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Everything posted by RobHall

  1. Nice one.
  2. With the Sens up 3-0 ....that's going to be tough to do. 4 straight? Not going to happen. The Sabres are dead and will take on the Choker label in about 2 days. Go Sens Go!!! It's gonna be a blast to see a SC game. wooooohhooooooooo!!!!
  3. what a difference a day makes. Much better load times. Thanks a bunch for fixing it. FOTB
  4. Congrats on the Salmon. I just did another update to the board. Pretty impressive....171" for Team 5. In 1st place by a bit. Enjoy it, because it won't last. FOTB
  5. There is a 30" minimum on Pike, to be able to submit it to OFAH for the 2 bonus inches. That doesnt mean you can't submit a pike entry to the tournament that is under 30". I'm sure all these under 30" entries will disappear quickly anyways. FOTB
  6. The Sens had "Roasted Penquin" in the 1st round, but that didnt fill them up. In the 2nd round, still hungry they devoured a huge serving of "Deviled Eggs", but that didnt fill them up either. In the 3rd round they will dine on "Buffalo Wings", but of course that won't fill them up either. In the Cup Final....the Sens will fill up on "Roasted Duck" and then and only then, will the Sens feel they have had enough to eat. When you are really hungry....nothing will get in your way. As far as the Red Wings go....Their wings will be clipped by the Ducks, as they go down in 6. FOTB
  7. Thanks Cliff. I'm have fun doing it. Now if only i could add one of my own entries to the board. I can't wait until next weekend. I'll be doing a little FOTB
  8. Standings Update after Lakair.... Team 3 added some inches and remains in the lead with 220". Good job team 3. Team 5 added some inches as well. They are 1 inch off the lead and remain in 2nd place with 219". Team 9 remains in 3rd place with 196", Team 6 added more inches and remains in 4th place with 185.5". Team 1 added some inches and moved up to 5th place with 147". All other teams are approximately 90 & 130" off the lead. Last place honors still goes to Team 8 with 90.5". Still lots of time though. Keep those inches coming. I'm sure the lead will change many times over the course of the next few months. I have added a "2007 OFC Big Fish Board" that lists the biggest entry for each fish category. I've also included a row that shows the average fish length for each team. Notice Team 9 in the lead there. 1. Team 3 "Fin-Chasers": 8x fish for 220" (6 bonus inches) 2. Team 5 "Up Scalers": 8x fish for 219" (4 bonus inches) 3. Team 9 "Anglers Anonymous": 7x fish for 196" (10 bonus inches) 4. Team 6 "Fishing Frenzy" 7x fish for 185.5" (8 bonus inches) 5. Team 1 "One of a Kind": 7x fish for 147" (6 bonus inches) 6. Team 4 "Livin' 4 fishin'": 5x fish for 129.5" (6 bonus inches) 7. Team 2 "2nd 2 None": 5x fish for 125.5" 8. Team 7 "Biteme": 5x fish for 125" 9. Team 10 "Toothy Critters": 4x fish for 105.5" 10.Team 8 "B8masters": 4x fish for 90.5" Here is a link to the updated 2007 OFC Tournament Leader Board. If you have an entry that is not listed on the board. It's because i could not find it in your Team forum. Contact your team captain, if you have an entry not posted. If all else fails, send me the entry (with the ofncommunity.com sign) and i will add it to the board. Please let me know if there are any mistakes and i will fix it up asap. Cheers, FOTB
  9. Nice one ehg. I just finished adding ricksters 24" NGL Trout and now your 29.5" Pike. This puts team 9 at 144.75". A few more inches and both would have gualified for the bonus inches. FOTB
  10. No problem carp-starter.
  11. I enjoy reading all the reports posted by OFC members, but it's reports like this that i truly enjoy. Father and Daughter fishing adventures are priceless. Thanks for sharing. FOTB
  12. I don't expect too many folks on this board to be cheering for the Sens in the ECF. But I think there are a few OFC members here, who are Sens fans. I have changed my avatar for this series and will change it to the one below, if the Sens lose to the Sabres. FOTB
  13. Those are nice carp. Congrats Bly and Cliff. I will be updating the OFC Fishing leader board shortly. Those 35 inches, plus 2 bonus inches, will look real good added to Team 9's total. FOTB
  14. Just a heads up for those who live in eastern ontario. Golden Lake's walleye opener is May 19th and it's looking good to catch a decent eye or two. There will be a 50-cm (20 inch) minimum size limit in place. I'm going to look into heading up for the opener, even if it's just for the day. Ottawa Sun article In case anyone is interested, here is a map. FOTB
  15. Here's my package from Extreme Angler. My blog entry says it all. A big thanks to Extreme Angler, Karl, TJ and OFC. FOTB
  16. 31? holy ....this is tragic news. It's got to be the worse rampage mass killing ever. My heart goes out to the families of those killed in this horrific act. FOTB
  17. Thanks for the link bly. Add me to the list of those that BELIEVE FOTB
  18. In Ottawa...whatever we got today (3-5 cm) is now all gone due to the rain. Looks like rain on Sunday, with a high of 8. FOTB
  19. WOW...what a nice surprise. Thanks again TJ. Thanks also goes to Karl for the 2007 Extreme Angler Annual Magazine as well as the other cool stuff. FOTB
  20. Thanks Cliff, I had to use cut n paste, as i have 10 thumbs when it comes to typing. FOTB
  21. Thanks TJ. Now i can stop hitting the refresh button. PM on it's way. FOTB
  22. Jen!! Have a good one!!! FOTB
  23. Interstate Batteries, St Croix and Solar Bat..had them written down to...
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