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Everything posted by iFish4real

  1. ya I know that, but how about this late in the fall? I've never been out in November
  2. Anybody have some info about Burwell or Stanley area? Tx!!!
  3. Anybody catching yet? By Picton or main bay already? Thanks!!!
  4. don't assume !!! the pump should have the voltage marked on it trust an electrician
  5. no offense to old ppl, I got them too and we all get there but some older drivers around here should seriously take the bus !!!!!
  6. I'm tempted to believe he hit the cruise button by mistake ...even like that, brakes should have saved them, hard to believe the car would still accelerate with the brake applied...something funky there
  7. sounds like you've never owned one ...stupid thing is that in N America for some reason they come with less power, my jetta has 100hp here, 130 in Europe, newer models have 140hp here, 175 in Europe...and I drove one in Germany, it's flying and btw...I'm pulling my Lund with my Jetta barely feeling it
  8. TDI engine all the way ...durable, economic, powerful...what else you want?
  9. they do...everywhere else except N. America they have TDI engines
  10. Nice, I've tried for 3 years in 21A with no luck, saw 2 bulls the Friday before opening Saturday, nothing 7 days after that ...hopefully next year Poachers actually shot at this one with a rifle at night right next to our tent...didn't get him but spooked him away
  11. well, obviously if you live in an area without signal makes sens not having one
  12. well, if you'd wanna go local...Excalibur are made in Kitchener
  13. when the frozen smelts were too big I was using just the tail half...worked like a charm every time ...I even used perch tail when I ran out of bait, worked as well
  14. get a compound...bow ...a lot more silent and a lot nicer feeling, crossbow is like shooting a gun
  15. Just out of curiosity, what's your reason for not having one? ...since you'd like to be able to text with your bodies, if not for anything else
  16. I also thought canoes only, no boats with any kind of motor attached...but I guess I was wrong after checking the above links "Question: While hunting from a boat, may I start shooting at waterfowl as soon as the engine has been turned off? Answer: No. Hunting may only commence once the motor has been turned off and the boat (any boat, canoe or yacht equipped with a motor) has stopped its forward progress"
  17. I shot and missed twice from 20 yards...I'm blaming my bow
  18. OMG:D heard abt this before but never believed it was true
  19. I killed one too doing 140km/h tho ...and my car was a lot worse
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