some tips from the great people of this board and WHAMO - before I knew it was having an awesome summer fishin' right here in Mississauga! So to the newbies, you're in the right spot and to the Vet's of OFC - thanks and good luck in 2007! the picture does it no justice but this smallie was a solid 17 incher First of a species!! at least 7 or 8 lbs, I had never even seen a sheepshead before, and man I don't care what anybody says about them, they give up a heck of a fight! There's no lack of monster carp in Port Credit!!! 4lb eye New species and PB salmon! Cheers!
  4. My old man recently purchased a boat from the US over EBAY and it went off without a hitch. He got a great deal on it as well. PM me if you want and i'll get some details from him. Cheers, UF
  5. HOLY JEEPERS it's December 1st today!?!?! man I work to hard haha i don't even know what day it is anymore.... C'mon, be honest, what's to do guys and gals want from Santa? I"ll start... 1) Medium Heavy Baitcaster 2) Bow Mount Electric motor and deep cycle Battery 3) Trailer hitch for the car! I think i've been pretty good this year, but i'm not sure if Santa agrees with me! Good Fishin' UF
  6. right on dudette! glad to hear!
  7. nice work Crazy! cheers uf
  8. well good job cause those are some beauty bass for sure man! can't complain about the eyes neither! cheers
  9. are you afraid of them or did you just want to get them as close to the camera as possible?!? hehe GREAT day fishing man! thanks for the report! UF
  10. haha great report snag! if this weather keeps up you'll be catchin' them all winter! cheers, UF
  11. again - good on ya "Lonschild" - we can't all aford to buy a boat!!!! uf
  12. thanks for the pics Dan! awesome cheers
  13. not until I land my first steelie! - man the last week of decembers gonna be a rough one! haha good fishin!
  14. one dedicated fisherman if you ask me! Nice work snag - or should I say "Pike Tamer" cheers!
  15. What a report!!!!! Talk about a beauty line up of fish! congrats!
  16. nice little eyes guys! can't complain about a day on the water! uf
  17. awesome report dude! I'm thinkin maybe I should move to the east side of the GTA! haha That BOQ seems like the place to be!!! Cheers, uf
  18. right on dude! Great read! Cheers, UF
  19. nice eyes guys! good job meeting up! cheers!
  20. HAHAHA dude I was stolked to read this to! I hit up Humber bay park area and came up short this afternoon...if that makes any dif.. cheers, UF
  21. You two are an inspiration to shore fisherman and women on OFC! haha you two rock! UF
  22. Probably my fav. report ever read on OFC - good for you guys! UF
  23. Funny how everybody's checkin' out the dudes rather than the monster musky! haha
  24. Hey all, Somebody mentioned that they were looking for a beagle basset mix. (on the old board) And it just so happens that my "grandmother-in-law" is looking to give her beagle / basset hound mix puppy away. The pup is about 6 months old and was given to her as a gift, but Grandma doesn't feel up to taking care of another dog. If you were the person seeking a pup, or if you're somebody else looking for a fishing partner let me know and i'll get some pics! I'd take her if I could but i've already got a Beagle a Yorkie and a Baby! haha Cheers, UF
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