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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Just as a disclaimer I can't catch a laker to save my life. You said that you can't have 2 lines, but could you have a set line with a large minnow and another rod with a rattling bait (with no hooks) to attract fish? Just a thought.
  2. Cool! I actually looked to see what he would sell it for, he says 10k will take it, a little steep I think.
  3. Nope, I'm in the same boat
  4. LOL! Nice!
  5. Oh, you could grab some rainbow smelt from the grocery store, they are a big problem in algonquin...
  6. then drop a bag of mayonnaise on everyone for the waste
  7. Just off the top of my head, mix some water with dirt (or something similar) so it gets cloudy, then pour it through a paper towel = zebra mussel
  8. Ya, we're going to wait till friday so that we're sure that we aren't wasting gas. Thanks everyone!
  9. is it a float or a spey? Either way, again good work!
  10. Where can I send them?
  11. Awesome fish! What area was that?
  12. Can anyone who lives up there confirm?
  13. Need to know for Wednesday. Will I have a better chance at lake o rivers or bracebridge ice (back lakes), and how far north will I have to go to find solid ice? Thanks!
  14. does anyone think the ice around bracebridge/minden will be good for wed?

  15. OK, let me know when you get one over 40
  16. Pretty sure the minimum is 40...
  17. A tyee out of lake O? I want to see this!
  18. nevermind, found it
  19. same...
  20. Nice report! can't wait to see more
  21. Wan't a couple musky spinners?
  22. Sounds good!
  23. I'm looking for a 14.5" perch, a 16" brookie, a 35" pike, any muskie and a 15" crappie
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