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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. will you have the space to open one big door all the way?
  2. nice fish i wasnt lucky enough to get into any at all today. tried bayfront park in hamilton and the bridge down by valley in road in hamilton/burlington. the wind was killer and the water was all muddy. gonna try and get out tomorrow too for a bit, hopefully its a little more comfortable out. ryan
  3. really? filling out some paperwork every TEN YEARS, for FREE, seems a bit painful?
  4. thanks for all the info guys
  5. its a pretty busy commercial port. alot of large ships moving around in there. check here for port authority info
  6. yeah, I understand that overspooling it will cause problems, but what about not putting on more than the 150 yrds than comes with the spool. basically im not so sure how confident I am in tying a knot to join the two I do have a spool of 12lb mono around...which is the same diameter. In looking around, people seem to use a uni to uni knot to attach two pieces of line....guess i gotta get practising. ryan
  7. cant make it, have a cottage booked on Sturgeon lake for opener.
  8. im pretty sure theres plenty of boating restrictions/regs in the toronto islands area. i believe you need a harbour license to run any boat around there. from what i've heard anyways (also heard if you're out there you'll probably be stopped)
  9. thanks guys. I think i'll use the line I have bought. as far as capacity goes, should i put on as much line as the reel can take, or is there any other general rule? the spool is 150yrds I think, but the reel would hold more than that, is that enough??
  10. I just bought myself a new baitcast setup and I have a question about what line to spool it up with. I bought the pete maina baitcast from BPS as a combo to use for pike and the very occasional musky attempts. The rod is the 7' MH rod rated for line 15-30lbs. In the manual for the reel there was a chart with line strengths/amount the spool held and it had info only for lines that were 14, 17 and 20lbs in strength. What lb test line should I be spooling this combo with? will there be problems with using a smaller diameter line? I bought a spool of 50lb powerpro that I wanted to use and its listed as being equivalent to 12lb mono. Should I use a heavier powerpro? Will it cause problems like more birdsnests or anything (I'll be picking through enough of those) Ryan
  11. Drifter, how long does the fishfinder last on the 7ah battery? ive seen a few kayak fishing sites and that seems to be the size alot of guys are using. will it last the day fishing? i assume that it would charge fully overnight?
  12. The ones ive seen on tv look pretty cheap and look to be made with cheaper hard plastic. I think by the time they get to you you could have bought a better pair somewhere locally, and have a chance to try them on to see how you like them. I tried on a few pairs at BPS before I purchased the cocoons and they were the most comfortable/less bulky ones for me personally. ryan
  13. www.jobbank.gc.ca govt of canada job bank. search by area etc good luck ryan
  14. i'll probably be around somewhere in the hamilton bay area... down by the bridge maybe has anyone fished bayfront park for pike? ryan
  15. right on, thats about what i was thinking, but i wasnt sure how well it'd work thanks guys
  16. indeed....thanks wayne i'll try and fab up something like that. gonna have to make it adjustable to some extent as i dont know the transom height on the boat we're getting. thanks again
  17. hrm, stick and clamp...probably the same sort of idea im thinking...any specifics?
  18. We've rented a cottage for the bass opener weekend on sturgeon lake and for the time we're there we'll be renting a boat from the place as well. I have a fishfinder on my 12' tinny and i was hoping to be able to bring it up with us and mount it on the rental boat so we have one for the weekend. What I am wondering is how i'll mount the transducer temporarily. I was thinking of a piece of wood that i could clamp onto the transom in some manner. does anyone have any other ideas? Ryan
  19. they do make carb cleaner sprays. any auto parts stores should carry it. just follow directions on the can
  20. I think the answer to all of your questions are in the multitude of posts that you've seen.
  21. ive heard a zoo in brantford is good as well...havent been there yet but plan on it this summer. http://www.twinvalleyzoo.com/
  22. i bought a pair of cocoons last summer. i was looking for something to wear over my glasses as well, tried on several cheaper pairs but i found the cocoons were the only ones that felt comfortable and didnt feel like they were about to fall off of my head. they're great. they are a little bulkier than normal sunglasses but nothing thats too big. my plan was to keep them for just fishing but i wear them all the time now. the arms/frame are a softer feeling rubber than most of the fitover glasses i saw and the arms are flexible and hold their shape so you can adjust the glasses to your face. i'd recommend them 100% after i got mine my father and mother both went out and got a pair...and my gf wants me to take her to get some too. i was going to get mine at bass pro but i found that lebaron had them cheaper...by about 10 bucks. when i got there they were on sale too so i got mine for just under 30 bucks i think (basspro was 44.99 at the time) hope this helps ryan just saw the post that mentioned bigger blind spots.... the cocoons have the small lens on the side by the temple area so the blindspots arent quite as big, they dont seem like you're looking down a tunnel.
  23. we sell em at our shop, dont think we'd have a marine one in stock but im sure we could order it, i could look into it if you like...pm me what you're looking for we're in burlington ryan
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