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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. My tip isn't how to spend less money but it's how to save money. If you take a $20 bill every week, and put it in a sock or into a bank account, that's $1080 a year. Even if you can only do half that, so a $20 every paycheque, that's $540 a year. For me, since I only work seasonally, this is how I get through Christmas. Having that extra $1080 gets me through the holidays and keeps my credit cards completely free. For those of you with expendable income, it's perfect to treat yourself to a trip or new fishing gear.
  2. Yep. It's far better to come in 9th or 10th in the conference, miss the playoffs and have the 14th draft pick rather then the 3rd or 4th. Leafs proved that for years. Glad Ottawa is playing catch up..... Again.
  3. See, I thought that too, but DynamicBear and Chris K clean up when I'm not there. One lake we were one, I had to go for a pee off the ice just to get the fish to start hitting. I changed my city when I moved out there. Was debating changing it when I moved back but hopefully it throws off people who prowel the forums just looking for lakes and hot spots without contributing. That being said, when I lived out there, I'd still fly back once or twice a year to go ice fishing. Thanks Chad. I keep having to regrow it because I shave it for job interviews. Hopefully soon my 'playoff beard' will be able to grow massive. This is true! This trip was a total bust!!!
  4. People have such a skewed version of reality. I remember I was on a date with a girl once who told me that if I hunted or kept the fish this date wasn't going to work out. She said this as she took a bite into her factory farmed hamburger. The girl I'm with now encourages me to keep fish and wants me to get into hunting. She actually won't let us buy meat unless she knows it was farmed ethicly.
  5. Locnar, Denis McGee would karate chop you if he heard you question the power of the caddis. I think it's the only fly he ever ties.
  6. So, as mentioned in the topic about the lack of fish reports, I don't write a lot of them because I don't tend to catch a lot of fish when I go out. The is especially true during the winter where, I read reports, I do research, I buy tons of lures and go to spots where there should be fish, and there are no fish. Now, the entire winter hasn't been a bust. There have been some great trips, like the Crappie New years eve with Nick...... wait...... that sounds wrong....... the Crappie time I had with....... no, not much better. Anyways...... Or getting into a pile of perch with DynamicBear on Simcoe but those reports were already posted. Or there have been those times where I went to those lakes that I didn't actually go to with those people I didn't actually go with and catch those fish I didn't actually catch *wink* don't worry. They don't suspect a thing. But for me, a report has to be something different. A new lake, A new species of fish, something worth sitting down and writing about. So, back on topic. I honestly prefer ice fishing with buddies. It breaks up the slow parts of the day, stories are shared, games are played and even if there are no fish, it doesn't feel like a waste of a day, but a few times out of the year I just have to get out there on my own. There is something just so tranquil and peaceful about having an entire lake to yourself, not seeing another person the entire day. The target today was a splake lake a little ways up North. I knew where the fish were, I had info and maps and tips and tricks...... and no fish to show for it. The biggest problem I have noticed this year is that, with the warm December and the pile of snow we got in January, a lot of lakes have become a slushy, mushy mess with 6 inches of slush topped off with an extra 6 inches of snow. Anyone who walks on this for more then 100 meters will tell you, it can seem like a death march. So I knew where the fish were, but it was exhausting getting out of the bay I lunched at. Forget a 2.5km walk down a desolate lake with gear. So after fishing said lake in local bays, marking fish that clearly had no interest in my offering and feeling bewildered, I decided to head back towards the city. Looking at my watch and seeing it was only Noon, I wasn't done yet. I had to try somewhere else. For those of you still reading who haven't fallen asleep due to the lack of fish porn (told you I didn't catch many fish) I have a love, hate relationship with lady Simcoe. Anytime I want to introduce someone to ice fishing, I take them for perch and they always have a blast, I almost always do as well. But I keep seeing reports of people pulling monster Lake Trout, Whitefish and perch out of her with which I have had no success. I was only out for about 3 hours at a spot I had wanted to try for some time now but I was finally able to nab some fish. (I wish the story of catching the fish was better, but it was pretty standard. They hit, I reel, I sigh of relief and cry into the snow for a few minutes). The OPP came around asking about Limits and licences. Good to see more enforcement for that kinda stuff. The best part is, after they figure out you have everything in order, they are the nicest guys in the world, talking about good lakes and spots, huts and gear..... I just wish they hadn't asked for my licence as I marked a massive laker picking off a school of herring underneath me. Ah well. I'll get that one another day. Now excuse me while I try to find out how to pickle a herring.
  7. My actual list: Sturgeon under my buddies dock. Whitefish (it wasn't until recently) Any trout on the fly Gar Paddlefish Blue Marlin (tops the list)
  8. I already gave mine her valentines day present. A set of 3 throwing knives she had wanted for a while. I love that woman.
  9. It's the perfect day for fishing. Just hope the fish agree.

  10. My bucket list is to get DynamicBear so drunk that I can convince him that his bucket list was to noodle for Barracuda.
  11. I girl I used to go to school with only uses that and swears by it. She says it outfishes everything.
  12. Just wait until I challenge everyone to use their mentioned lure as their only artificial bait for one full year of fishing.
  13. Very nice. Great day to be out on the ice.
  14. I was going to ask Chris K this on our next long drive to our ice fishing destination but figured I would let everyone chime in. If you were told you were only allowed to use one artificial fishing bait, in one colour (you can use different sizes) what would it be? For me, I would have to go with a crayfish coloured crank bait. For years, my top brand would be the Rebel one that swims backwords but as of recent I think I would take the Live target one in dark brown. It means I would have to ice fish with only minnows and a hook from now on, but the number of Bass, Walleye and Pike I land off of that crank over the summer make up for it. How about you guys? No loopholes, just one artificial bait, one colour, one brand.
  15. Darcy Tucker on Tim and Sid mentioned today he was a loose can on until he landed on the leafs. He said character guys like Sundin, Roberts, Newendyk, Corson straightened him out real fast. Leafs haven't had a SINGLE player like that since the first lockout. No wonder the inmates run the asylum.
  16. Huzz, just about anything works but I was having most of my success with buckshot tipped with a minnow. The perch love that rattle.
  17. I am not sure if they have them for Samsung but my life proof case has saved my iPhone a few times. I've dropped the phone in the lake, dropped gym weights on it, left it in a snow bank. The case is destroyed but the phone is still mint.
  18. I first came to this forum about 4 years ago because I had no idea what I was doing for ice fishing. I had a $10 ice combo and a $40 crappy tire auger and if I caught 3 perch in a day I was doing really well. Between awesome advice on the forums and meeting people in person who were willing to show me fishing techniques I STILL CATCH NO FISH BUT HAVE SPENT $5000+ ON GEAR!!! THANKS A LOT!!! All kidding aside, the reports are great on here but it's the info and the people. It's also in asking the right questions. You can't see a report and say 'what lake was that? What were your GPS co-ordinates?' But you can say 'how deep were you fishing?' 'What were they biting on?' It's like back at school. If the teacher gives you the answer, you may pass the test but you will never comprehend. The reports are nice but it's the people and the information that has been invaluable to me.
  19. I don't know how you guys do it. We got a lot of 5 and 6. I've never seen a 10+ come out of cooks.
  20. Sadly no real deals. Was looking for a new reel for a sweet rod I just bought. $85 Sahara, $75 Pfluger president and $40 Abu cardinal. But it's ok because they will pay the tax. Pft. I remember only a few years ago when I got a Sahara on for $49. Nothing worth spending my money on.
  21. I'd throw the book at em. I'd be so angry that they didn't post signs or talk to nearby property owners. There is a certian responsibility with hunting, fishing, trapping etc and they clearly avoided it. It may be an 'honest mistake'. But you have a level of responsibility when you are doing anything that could cause harm to people or property. I'm so glad no one or your dog were seriously hurt.
  22. Geez those are some awesome fish. I'm not waiting for June yet, still have some cold water species to hit, but I love seeing a report like that.
  23. I agree with this too. I have to put my pics on my phone, then upload them to photobucket, then hyperlink them in my post.
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