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Everything posted by Blue_Axela

  1. Our cottage is between Long Island and Bewdley... I tend to agree that the ice in Bewdley is more solid than as it can be on the lake. Its also the last section of the lake to "ice out" in April.
  2. I recently replaced all my seats in my Starcraft as well. The original seats were getting worn down. I bought these Lowe OEM seats for about $75 USD each from Ebay. Not a bad deal and they are super comfy. I've tried the seats from BassPro but after 2 years, they tend to soften up as well. In the boat...
  3. They aren't being ganged up on because they are racist. They are being ganged on because they are idiot rednecks. Relax, the whole idea of bringing everyone's boat out to Cameron Lake was just a thought. You'll be safe this weekend and the next. I'm kidding! You do have a point and its valid. The idiot didn't call anyone a chink. But it goes back to stereotyping and it doesn't only apply on the water.
  4. I'm not surprised this happened...I know how it feels like to be of asian decent and out on the lakes in a smaller boat (canoe, 12 or 14 footer). While I agree that there was no specific mention of race, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why they were singled out and preyed on. I doubt the cottager would approach the boat if they were Americans (who pretty much take out all the panfish they catch...on my lake anyways). Sad.
  5. I've heard the same as well. Currently, I use Marine Stabil in my gas all year.
  6. Nice buy. Would like to get one for my ride as well. How much (approx) for the just the pedestial seat?
  7. Good choice Stan.
  8. The Fortrex is Minn Kota's new cable steer. I don't think many people have it yet since it is new for this season. Lew, any reason why you didn't want the Terrova? Is it because you prefer cable steer?
  9. Nice boat! Are you looking to sell the Terrova? How many lbs is it and what is the shaft length?
  10. Hey RangerGuy, Could you give us a review on this motor? I'm looking to buy the exact same model for my Starcraft Starfire this year and would appreciate your input.
  11. Is there a way to run antifreeze through the livewell pumps and hoses? Is this necessary?
  12. Hi David, I was contacted via PM by Matthew. I just called him back and left a voicemail. I'm be more than happy to cooperate with the MNR. I will get in touch with Matthew this week and set up a time when you can pick up the fish. Rob.
  13. No kidding! I concur!
  14. Not about to try. But whoever wants it and is willing to drive to lake to get it, its frozen in my freezer and ready.
  15. I am not fooling around. This was fished out of Rice Lake this past weekend. I have it frozen at the cottage.
  16. Someone educate me. Are Piranhas salt or fresh water fish? I thought they were salt water fish found in the Amazon...lol.
  17. My neighbour caught this out of Rice Lake this past weekend. I have never seen a fish like this ever...she gave it to me to take pictures and contact the MNR if neccessary. It was caught with a worm. Is this just a case of someone dumping their pet fish into the lake? Or is it an invasive species? Here are some pics of it. One thing is for sure...it is ugly and has teeth...
  18. ccmt is right. Where there is a will, there is a way. Your best bet is to have it insured since you never know what's going to happen.
  19. Wow, thanks for the boat porn! Congrats on the ride. She's a beauty!
  20. Does your E-penis feel a little bigger now? I bet it does. I am not debating if you can catch bass or not. Its obvious with your "I'll do whatever it takes to catch a bass" attitude, you are able to produce fish. But I wonder how many kids you had to run over or how many landmines of hooks you had to set up on people's docks, in order to catch that bass.
  21. Your an idiot. Its probably people like you that caused the OP to start this thread in the first place.
  22. Well I finally got the Swivl-Eze static 9" pedestials and seat mounts shipped over from the US. They were purchased from Cabelas in MO.
  23. While in theory, this is probably true. The fact that you are giving the cops so much trouble about boarding your boat, they will board it and claim you are being suspicious. You can't really win with cops...
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