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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Welcome to the OFNcommunity Pete! Cheers Jen
  2. I watched it come down and thought, dang, it wasn't suppose to do that... Glad you made it back in safely Sonny, sorry I couldn't get out with you tonight... Cheers Jen
  3. I have heard of this happening often, once companies are up and running... Good Luck... will keep my eyes on the paper and my fingers crossed for you! Jen
  4. Awesome report... Cheers Jen
  5. WHAT?? really? I had no idea Cliff! Jen
  6. As I was reading your report I realized, you are an optomist and not a pessimist... Lots of things happen in the everyday, it just seems that yours all waited till you went on vacation. Nothing worse than being 8 hours away from a hospital when not feeling well. Glad to see your friend dealing with it so well. Glad you caught some fish, but even happier to read that you looked at it the way you did. Well written and I have to say, I love the pictures, specially the one of the rain coming down! Cheers, Jen
  7. Sonny and I were invited by Fishmaster to go Walleye fishing last night... We left right after work as the boat would be setting out close to six. It was amazing to watch as Fishmaster and his friends set up all his equipment. -10 Rods, more worm harnesses than I could count and in more colours than a little girl would have in barrettes and hair bands... with names that I couldn't even begin to list, some glass, some plastic beads you name it and it was there. All handmade and in the greatest little carrying cases. Then there were the dipsys, jets and downriggers ...the set up seemed neverending ... however in less than an hour all lines were out and fish were being reeled in. Didn't take long for Jim to bring in the first fish This is what they called two foot waves... which I was concerned hearing about... as I am never sure about the whole sea sickness thing... The boat barely swayed once the drift socks were dropped... Was I ever amazed. Although the fact that the picnic table was bolted to the floor reassured me. All in all it was an excellent night! I sat watching and learning as Fishmaster, Steve, Jim, RJ and Sonny worked , occationally I got up to reel in a walleye...but watching and learning as much as I could about how everything works was more my interest this night...I payed attention to driving the boat, use of planner boards, setting dipsy's and how to tell there was a fish on with 10 lines running out the back of the boat. There was never a dull moment and these guys moved. p.s. anyone else see the ufo in that pic above. Double header... And then it was my turn... I have caught walleye before, on Bay of Quinte, my first actually ever... and this was different. Big rods, heavy equipment and heavy fish... Not like bringing in a salmon at all... There were 11 fish brought into the boat in a few short hours last night... and several lost. One huge cargo boat and a beautiful sunset, Once it got dark all the lines came in, which was even more work than putting them out. Thank you so much Steve for inviting me on your trial run, it was a great learning experience for both Sonny and I . You have a great group of friends... Cheers, Jen
  8. Sonny & I were invited to fish for walleye last night with Fishmaster & a group of his friends ..amazing post to to follow shortly ....
  9. Thank you so much for the Information re the Derby, this is the first time I have bought a ticket as really it is my first year seriously fishing. I had heard that information from other ppl, although I will have to say, that I called one of the weigh in stations when that fish was caught and no fish had been weighed in as of yet. On the boat it weighed 26.9 lbs, by the time we finished our day and I got it weighed it had lost 2lbs of weight. I was amazed by that... I don't cull unecessarily, and if I do keep a fish, it gets smoked or eatten that day... Not big on frozen fish... The Brown was beautiful... talk about being in awe of a fish, I will stare that picture for ages to come... Cheers, Jen
  10. Worm harnesses a 20 jet and worms that look like snakes... ( I think they get that way if you leave them in a little moister soil then they are used to.) I am kinda new at this but am learning a little...
  11. Bassmaster4, There has been a lot of talk about fish consumption from the great lakes... I was at a fish fry yesterday, with ppl who eat fish from erie all the time... and let me tell you, the almost 90 year old man there looked very healthy to me. I haven't read what the book on consumption says, but there is nothing wrong with a walleye or perch dinner ever now and again. Enjoy your day, Jen
  12. Looks like the trip is really adding a whole new perspective to your thoughts... Some amazing pictures but even more noticible is the amazing family time you are sharing. Something can be said for kids who will order food when they can not really read the menu... Thanks for the pictures... you certainly know how to share a vacation! Cheers, jen
  13. It looks like you spent the day in a very beautiful place. Going from Muskie to Bass must have been interesting... how much equipment did you guys bring? I enjoy your adventures, hear the excitment in every one of them and know the feeling that you come home with at the end of the day. Thank you for taking the time to share what you have learned and experienced. You both are amazing! How nice it is to be making so many friends! Fishnsled - how wonderful of you to share your time... Nice fish! Cheers, Jen
  14. some pictures now... still love the brown trout
  15. There are not many times that I have forgotten my camera; this was one of them... (Fishmaster and Sonny - please post pics if you have them!) The day started at 4:00am, grey, dark and very loud in my opinion ( the dang birds at that hour just wouldn't be quiet), I am not much of an early riser... actually shock my family that I wake up early, it is for one reason only... to fish. The Salmon Derby started today...and I had to fish... Live2Fish, and Fishmaster were heading out and I was fortunate enough to join them. They both have such a passion for fishing and knowledge... I can't learn enough... and boy did I learn things today! A quick list - Boating skills, tying skills, hook setting skills, use of dipsys and downriggers, how to read and use a gps, reeling techniques, how slippery a boat deck can get, how to reel in a fish when there are lots of waves, radio use and vocabulary, and what happens when you turn the boat the wrong way (Reminder to self - Don't stare at the big fish on the deck if you are suppose to be driving the boat) OH and how can I forget... lure losing techniques...(yep, that was the extent of my learning today) Once out on the water the reeling in of fish never stopped... my first three I lost, then the fourth actually came to the boat, lots of shakers and small salmon, what Bowen called "teenagers" ... several triple headers! The action for all three of us was unbelievable. My shoulders were tired from bringing in so many fish... Then after reeling for what seemed like hours I caught the most beautiful brown trout. (I was informed it took so long because the dipsy didn't trip) Never having caught one before I was in awe, the curved jaw, creamy brown of its skin, colour of its spots, not to mention it was heavy and shaped like a football. After a few pictures he went back to swim another day. Steve and Bowen both taught me a great deal about handling a boat, fish and fishing. Thank you so much for letting me tag along on your morning off. Fishmaster had a charter at three, so it was back to the dock shortly after Noon... Where I headed off to Grimsby Tackle to weigh in my big fish of the day... A learning experience all in itself! As Steve runs a Charter business he has purchased a Ticket for the Toronto Sun Salmon Derby that covers everyone on his boat... every entry gets you into a random weekly draw,( so even if the almost 24lb salmon wasn't a weekly winner it may still win you a draw prize) and if you catch a big fish 30-40 lbs you could win a boat... first fish weighed in only needed to be 20 lbs so I figured what the heck...Sonny and I needed our individual tickets to fish from his boat for the Derby anyways. On my way to Grimsby Tackle I spoke to Sonny. He was heading out on his own to fish in the afternoon on his boat ... So I invited myself along. Quickly weighed in fish, bought more tackle and tickets, a quick stop at home to pick up a fillet knife then to Sonny's...Clean fish, have a quick ice tea and back on the water by 5:30pm. The Lake wasn't as choppy as it had been in the morning but was still something to be cautious about. It took us 1/2 an hour to get to where Sonny wanted to fish and set up... the night was slow, two fish on, one in the cooler... lots of time to listen to the Marine Radio, catch up on family gossip, and enjoy the movement of the waves. Side note - Had anyone else noticed they moved the four legged monster from off of Confederation to down by Bronte??? Or know why? And what is with the big ship parked at the pier next to it??? Met a couple of fellow fishermen while out on the lake tonight... handle of "Bulldog"- Thanks for the chat and the information about where the fish were. To bad we couldn't have caught any of the big ones you were marking! Got back in at just before 10:00pm, home by 11:00 and asleep by just after 12:00am... Wow what a day - almost all of it spent out on Lake Ontario. I feel very fortunate... Thank you so much to Fishmaster, Bowen and Sonny... without them my feet would never get wet and my world of fishing would be a whole lot smaller... I can not express enough how much I appreciate them sharing their world and experience. Cheers Jen
  16. Jen


    Welcome to the OFC community English... Cheers Jen
  17. Glad to see you got out Tracy! What a beautiful Sunset and fish too... Is it not wonderful living in paradise?? Great Report Cheers Jen
  18. Your post is a good reminder to us all to be extra careful with the dry conditions as of late in the Northern regions and even here at home!
  19. Yesterday I took the boys out fishing... We were in the States and came back via the Peace Bridge so a little excursion to Lake Erie seemed fairly simple... we were so close anyways... I made a couple of phone calls to see what the weather was like... Thank goodness Fishmasters Bait and Tackle always answers the phone. After a short chat about Port Maitland, Steve made a suggestion and arrangements for me to rent a boat off Mohawk Marina in Lowbanks. The rain had stopped, and perch were biting... the kids were so excited... and of course a little scared. They are used to fishing from shore with me, unless we are on small lakes. We arrived at just past 6:00pm, after getting minnows from Fishmasters (its a rush to get ready to go fishing... ) the boat was tied to the dock ready to go. A 16ft aluminum with a 9.9hp motor... lots of room! Mike got us life jackets and then we were off to where all the other boats were. Not long after my son dropped the anchor did we start catching fish. Since I have recently filled my freezer with perch, I only allowed the boys to bring home what they themselves would clean and eat. Out of the 20+ fish that were caught these are the ones they kept to eat. Arrived home at 11:30pm, cleaned fish... Cooked fish... Fed Children at 12:33 am... ( Great dinner planning mom!) We hadn't planned on fishing so my camera was at home the whole time we were on the lake...a shame because there were some really funny moments... ie: the sheephead my youngest was reeling in that he swore would be a shark... rod tip bent right over, watching him reel backwards, line peeling out as the rod bashes against the side of the boat... but he brought it in! It was a great night... When there is no planning and you just fly off to create memories how can it not be. Thanks so much to Fishmasters Bait and Tackle for arranging everything for me with Mohawk Marina, I had no idea you could rent a boat for a couple of hours to save yourself the loss of tackle on the rocks at Port Maitland. My time with the boys quietly bouncing on the waves as I watched them jig ( I do mean jig) with a pickeral rig was awesome... Have a great weekend everyone... cheers, jen
  20. Congrats Rich! Dang you guys look radiant in those pictures... They grow fast... and eventually sleep more... you will see... Till then I suggest Cat Naps instead of cat fishing! Enjoy and cheers Jen
  21. Hey Victor, Those Lures in my car come off the side of my fishing bag as I am heading home... getting a huge collection... one of these days they will get back in the tackle box... LOL Nancy, you are right, Black and White photos always turn out so much nicer... The fires up north are always amazing... although this weekend we needed them for warmth ... I will anxiously await your next catch and report! Cliff - I guess that means I am going to have to try extra hard to make your predictions come true... (and stop using those dang preserved minnows in a bag, although they do fit nicely in my purse!) Ken - That moon was amazing! I am trying to remember to capture the beautiful moments on my camera, stay still long enough to see what is hard to see... thank you for that advice. Family time means the world to me... when I am 80 these memories will keep a smile on my face! Thanks for the replies everyone. This is an awesome community!~ Cheers, Jen
  22. It really isn't about saving... more about learning... Caution is always used, so is the digital camera to take pictures of the dis assembly along the way... this makes assembly much easier when you just can not recall where this or that went. Good luck with the repairs... let us know how it works out! Cheers, Jen
  23. If it is Old why not look up HOW TO FIX A TROLLING MOTOR online and try taking it apart yourself. Afterall how difficult can it be?? This is the approach I sometimes take, although in saying that I will have to admit to purchasing a thing or two afterwards, mostly it works out in the end and I learn something in the process. http://www.outboardrepairs.com/minn_kota/ http://www.outboardrepairs.com/topics/005616.html Just a thought... Cheers, Jen P.S Welcome to OFC
  24. Great Report Steve, Can't believe the size of the fish that are being caught... WOW Lots of work getting done on that boat, can't wait to see your first reports coming off of the charters on her! Have fun and Cheers, Jen
  25. You told that story beautifully... you have an amazing family... the memories you are making for yourself and them will last forever. Great fish too... Cheers, Jen
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