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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. 2 solid runs of 60-70 yards, a couple short ones and 5 or so minutes later, he was netted. Same hot lure... A solid 20+ lbs of fun!
  2. Made the decision to not get my bird stamp this year and concentrate on bowhunting whitetails. You guys are killing me.
  3. Sportspal.
  4. Holy jumping Salmon pics! Very cool.
  5. Congratulations on the PB.
  6. Nice report. What a nice pike! Your pictures are awesome. What kind of camera were you using?
  7. That looks like a musky TJ...
  8. Valid point Rich. Have fun addy79. Once you catch some this way, you might wish to try other methods. Until then, enjoy and don't ever let go of your rod! Salmon are brutally fast when it comes to yanking rods into the water and out of site.
  9. I have had lots of luck with them. Bass, pike, pickeral, perch... I even landed (cradled) a friends 48+ inch musky that went after his. Stick with 'em. Like others have said, they aren't always the hot bait, but they definitely have their days.
  10. Well, I have been down to the mouth of a lake Ontario trib 3 times in the past week... I finally hooked and landed a salmon tonight at 11:30. I have about $3000 worth of tackle and found them to only be fond of one lure: It's the same one that was hot last year. I was out last Thursday and tried several lures before switching to the 3/4 ounce green glow cleo with no bites. After 2 or 3 casts, I got bit off. I fished last night from 9-12:30 and got a few hits but no fish landed. Fish were jumping everywhere, but nobody was catching. Tonight, I went down about 10:30 pm. A guy caught one bottom fishing and there was quite an ordeal landing his fish with the small net that he had. THe guys eventually used two nets as the hooks were caught in the first net... I hooked my fish about 10 minutes later. After about a 5 minutte tussle, I brought it close and christened my new net. Thank you to the guy who landed it and took the pic! Without futher ado, here she is: A 13-15 lb female full of eggs that I gave to a guy on his way home (after 4+ hours of no action). More reports to follow...
  11. Did you try Bronte Outdoors? I bought a nice net there for pier fishing last week. Or you could call Angling Specialties in Mississauga...
  12. Now I have seen it all!!!! Bat porn - ROTFLMAO! That is one very nice bass! Well done.
  13. Nice report and pictures! Your rig looks like it was meant for sturgeon...
  14. Slow night last night at Bronte, too. Had one hit in 3 hours of fishing and it bit me off! Oh, and I caught the guy's line beside me twice. Some people don't understand the concept of fishing in front of where they are standing...
  15. Buy some polarized fishing glasses and wear them all the time when fishing. You don't need expensive ones, but you definitely need some (unless you already wear glasses). They will help you see fish and structure under water and will protect your eyes from flying lures and/or debris.
  16. Sorry Mike (hiccup), I don't know what I was thinking...
  17. Exactly... As soon as I get back from vacation I will be hitting them regularly. I just need to get a long-handled net.
  18. Hmmm I have an etrex legend C....
  19. The Bronte fish are partial to chicken wing remnants from the firehall. I suggest going for some wings and a bevvie at the Firehall, then going down to the pier. You are probably laughing, but it has worked in the past...
  20. My arms are still recovering from the battle that fish put up! LOL I was very disappointed in Guelph lake. Perhaps it was the cold front or turnover, but we tried slow, natural and small presentations and still didn't get any action. I doubt that I will ever go back, even though it is a nice lake.
  21. If you only have one battery and need it to start your 40 hp, then I wouldn't use it on my trolling motor in fear of draining too much out and not being able to start my motor with the key... You can always manually start your motor, but they get pretty tough to pull when you get up to 40 hp.
  22. Bang on.
  23. Nubbins for everyone!
  24. Would taking the job decrease the amount of time I have to surf OFC during the day?
  25. My friend and I are planning to hit Belwood this Saturday. Has anyone been there lately? I tried searching, but the latest mention was the pike derby at the end of May. Feel free to PM me if you want to keep things private. I am wondering whether I should put the cartopper in by the dam and fish the south end or put it in at the north end and fish up there...? Any hot baits for the lake? Any help is appreciated.
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