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Everything posted by Blue_Axela

  1. Some of the responses are brutal. The OP is out $430 and even if he was to fight the charge, he'd be out time and money away from work. Have a little compassion for him. I'll be honest, I don't carry a flashlight or my boat ownership papers on my boat. Partially because I only use my boat on the cottage lake and because I don't want to lose the ownership papers. Having said that, I made an effort to buy a marine safety kit (CTC has a sale on the kit right now that is regularly $29.99) this weekend and I was planning to photocopy my boat ownership papers after I noticed that there is a lot more MNR and OPP on the lakes now. Sorry to hear about the fine OP, but I hope that we all will learn from your experience. I know that I have. Thank you for posting this.
  2. No sign of a carp die off on Rice.
  3. Just curious, where did you fish off of? Bewdley?
  4. Dang FT! I guess your hands are tied on this one since you want the 36" model. My Starcraft is a 2001, I had no idea they were still using the 238 series in newer boats. Sadly, in 6-8 weeks...the fishing season will almost be over.
  5. Lots of idiots on Rice Lake... Honestly, take as many sunfish home as you want on Rice. There are plenty of them and I can't fish off my dock without having them go after my lure. The Americans come to Rice every year and take 200 panfish home...and he's giving you trouble about 5?
  6. Nah, thats not the type we are talking about. We are talking about the 238 series that was used in the older boats (2000 to 2004 or so). No one stocks the 238 series and you're going to pay an arm and leg to get them.
  7. I'm in the same boat...well, not literally but I also need to get the pole and the swivel mount (Swivl-eze 2 3/8") for my Starcraft. I didn't want the power pedestial and it was still going to cost me $150 each! I'm going to order them from Cabelas in the US.
  8. Try adjusting your carb at idle to smooth it out.
  9. Yes. Its a scam or an ugly divorce settlement.
  10. And yes the numbers can be changed. When I bought my used/new boat I got new numbers and removed the old ones. I like the new ones because they specify the province (i.e. "ON").
  11. The public launch in Bewdley beside B.J. Tackle is NOT free. There is a sign that says $5 that goes to help maintain the public launch. If there is no one collecting money there, please hop into B.J. Tackle to pay your launch fee. Its all based no the honour system so I have seen people launch without paying.
  12. Never had experience with the seats you listed, but the padded boat seats your buddy is talking about are pretty fool proof. The padding sure helps when you are out there at least 5 hours fishing. The more paddign the seat has, the more expensive.
  13. Wrong. Watch this video that was released by the OFAH. http://www.invadingspecies.com/Video.cfm?A...Vid&VidID=6
  14. Wow...messed up story. So many missing pieces to it tho.
  15. Stoty and I agree on something for once. Definitely go with as much power as you can afford. My uncle picked up a 50lbs Minn Kota Endura transom mount on Friday. BPS had a sale on certain models and there is a rebate from Minn Kota. At first we thought 50lbs would be too much for a 12' tin can...but boy once we got out there to test it, he was glad to have gotten 50lbs especially with two guys in the boat.
  16. I have the E.Z Steer system with my new boat. The boat isn't in the water yet so I can't say how well it works. But judging from the price of the system and reviews, its pretty decent.
  17. I'm mounting my 2 stroke Merc 9.9 directly on my transom. My Starcraft Starfire transom can handle it.
  18. The Pennzoil oil that BPS has on sale is great. I've been using it on my 115HP Evinrude (1979) since last year and its smoke free. Great stuff.
  19. The high trust kickers (Bigfoot, Yamaha T8) are nice, but like you said, you will be spending top dollar on them. That is because they come with fancy features like electric start, electric tilt/trim and some even come with the remote throttle. An alternative is just to buy a used 2 stroke 8HP or 9.9HP for trolling. Four strokes are bit a heavier so make sure your transom can bear the weight. Its nice to be able to use one fuel source for both motors but its not a huge deal to have an extra fuel tank onboard for the kicker if your boat is bigger.
  20. My apologies. He did break the law. I kept thinking he caught a walleye instead of a muskie. Must be the walleye opener this weekend. I wouldn't push anyone in the water over fish...regardless of race, colour and etc.
  21. The angler who caught that fish definitely needs some education on which species are suitable for eating. However, does anyone have proof that the muskie actually died? Or is this speculation and this thread is much to do about nothing. We have to be careful about an issue like this. The angler did not break the law, yet some people in here are already making it sound like he did. What he needs is just education, there are stupid people around all the time. Sometimes they just need to be told. Maybe he learnt his lesson and this won't happen again. However if we hear this story again with the same guy, then its time to flame him a little more.
  22. Hahaha...right on bro.
  23. You won't find any pike in Rice, but plenty of eyes. There are plenty of launches over the lake but Harwood is a good place to start. If you want another alternative, you can launch from Bewdley and troll east towards Long Island.
  24. Beautiful boat and nicely rigged as well. Could you take a few pictures from the back? I'm always interested to see how kickers are rigged and mounted to get an idea on how to set up my kicker. How are you going to be steering the kicker? Tiller handle? Is the kicker removable or did you have them deadbolt it on the transom? Makes me wanna go home and prep up my boat as well.
  25. I used to use one of the roof top bag carriers and while they are half the cost, on a day like today (when its pouring rain), they aren't very useful at all. All your gear will be wet. The other thing about them is, they get very dirty and messy quickly due to the bug juice and road dirt you'll get on them. I bit the bullet after using my bag carrier twice and bought a Thule Weekender. Never looked back and unless you drive your into an underground parking lot, they will last forever. Don't waste your money on the bag carrier, you'll end up upgrading to the box carriers anyways.
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