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bow slayer

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Everything posted by bow slayer

  1. We are leaving on a 6 day camping trip and my daughter was hoping for me to find her a common loon caller. I checked CT and they only had geese and duck callers. Is there such a thing,she thinks it would be cool to talk to the loons when we are camping. Any suggestion greatly appreciated. thanks
  2. I really need to post a report and post some pics from my Restoule vacation ,I have only been back for a month now.
  3. wow CT here in town has it in stock for 45 bucks,never thought CT would have stocked it.
  4. Looking to pick up some pepper spray in the London area. My dad has been seeing and having some close encounters with bears the last few weeks up in Lavigne area and I would like to pick him up some to carry with him. thanks
  5. never tried this year,last year had a few tough spots but could make it. Next year I hope to keep going to shoal lake,did it once about 15 years ago.
  6. Great report. Glad you enjoyed yourself. The water looks to be down at least 2 ft from when I was there in July. The little rock pile underneath the cedar tree was completely under when I was there,and there is alot more beach at the back of the site. I caught a few nice smallies using topwaters wading out from the site in the evenings.
  7. Long point is great if you don't mind crowds and idiot boaters. If your looking for a more relaxing vacation with some privacy and a smaller crowd you will have to drive a few hours north or at least northeast. Sharbot lake,Silver lake and the area north of Kingston are about 3.5 hours for you,try maybe Mikisew,Arrowhead,or Grundy to the north.Six mile is okay has good fishing,boat rentals but is very popular and has alot of traffic.
  8. well the Bills of the early 90s may have gotten their limit of dolphins,it was the cowboys,redskins and giants they could not hook. Sorry to say I still remember listening to superbowl game on the radio when Norwood went "wide right" I was so excited I almost went off the road. A dolphin's fans biggest nightmare would have been the bills cashing in on that or one of the other 3.
  9. I have been using moth balls and bounce sheets with great results also,another good option is original irish spring soap cut up on a small plate.
  10. well I am on fishing board so of course the "Fish" ,man do i miss the Marino days
  11. If the dealer is Maple City then compare prices else where,I find them to be very expensive price wise. My boat is originally from there and have been able to find accessories and parts at other dealers for alot cheaper.
  12. here maybe this could be an option http://www.livinlite.com/camper-overview.php
  13. The park has 3 docks in the park and all have docking for boats.The one at Bells point has the ramp also. All the water sites unless booked a few months ago will be occupied There is also docking and ramp on stormy.Lots of walleyes,smallies, pike,and some huge muskies. There is also lakers and whitefish. Not alot of shore fishing spots in the park but the docks will cough up some smallies (especially with live crayfish)
  14. I am in the same boat I have a 12 ft tent trailer and 16 ft boat. The way we decided to do this was both of us drive (6 hour drive for us), wife pulls the boat I pull the trailer. There is plenty of time once you get there to spend time together for the family vacation.The fuel cost is double but the option is leaving one or the other at home and wife and I have different opinions on which one gets left behind.We have been doing this for 10 years now.
  15. I still have that one it was a columbia shirt,they make some good fishing tees,I have about 10-12 of them
  16. I had this same problem myself a couple years back. I bought a 30hp evinrude short shaft but needed along. I tried to hunt down another outboard but pickings where slim for 30 hp tillers,everything seemed to be brand new or just too much coin. I thought about jack plates,but most marine shops advised me against and most suggested to cut down the transom.So with time running out before my vacation I decided to cut down the transom,actually i got General Marine in London to do it for me.Kept the boat and motor for almost 10 years after that,never had a problem,sold it about 2 years ago when I bought my new rig.
  17. I have been throwing the waste from fish in the fire for 25 years I have been going north. My dad is the one who told me. I have never had an bear come into camp whether it be in a park or back country camping. I really don't see a difference of cooking food or incinerating the scraps from fillets in a campfire,are you not to cook or store food at the site(which i think may be more pleasing to a bears nose than say some scraps burning in a bonfire) I think leaving the waste in the lake is the best option but sometimes we come in late off the water fillet the fish on cardboard and newspaper,then when done throw the waste fish and paper in the fire,although i have been known to throw one or two to a eager watching raccoon from time to time.
  18. Martin's camp, Bing will rent out outboards. Also Mill Bay Marina should have some also.
  19. we just throw them in the campfire,burn all left over food and scraps.
  20. Try Candlelight Bay,Lake Manitouwabing Tent and Trailer Park or River Lake campground all rent out boats but they might only be smaller tinnys with 9.9s. I have also rented them from the marina at the dam in Hurdville ,again I think they were mostly the smaller ones. Your best bet might be Gordon Bay marine or Georgian Bay marina in Parry Sound. Not sure if they would let you trailer the boats away thou.
  21. Yes there are bowfins,pike and some very large largemouth. I have also caught perch,crappies,carp,and a gar. The bowfins I caught were all on worms drifting down the channel,they are tough and mean and put up a great fight.The second bridge in the park closer to the burley area is another area to try.
  22. can anyone share some knowledge on Sharbot. I am looking at getting away for 4 days next week and was thinking about Sharbot. I plan on camping in the park. If someone could share some tips on sites,fishing( I am hoping to catch some pike) which baits work well there I would very thankful.
  23. should be around 400,(thats what the local guy has)but I have seen them have as many as 500
  24. check out these guys http://www.pier74.com/inventory.php?cat=fishing they did have a nice selection of bigger fishing boats. I hummed and hahwed over the 1850 Fishawk before deciding to buy a new motor for my boat. I believe he still has the 18 ft Lowe with a yammy.They are located just outside London.
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