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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. There have been times I've been happy fishing with a stick and 7 feet of line. Expensive gear is nice but not needed.
  2. There is a consolation prize. Boston gets to enjoy the playoffs from the comfort of the golf course.
  3. Baby better come back, maybe next week, cuz you see I'm on a losin streak.

    1. grizzlybri


      another great song

    2. Terry


      I can't get no satisfaction

  4. I know it's only 4 games but man do the Jays ever look good. Castro gets me so excited. Every pitch he throws is hard and has unpredictable movement. I'm not planning the parade route but I'm looking forward to watching a lot of baseball this year.
  5. I had a big thought on that. I'm worried because I think if I'm Edmonton I bluff that I'm picking Strome, and why wouldn't they? If I'm Toronto I try to make a deal with Edmonton to swap picks after the order is determined. If Toronto can make a deal to get Edmontons pick and keep theirs I go for broke with that. Try to offer a defensive package maybe? I dunno. Also Edmonton has pittsburghs pick. They could get McDavid and Strome. That would be horrible.
  6. Potentially 5 Canadian teams in the post season. Wow. I'll be watching the West intently. Lots of good series.
  7. Haha. I don't. My sister and I made a pact we'd both buy one this spring. She loved shooting the bow at the range. I showed her carp bow hunting and she imediatly started pricing out combos.
  8. But what if McDavid is the next Crosby and Pittsburgh just turned back the clock 10 years?
  9. So interesting thought, let's say you are the leafs, or any team for that matter. You win the draft lottery and pick McDavid. Then Pittsburgh approaches you and says 'Crosby for McDavid' 1 for 1. Do you do the trade?
  10. Haha I was just talking to my mom about this. My biggest concern would be TTP. The spots I can think of on Duffins creek, I rarely see anyone. Its on the side marshes.
  11. Anyone know if ice is off frenchmans bay? If I don't wet a line soon I'm going to go mad.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Thanks. Perch, maybe some bullhead, bluegills.

    3. moxie


      We drove down there Saturday. The channel under Liverpool Rd was open out to the lake but there was still quite a bit of ice from shore outward in the Bay itself.

    4. Acountdeleted


      Thanks Moxie. I want to do some recon but its a long drive just to potentially turn around.

  12. Wow. I hate to say it but that was a comeback. Geez, it's going to take almost 100 points to make the playoffs this year.
  13. Figured out the provincal park thing today. I always thought it was April 4th that bookings began, I think that may have been federal. Sadly the restricted sites were the only 'first come first serve' sites left. Got a site on Sturgeon Bay in Point Au Barrel. I remember the fishing beging good there. If I'm within my legal right, people can call cops on me, video tape me, raise a fuss. It's the same thing as when Chris and I were ice fishing and the police imposed their authority. If I still get in trouble and I'm following the letter of the law, why bother having laws at all?
  14. The fat lady is warming up in Ottawa. Maybe they should have put her in net.
  15. I'm just having some fun here. I'll put together a lil vid this summer of 'Jer getting bit by various species of fish'. Truth be told I'm getting antsy waiting for the foothy buggers.
  16. Challenge accepted. My moater Lake Trout bit me this summer. http://www.outdoorlife.com/articles/fishing/2007/09/50-fishing-facts Fish fact #11
  17. Who cares if walleye bite you? The teeth are round and don't really hurt. Pike on the other hand..... EYOWCH! How to catch pike: find edge of weed bed, troll edge of weedbed with white spinner bait. Set hook. Wash rinse and repeat.
  18. Thanks guys. I'm thinking of a few marshes in the Humber, and Duffins creek for now fishing. Really, if a person of authority asks me to stop, I will. Just if Mr. Or Ms. Social Justice worker comes by I would like to know my rights before I tell them to take a hike. Don't know how I would nab whitefish on a bow but man would that be cool.
  19. Thanks Dave. It's odd, it's a few provincial parks that can't be booked on the long weekend. The Pinery and Sauble beach are also 'restricted'. I'll give em a call tomorrow and see what's going on. Great news about Grenadier. I know for the past 5 years I have heard this group or the other trying to shut it down for good. Seems a shame.
  20. Hey guys. A bunch of random questions that have been haunting my sleep this weekend. I figured I would ask all of em in one thread and see if I could get some help. Did the law preventing fishing in Grenadier pond ever pass? I went for a run there and the ice is out but I know they were looking to make it a no fish zone. Anyone know why certian provincial parks can't be booked for the August long weekend? The girlfriend and I were looking at booking at Aerowana but there were 'restrictions' but it didn't say what they were. I'll call on Tuesday but I figure someone here may know. Are there any restrictions on bow fishing? I told my sister I know a few good marshes around the Humber but my dad thinks we are going to get arrested. I'm not going to be firing off arrows in a public park but I figure if it's a ways out of public areas we are good. That's all I can think of now. I'll probably ask more as I remember what they were.
  21. The pics are just amazing. Beautiful last trip out.
  22. Muskymatt. Welcome........... To the 18 wheeler. It's just about off the cliff now.
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