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Everything posted by iFish4real

  1. 34fow, two of us must have caught 80 nice keepers, released as many small ones, a bunch were 13+"...best ice perching so far, thank you Lake Simcoe very first one... cisco were biting too school of bait fish swimming by
  2. Caught a lot of big perch yesterday on Simcoe and most of them are full of eggs, I was wondering if they are good to eat? Thanx!
  3. oh, I would have never thought of that
  4. I was planning for Saturday Thanks!!!
  5. anybody knows if ice is still good on Simcoe after the rain? tx!!!
  6. if u want action don't go to Belwood
  7. ...sounds like you picked this from a commercial running around on youtube
  8. I have to say, I don't know much on this matter but I'll tell you what I know about this Attawapiskat place... For those of you who don't know, about 90km from the village, on their native land...there is the only diamond mine in Ontario. I had the chance to go work there for a while. Company that runs the mine is De Beers, probably richest diamont company in the world. The rocks they pull out of there ,they're saying, are the best and most expensive in the world because of clarity and quality. More then half of all workers there are natives from Attawapiskat, that was one of the deals mine had to make with them when they started digging and everybody there gets payed around $30/h or more. Another deal that the mine had to do was pumping millions of dollars from the profit into the village every year. The company I used to work for out of Timmins contracted some of the jobs in the village...first thing building companies were doing when starting a job was to fence the place so natives couldn't get in and steel everything...but they didn't even get the chance to finish the fence cause natives were steeling the fence posts and burn them, obviously easier then going to the forest and chop your own wood So, imao...with all the money that's being pumped there, if those guys live in poverty is because they chose to, and if their roofs are leaking is because they burned the shingles in their bbq's in the summer never thinking the winter will come again :D
  9. same here...never knew about any parking limit, and no signs...
  10. you definitely picked a better place then us, VB was very slow
  11. pike sizes are inversely proportional with geographical latitude
  12. went to VB yesterday, came home with 14 keepers, lots of small ones, bite was bellow average I'd say, we could see the fish through the holes kissing the minnow and swim away ...in the afternoon it died completely ice was 6-7"
  13. I'd say u start by waiting for the ice first ...we fished abt 1km off the north side of the big island, that was the only place with good ice last winter, drive there and you'll see where everybody's fishing
  14. anybody ever used those Ken's Hooks on Simcoe? wondering if it's worth buying some...
  15. haha...good one I would have named it Slyhole though
  16. anybody knows if ice is safe anywhere? forgot to mention...some place for perch fun tx!!!
  17. fishing and hunting spending never ends
  18. Can anybody recommend one of these or another? thanks, peter there you go
  19. so today is the end of the world...anybody knows what time? :P:
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