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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Great fishing Mike! You'll get through this, let those fish keep you positive! We're all pulling for you
  2. Just bought it for my iPhone yesterday and it worked well today
  3. Would it be like a boater/non boater style? If so I'm listening...
  4. Fun day, nice to meet a bunch more people, too bad it was so slow.

    1. misfish


      Not sure what happen to my post,but great flies Chris.TY

    2. Christopheraaron


      Thanks, enjoy, and let me know how they work!

    3. dhickey


      Slow? My daughter and I were non stop perch.11inch 4 her and I dropped a monster down the hole..Awww Crapppp. Big minnows Shhhh.

  5. Ok, B. I'll tie a bunch tonight, might even throw in a couple suprises you got a phone if no one sees you?
  6. LOL, caddis sound good?
  7. I was in cozumel last year and I really regretted not having a rod. At least we got to fish ascension bay with pesca maya one day There's a lot of rocky shores on cozumel and I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could get some jack
  8. Cool, hopefully I'll find ya B
  9. Great news as always Wayne, so what's next?
  10. feels good when you fill your phone with fishing photos so much that you don't have any room left

  11. That sounds like a plan Brian, if my sonar was working
  12. Haha,I'm up for a 5k walk if it means good fishing.
  13. Cool, so who wants to teach me to catch a laker?
  14. I'll be there regardless, but are there boundaries to where you can fish? Thanks.
  15. Simcoe walleye? I'd hire that guide
  16. Michaels also has a tonne of craft fur, good for streamers.
  17. Haha, I know. I more meant how would I go about curing tails?
  18. Can you tell me how to harvest skins from roadkill, I've thought of it but I wouldn't know where to begin lol Oh, and I sent you a pm, nightsky
  19. Ya, it was kind of hidden in the very back hall.
  20. LOL, actually there was the izaak walton fly fishing club that was doing a "kids come up to tie a fly" thing. I went up and showed them all how it's done LMAO. Think I'll join the club actually.
  21. Ya, the fly guys were good. Would've been nice if they had materials though.
  22. Very nice! That must've been a great fight with panfish gear!
  23. 2 points is 2 points where I come from
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